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Ramadan in Pakistan

Pakistan's special foods for holy Ramadan

Pakistan's special foods for holy Ramadan

Like other Muslim countries of the world, Ramadan in Pakistan is coming and people along with fasting and prayers also prepare special foods during the holy month.

During this period, Muslims keep fast and abstain from food, drink, and other certain activities during daylight hours.

In Pakistan, almost everybody stops to rejoice for a few minutes, following the iftar and azan, the call to prayer and the time to break the day long fasts.

Preparations for iftar commence hours before at roadside stalls. As the iftar time draws near, the evening is lit up with stalls selling savory treats, mostly traditional Pakistani foods, especially prepared in the month of Ramadan.

In Pakistan iftar or the fast break is usually heavy, consisting mainly of traditional samosas, pakora and namak para, besides the dates and water. Other items such as roasted meat, chicken rolls, Shami Kebabs, and fruit salads are also very common.

Pakora is a fried snack, it is a popular snack across the subcontinent, especially in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. If there is no pakora in iftari time, then it is not a complete iftari.

Samosa is a fried or baked dish with a savory filling, such as spiced potatoes, onions, peas, lentils, macaroni, noodles, cheese, minced lamb or minced beef.

Fruit salad is another dish prepared for Iftari. It consists of various kinds of fruit, sometimes served in a liquid, either in their own juices or syrup.

Dahi Bara is a popular snack in Pakistan. It is prepared by soaking Baras (fried flour balls) in thick yogurt. A combination of coriander and other spices are often used as garnish.

Chana chaat or Chick pea salad is one of most-common iftar things in Pakistani culture. It also consists of potatoes, coriander and other spices.

Other important foods for Iftar in Pakistan are Kachori and jalebi.

For sehri times khajla and pheni are prepared. Eaten with milk at the start of fast on sehri, both khajla and pheni are considered to give extra energy while being light on digestion.

During the month, special and traditional drinks are also prepared. They can be sweet or salty.

There are many other dishes which are prepared in different parts of Pakistan and vary from area to area.
We will have first day of Ramazan here in USA..

Too much intake of fat and sugar........................
I just did keto and went from 81.8 to 76kg.
Right now I am 78.

Plan for Ramadan is
Sahoor.... lots of water, 2 boiled eggs and tea

Intar... 3 dates, small glass of milk and slice of melon.
Meal small amount of chicken or fish and lots of steamed or fried veg ( greens and cauliflower etc). No rice no pasta and no potatoes or roti

By A. Jafri
, 21

As we enter the blessed month of Ramazan, this week You! shares a few health benefits of fasting and some dos and don’ts to look out for…



Fasting is an important part of many religious traditions. The Holy month of Ramazan is celebrated with a lot of zeal and esteem all over the world. Pakistan is no different when it comes to celebrating this glorious month. The whole atmosphere is filled with an essence of this blessed occasion. As we enter this blessed month, this week You! shares the health benefits of fasting and some do’s and don’t to look out for…

Benefits of fasting

If fasting is done in a healthy manner, there is enough evidence to suggest that it has a positive effect on your health. Apart from the spiritual benefits of a fast, there are physiological effects of fasting as well. It includes lowering of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol, and lowering of the systolic blood pressure. In fact, Ramazan fasting could be an ideal recommendation for the treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity, and essential hypertension. However, if you are diabetic, it is best to follow the medical recommendation of your doctor.

The psychological effects of fasting include peace and tranquillity. This improvement could be related to better stabilisation of blood glucose while fasting; hypoglycemia after eating can aggravate behaviour changes. There is a spiritual beneficial effect of extra prayer at night. This not only helps with better utilisation of food, but also helps in energy output. Moreover, your mental wellbeing and spiritual focus encourages brain-boosting powers. A study carried out by scientists in the USA found that the mental focus achieved during Ramazan increases the level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which causes the body to produce more brain cells, thus improving brain function.

Finally, if we were to compare the recent trends of fad diets with Ramazan fasting, there is a significant difference in the two. One of the main problems with extreme fad diets is that any weight lost is often quickly put back on, sometimes even with a little extra. This isn’t the case in Ramazan. The reduction in food consumed throughout fasting causes your stomach to gradually shrink, meaning you’ll need to eat less food to feel full.

So, if you want to get into the habit of healthy eating then this is a great time to start. When the month finishes, your appetite will be lower than it was before, and you’ll be far less likely to overindulge with your eating.


The Dos & Don’ts

Stay hydrated: Dehydration can cause undesirable side effects on people with chronic diseases such as constipation, headache, dizziness, tiredness and dry skin. Try drinking fluid several times throughout the night, even if you aren't feeling too thirsty – thirst is a signal that your body is already dehydrated.

Avoid foods with high salt and spices: It may be tempting to gobble down a plate of pakoras or delicious spicy cuisine for dinner but it’s best to be mindful of what you eat. Eating meals high in salt and hot spices may increase thirst and the body’s need for water; therefore, eating such foods are also not recommended at sehri as they may cause extreme thirst during fasting.

Eat fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and water: Some vegetables such as iceberg lettuce and fruits like watermelon known for their high content of water are recommended as a rich source of liquids, which will help with the thirst during the day. Moreover, break your fast with dates as breaking your fast with dates helps prevent overeating since dates provide instant energy and make you feel full.

Avoid caffeine and high-calorie drinks: Ideally, you should also cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and colas as these have a diuretic effect and promotes fluid loss. Choose fluids that don’t contain caffeine.

Eat fibre-rich food: Try incorporating foods from all the major food groups including fruit and vegetables, rice and meat. Consuming fibre-rich foods (like oatmeal, whole grains, chickpeas) during this month is also ideal as they are digested slower than processed foods so you feel full longer.

Don’t skip your sehri: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and so is your sehri. Do not miss it otherwise you’ll feel dehydrated and tired during the day. Furthermore, skipping sehri also encourages overeating during iftar, which can cause unhealthy weight gain.

Keep moving: Though fasting can be physically exhausting, try not to be completely sedentary. If you typically work out during the morning, try switching to the evening after breaking your fast.

Don’t be over efficient: Fasting can usually be accomplished safely, but if you have any health conditions – including pregnancy, breast-feeding, or diabetes or another illness - it’s best to refer to religious scriptures and your doctor to determine if you still need to fast or you’re able to fast without harm. With long fasting hours and intense heat of the summer, there is a high chance of dehydration, especially in people with diabetes, hypertension, blood pressure etc.

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