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Featured Putin: Russia-China Military Alliance Can't Be Ruled Out

Modi has become Dhobi Ka Kutta Na Ghar Ka Na Ghat Ka

Russia has dumped him and once Biden wins, US would dump him too.
There is a mutual pact between India and Russia, that both will not use military against each other. If India is joining Quad, it not against Russia and Russia understand it. Russian and China corporation can't be against India bcz it doesn't make any sense for Russia. Russia and India relation is very deep and older than Russia-China relation. Both can't dump each other.
@LeGenD plz change the title and make it real.
There are fast changing new realities, new alignments and interests, one can't really rely on history much, i believe preface of next 100 years would be history, is being written now, So wakeup.
European countries have long passed that stage and reason thy formed a military alliance and even a united union like the E.U. China and Russia are different since both countries are very different and thus cant form such an alliance or union easily. for one they are very much different in almost everything one can think of. Moreover, Russia still harbours suspicions about China over its far east, since Russia sees that China who has always been a junior to Russia is now Rising very fast and Russia know that it wasn't until recently that they finally settled their border issue with China, even though vast amount of land was illegally seized and annexed from China by Russia. For example even ROC(Taiwan) still doesn't recognises Russia's illegal occupation and annexation of most of these territories. CCP was only able to calmly negotiate and make some concessions with Russia without creating an uprising or outraged among the Chinese public simply because the CCP is a one party state that controls almost everything in China and controls every information the Chinese public receives. Imagine China was a democracy like Taiwan, then such a situation would never have been possible and Russia knows it.
Moreover, the fact that Russia's far east is very sparsely populated by Russians makes Russia wary that a rising China can one day slowly encroached and slowly carved that area out back from Russia(just like Russia did against China in the past when China grew weak only this time its the opposite). There are many reasons Russia will always be wary deep down about China giving that Russia is a prideful country and always sees itself as a great power, to see one of its neighbours rising above it will obviously bring some sort of apprehension. To put things into perspective, if the West decides to lower its pressure on Russia and bring Russia in its fold, then Russia wont think twice and ditch China. Russia is only a little bit closer to China today because they have no choice whatsoever and because the West has pushed them away(despite this they still don't want to form a military alliance with china, else they would have done so long ago. So yes both countries will keep trading and Russia will keep selling arms to China and even making joint ventures with China. However both sides will not form a military alliance.
I agree China and Russia forming a miltary alliance is no easy. I don't think US making Russia to be on its side is easy either. 1) What rewards Russia will get from US? By admiting Crimea part of Russia? Or Withdrawing troops from eastern European countries? Either is a big betrayal to its allies. 2) Will Russia buy US promise? Which is another serious problem. Russia distrusts US 10 times more than China. Russia was cheated by US very miserably in 1990's.
Dont want your libraries.. Putin tells modi. :lol:
The headline speaks for itself
"Putin: Russia-China military alliance can’t be ruled out "

It looks more like a bargaining chip

A formal alliance between Russia and China will drive Europe into arms of USA
Why would China want that ?

EU will continue trade with China regardless of what China does with Russia because they cannot find another supplier. Even Germany does business with Russia.
Putin announced this even as Indian defence secretary was in Russia begging Putin to fast track military equipment.

Russia was angry that India was joining the Quad.

All indications are that Putin is cancelling the yearly summit with India. :chilli:

Amid border tensions with China, Defence Secretary Ajay Kumar leaves for Moscow ahead of India-US meeting
Times Now Digital
Updated Oct 19, 2020 | 09:30 IST

According to the sources, the Defence Secretary's Russia visit is to sort out the minor irritants in various ongoing defence-related projects.

Defence Secretary | Photo Credit: PTI
New Delhi: Ahead of two-plus-two dialogue between India and the United States, Secretary of Defence Ajay Kumar on Monday left for Moscow to ensure the progress of new projects. According to the sources, the visit is to sort out the minor irritants in various ongoing projects.
About 60 to 70 per cent of the weapons the armed forces use is Russian. India still uses a lot of Russian weapons, including fighter aircraft like the Sukhoi-30, the MiG-29 and transport planes like the Il-76, Kilo-class conventional and Akula class nuclear submarines and the T-72 and T-90 tanks and BMP infantry combat vehicles.
Considering the border tensions with China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, they require huge amounts of spares and the possibility of easy access to them and also, their manufacture in India may be discussed, reports Times Now's Srinjoy Chowdhury.

Amid LAC standoff, 8th round of India-China talks this week, 1st since change of command at HQ 14 Corps
EAM Jaishankar and Chinese FM Wang Yi meet in Moscow amid fierce India-China border standoff near Ladakh
Russian President Vladimir Putin expected to visit India for bilateral summit in October, says MEA

Indian and Chinese armies have been locked in a bitter standoff in multiple locations in eastern Ladakh since mid-May. Both countries have since stepped up monitoring of their largely unsettled 3,488 km (2,167 miles) border.
It is to be noted Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit New Delhi later this year. The visit initially planned for mid-September has been delayed due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
India, US ready to sign BECA
India and the United States are ready to sign the BECA or Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geospatial Cooperation, the final "strategic" agreement that will lead to closer ties between the armed forces of the two countries.
An announcement will be made during the two-plus-two meeting on 26-27 October in New Delhi. Already the two countries have activated all the three foundational agreements with both using each other’s designated military facilities for refuelling and replenishment.
During the two-plus-two, US deputy secretary of state Stephen Beigun and US defence secretary Mark Esper will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi as well as his National Security Advisor Ajit Doval.

Russia-China-Pakistan-North Korea-Turkiye-Iran are forming the anti US alliance.

india russia will keep fighting terrorists .
Putin: Russia-China Military Alliance Can't Be Ruled Out
Russian President Vladimir Putin says there is no need for a Russia-China military alliance now but the idea of a future one can’t be ruled out.

By Associated Press, Wire Service Content Oct. 22, 2020, at 3:15 p.m.



MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday there is no need for a Russia-China military alliance now, but noted it could be forged in the future.

Putin's statement signaled deepening ties between Moscow and Beijing amid growing tensions in their relations with the United States. The Russian leader also made a strong call for extending the last remaining arms control pact between Moscow and Washington.

Asked during a video conference with international foreign policy experts Thursday whether a military union between Moscow and Beijing was possible, Putin replied that “we don't need it, but, theoretically, it’s quite possible to imagine it.”

Russia and China have hailed their “strategic partnership,” but so far rejected any talk about the possibility of their forming a military alliance.

Putin pointed to the war games that the armed forces of China and Russia held as a signal of the countries' burgeoning military cooperation.

Putin also noted that Russia has shared sensitive military technologies that helped significantly boost China's military potential, but didn’t mention any specifics, saying the information was sensitive.

“Without any doubt, our cooperation with China is bolstering the defense capability of China's army," he said, adding that the future could see even closer military ties between the two countries.

“The time will show how it will develop,” the Russian president said, adding that “we won't exclude it.”

Russia has sought to develop stronger ties with China as its relations with the West sank to post-Cold War lows over Moscow's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea, accusations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and other rifts.

Putin on Thursday emphasized the importance of extending the New START treaty that expires in February, Russia's last arms control pact with the United States.

Earlier this week, the United States and Russia signaled their readiness to accept compromises to salvage the New START treaty just two weeks ahead of the U.S. presidential election in which President Donald Trump faces a strong challenge from former Vice President Joe Biden, whose campaign has accused Trump of being soft on Russia.

New START was signed in 2010 by then-U.S. President Barack Obama and then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The pact limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bombers, and envisages sweeping on-site inspections to verify compliance.

Russia had offered to extend the pact without any conditions, while the Trump administration initially insisted that it could only be renewed if China agreed to join. China has refused to consider the idea. The U.S. recently modified its stance and proposed a one-year extension of the treaty, but said it must be coupled with the imposition of a broader cap on nuclear warheads.

The Kremlin initially resisted Washington's demand, but its position shifted this week with the Russian Foreign Ministry stating that Moscow can accept a freeze on warheads if the U.S. agrees to put forward no additional demands.

Putin didn't address the issue of the freeze on warheads, but he emphasized the importance of salvaging New START.

“The question is whether to keep the existing treaty as it is, begin a detailed discussion and try to reach a compromise in a year or lose that treaty altogether, leaving ourselves, Russia and the United States, along with the rest of the world, without any agreement restricting an arms race,” he said. “I believe the second option is much worse.”

At the same time, he added that Russia “wasn’t clinging to the treaty” and will ensure its security without it. He pointed at Russia's perceived edge in hypersonic weapons and indicated a readiness to include them in a future pact.

“If our partners decide that they don’t need it, well, so be it, we can’t stop them,” he said. “Russia’s security will not be hurt, particularly because we have the most advanced weapons systems."

Despite indications earlier this week that Russia and the U.S. were inching closer to a deal on New START, the top Russian negotiator said that “dramatic” differences still remain and strongly warned Washington against making new demands.

Sergei Ryabkov cautioned the U.S. against pressing its demand for more intrusive control verification measures like those that existed in the 1990s and aren’t envisaged by the New START. The diplomat argued that new control mechanisms could be discussed as part of a future deal, saying firmly that Russia will not accept the demand that amounts to “legitimate espionage.”

“If it doesn't suit the U.S. for some reason, then there will be no deal,” Ryabkov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.

the devil is in the details.. and in the trust-levels..
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The headline speaks for itself
"Putin: Russia-China military alliance can’t be ruled out "

It looks more like a bargaining chip

A formal alliance between Russia and China will drive Europe into arms of USA
Why would China want that ?
India is double timing Russia and US and Russia isn't happy. Divorce is more likely unless India changes it's whorific ways.
So after Russia announced alliance with China poster himself is assuming Russia will stop total supplies to India and loose billions of dollars business..... India is toasted..... very good analysis...... go back to sleep now.....
Even nursery going kids are smarter than you....
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