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Proposed plans to Raise 2 new Corps in South Pakistan (Opinion)

clear Yemen for SA.. then you can raise new corps. Plus, guard Yemen-Saudia border. Ask Saudia to bear the burden. Help them, if they want to be less dependent on the US. @MastanKhan
China is expanding. China doesn't only need Baluuchistan secured but also middle east. Convince Iran to stop supporting Houtis.
Saudi Arabian $$$ have been instrumental in capturing the mosques and madrassahs in Pakistan since 80’s which led to spread of wahabism and extremism inside Pakistan - a price that Pakistanis are paying today. The mullahs on Saudi payroll have created extremists out of young minds of Pakistanis studying in madrassah for religious education.

Pakistan has been damaged more than enough by Saudi money in last 40 years. The sectarian violence of Sunni Shia conflict cannot continue in Pakistan by making a battlefield inside Pakistan so Pakistanis get divided and start clashing with each other.
Army has given FC it’s officers from major to Major Gens since FC officers lack the experience. Then Army gives training, artillery and tanks to FC.

What is MOI doing for upgrading FC ?
PA officers are in FC since times unknown FC has no officer corps of itself,though FC recruits some people in intel role but they don’t exercise any power.
FC falls under MoI due to it being classified as a para military force for border guarding.MoI has no say in it’s operational affairs,it just allocates budget and maintains a dedicated department for carrying out disciplinary proceedings against enlisted FC personal when required.
Saying that minister or sec MoI has any say in FC affairs is blatant lie.
Pakistan is failing in COIN ops is simply due the fact that our COIN policy is ad hoc and intel apparatus is outdated.
Saudi Arabian $$$ have been instrumental in capturing the mosques and madrassahs in Pakistan since 80’s which led to spread of wahabism and extremism inside Pakistan - a price that Pakistanis are paying today. The mullahs on Saudi payroll have created extremists out of young minds of Pakistanis studying in madrassah for religious education.

Pakistan has been damaged more than enough by Saudi money in last 40 years. The sectarian violence of Sunni Shia conflict cannot continue in Pakistan by making a battlefield inside Pakistan so Pakistanis get divided and start clashing with each other.
Unfortunately, uncontrolled money flow has caused us much damage. FATF was somewhat blessing in this regard.
Anyway, I am talking about govt level cooperation. If our Mullah are here for sale, anybody can buy it. For sure, Saudis would want Wahabinism, Irani shiaism, US democracy, Indians proxies, etc.
it just allocates budget and maintains a dedicated department for carrying out disciplinary proceedings against enlisted FC personal when required.
Budget includes acquisition for FC ?

Saying that minister or sec MoI has any say in FC affairs is blatant lie.
IG FC sent the helicopters back ?

Unfortunately, uncontrolled money flow has caused us much damage. FATF was somewhat blessing in this regard.
Anyway, I am talking about govt level cooperation. If our Mullah are here for sale, anybody can buy it. For sure, Saudis would want Wahabinism, Irani shiaism, US democracy, Indians proxies, etc.
Usa had interest in Pakistani forces for Afghanistan ops so PA, PAF, PN and FC got modernised. China has interest in CPEC belt so LIDs were raised.

KSA will start raising its own interests and conditions.

In simple words, USA and China give weapons to military. KSA arms the mullahs and finances madrassahs.
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Even better, fence all the borders, mine them, use high tech gadgets. whatever it takes to seal them completely. Stop terrorists, smugglers, and all other unwanted criminal scum from entering Pakistan.

Our defense always begins in our cities and towns and not at our borders. Nothing is changing......more security patrols (sitting ducks) in Toyota pickups, thus more canon fodder for terrorist IEDs. Somebody please wake up the neutrals to this reality. Stop meddling in politics and concentrate on your primary mission, no no not DHA plots, but something called security?
Raise a new border protection force, FC and Rangers get retooled as provincial paramilitaries.
In simple words, USA and China give weapons to military. KSA arms the mullahs and finances madrassahs.
Yes, but we can stop it. I mean the US funded aurat march, other NGOs, some news group owners, etc. Plus, it gives refuge to all absconders. Iranis also armed/funded their sympathiseres, KSA their own. UK and south africa gave refuge to MQM. Heck, PMLN took money from bin Laden.

Point is, we allowed it. Anyway, if we need to raise more units/corps, etc then the best way is to raise it for SA. If not used for atatck, it can create buffer between SA and Yemen, and carry special mission to take out strategic weapons, especially small drones. Perhaps, Pak EW unist can get experience in active situation on Saudi's money. 🥳

Ask Saudia to fund it. We need secured middle east for our overseas Pakistanis. Imagine if Iraq was as developed as rest. It could host similar # of Pakistanis workers. Anyway, we need safe SA for CPEC and economical oil. Also, China needs to realise that to be a super power, it needs to flex economical might plus military presence. If not military action, then at least domiante enemy cybre space. Warn the enemy who is the boss and it can hit. RAW is openly attacking Chinese.

Overall, I beleive that we need to increase force multiplication than numbers, otherwise.
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Even better, fence all the borders, mine them, use high tech gadgets. whatever it takes to seal them completely. Stop terrorists, smugglers, and all other unwanted criminal scum from entering Pakistan.

Our defense always begins in our cities and towns and not at our borders. Nothing is changing......more security patrols (sitting ducks) in Toyota pickups, thus more canon fodder for terrorist IEDs. Somebody please wake up the neutrals to this reality. Stop meddling in politics and concentrate on your primary mission, no no not DHA plots, but something called security?

Couldn't have put it better myself.
The source of trouble is in Afghanistan, and until such time that is not cured we will suffer.

Raising a corps or two, is not the solution, it is only increase in expense.
Until such time we change the way we do things, adding resources won't make a different.
don't even need to raise new units. instead of cutting them just transfer existing ones into the new corps. you can have both modernization & 2 new corps.
clear Yemen for SA.. then you can raise new corps. Plus, guard Yemen-Saudia border. Ask Saudia to bear the burden. Help them, if they want to be less dependent on the US. @MastanKhan
China is expanding. China doesn't only need Baluuchistan secured but also middle east. Convince Iran to stop supporting Houtis.


Thanks for the comment.

Staying out of yemen crisis was a blunder by the pak military, the consequence of which are becoming very obvious now.

The decision by Gen Raheel was tantamou to to 'treason' as it is so obvious now.
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Thanks for the comment.

Staying out of yemen crisis was a bkunder by the pak military, the consequence of which are becoming very obvious now.

The decision by Gen Raheel was tantamou to to 'treason' as it is so obvious now.
Blunder, ok.. but treason ... !! Anyway, we can agree it was a bad decision. We couldn't have vanquished but cd hv reached a better stalemate. At least, the attack on refineries and holy sites, cd be prevented. On the otehr hand, it is the best time to re-offer.

Any guess, like 67 and 73, Pak military is active but secretly?. To be effective, it shd be a large number.
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Your army is already large enough. Why would you need more corps ? Instead you should invest that money in modernising your forces like we are doing right now . Both IA and PA should take hints from the modernisation of PLAGF post 2015 reforms . Organise corps into brigade level combined arms battle groups to maximise efficiency and reducing mobilisation times . IA has already tested IBG concept and implemented it in various field exercises like the recent Dakshin Shakti exercise held in december 2021 . Does PA have a similar concept ?

Thanks for the comment.

Staying out of yemen crisis was a bkunder by the pak military, the consequence of which are becoming very obvious now.

The decision by Gen Raheel was tantamou to to 'treason' as it is so obvious now.
That was certainly a Good decision.. Pakistan should stay away from Saudi Iran Cold War...
Budget includes acquisition for FC ?

IG FC sent the helicopters back ?

Usa had interest in Pakistani forces for Afghanistan ops so PA, PAF, PN and FC got modernised. China has interest in CPEC belt so LIDs were raised.

KSA will start raising its own interests and conditions.

In simple words, USA and China give weapons to military. KSA arms the mullahs and finances madrassahs.

How can we get rid of the KSA influence?
How can we get rid of the KSA influence?
By leading our allies instead of being led by them. Iran is next door, and very insecure of KSA influence in Pakistan. Both KSA and Iran want to make a battlefield for their war inside Pakistan.

The issue with your plan is that Pakistan has no objectives to achieve in the desert. Instead of throwing 6 divisions in the desert, they could be more useful in Kashmir which is the main issue of every war since 1947. You could have proposed to make FCNA a corps HQ. Defending the desert is easier, the strategic value of desert is very less even if Indian Army ventures into it. Nasr missile was also made keeping this proposition in mind to be used inside Pakistan turf.

The nuclear umbrella didnt prevent Feb 2019, so Bhutto thought of saving grace after fall of Dhaka to eat grass but make nuclear weapons since it was PPP who didnt want to give the seat to East Pakistan. If East Pakistan was with us right now, then an atom bomb was authentic since Pakistan would have used it had Indian forces entered East Pakistan in a war and Dhaka was going to fall. Now the nuclear weapons save Pakistan from being cut into half from Sindh or AJK.

My post about combat aviation brigade is related to current circumstances but its helpful in future conflicts too and Pakistan lacks such a formation. Baluchistan is massive and ground forces are being attacked especially when posts are remotely scattered. A QRF of helicopter formations is needed to be able to reach the incident of affected zone with in minutes to provide fire power, reinforcements and medical evac to hospitals.

Outside Pakistan, the main issue is movement from Afghanistan which is interfering in Pakistan. Putting boots on the ground inside Afghanistan through a ground force is out of the question. An air mobile force backed by PAF can conduct missions and reach back with in no time after mission is completed. Pakistan doesnt need to capture territory in Afghanistan, just targets, their handlers, their safe havens need to be taken out. Fly in, conduct mission, fly out.

Turkey doesn't depend upon any other country to complete its military objectives. Pakistan on the other hand starts looking towards China or KSA or USA for weapons, support and funding. This has to stop. Kashmir issue and the Baluchistan COIN war is not KSA's headache. For money, how many and which conditions of KSA will Pakistan satisfy ? There is already another country with billions of investment sitting inside Pakistan - China. Then Afghanistan and Iran backed by India want their influence exerted through malicious channels. India doesn't want Pakistan to breathe either way.

Pakistan must work with China and nobody else, to first secure Baluchistan from Indian, Afghanistani and Iranian interference.
How can we get rid of the KSA influence?


By ruling them---. You had the chance and you failed to take charge and control.

But why would you want to get rid of KSA influence---. We are an 80% sunni muslim nation---where else would the influence come from?

That was certainly a Good decision.. Pakistan should stay away from Saudi Iran Cold War...


Just like the Pak military stayed neutral in this crisis---!!!
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