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Rehman Malik Reply to Cynthia D Richie's Allegations

Roll the dice and lets see who is telling the truth and clear your name once for all and no wishy washy words or slogans. Nation is tired of the circus.
What a disoriented POS this guy is, I couldn't understand what the hell he was actually trying to communicate. Aida Lain (fill in the blank) da waqat langh gaya ay, hoon aida dain (fill in the blank) da waqat ay.
Rehman Malik has nothing to offer any more.

He did all the damage he could when he was interior minister.

What damage? I just don't understand this part; why is he being bashed? He is one incompetent and corrupt person; at least that's the perception is and was made. The question is, was there any evidence against him? if so, was he prosecuted? If not; then we all shall take a deep breath and let go of the "narrative" because he being not prosecuted means that there were more involved, across the board. You don't touch me, i don't touch you sort of scenario. And here we keep discussing and bashing for what?
Rehman Malik has nothing to offer any more.

He did all the damage he could when he was interior minister.

Did you listened to Firdous Shamim Naqvi on Hamid Mir's Show today about this issue?
I choose not to listen to that degenerate, lying traitor called Hamid Mir.

You do know that he encouraged terrorists to kill Colonel Imam after his kidnapping, don't you?

How is pointing out the obvious, that Rehman Malik has nothing to offer any more, a 'gaali'?

Would you like to explain what exactly Rehman Malik can offer to the Army?
I choose not to listen to that degenerate, lying traitor called Hamid Mir.

You do know that he encouraged terrorists to kill Colonel Imam after his kidnapping, don't you?

How is pointing out the obvious, that Rehman Malik has nothing to offer any more, a 'gaali'?

Would you like to explain what exactly Rehman Malik can offer to the Army?
I am talking about Firdous Naqvi's views.

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