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Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

@Signalian As I mentioned before unfortunately I could not apply for this years long course. I registered in nust as secondary option. I can not find any registration dates for TCC at joinpakistanarmy. I need to know if it is ok to lose a year and apply for L/C while in university and whether issb is held only once a year or there is a chance in Oct/Nov.
One more thing is commission as ICTO a good path. I understand it is a different role than fighting. I want to know is it a good career as I have heard officers with supporting roles are considered less prestigious and do not get as much opportunities to promote.
By blessings of Allah I am really good in academics but not as much gifted physically(average). I have studied in cadet college for two years and know the basics of drill, assault course, punishment etc. What do you advise. The thing I am trying to ask is should I waste a year and consider L/C next year or give up the dream of Fighting arms and consider supporting arms? Is it worth wasting a year to get into fighting arms?
I hope you understand what I am trying to convey.

2 L/C's per year, one every 6 month. so try for L/C also if you want to join fighting arm.

I dont know much about ICTO.

Regarding tech arms, it has its perks too. you will see combat as well as maybe sent abroad for Ms, PHD too. Since tech arms are small in formations, unlike fighting arms so promotion at higher levels is very competitive as positions are less.
2 L/C's per year, one every 6 month. so try for L/C also if you want to join fighting arm.

I dont know much about ICTO.

Regarding tech arms, it has its perks too. you will see combat as well as maybe sent abroad for Ms, PHD too. Since tech arms are small in formations, unlike fighting arms so promotion at higher levels is very competitive as positions are less.

It is good to hear.
I will definitely try for L/C.

I was wondering does Pakistan army have some digital surveillance apparatus like NSA because as time pase digital space will open new type of warfare. In my point of view military leadership should definitely pay special attention in this regard. As battlefront evolves it can become more lethal than conventional war. Recent debacle of USA election meddling and fear of cyber attacks on uk infrastructure after assassination of former Russian spy should ring some bells.

Few more questions , the tech arms that you are talking about, are talking about the specialists in units who maintain the communications networks , databases , admin tasks or the people in defence industries such as nescom(people in research and development of arms). Do the personnel working in military industries get the same facilities as fighting arms i.e welfare program , residence and medical etc.
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It is good to hear.
I will definitely try for L/C.

I was wondering does Pakistan army have some digital surveillance apparatus like NSA because as time pase digital space will open new type of warfare. In my point of view military leadership should definitely pay special attention in this regard. As battlefront evolves it can become more lethal than conventional war. Recent debacle of USA election meddling and fear of cyber attacks on uk infrastructure after assassination of former Russian spy should ring some bells.

Few more questions , the tech arms that you are talking about, are talking about the specialists in units who maintain the communications networks , databases , admin tasks or the people in defence industries such as nescom(people in research and development of arms). Do the personnel working in military industries get the same facilities as fighting arms i.e welfare program , residence and medical etc.

Signals Corps has a lot of surveillance eqpt.

Military industries is different from Army fighting and supporting arms. The supporting arms get same facilities as fighting arms.
Mr Agent,
Can you please tell me the stages of initial and other medical defects on which a candidate may be disqualified?
what do you want to ask
Can u tell that how long will osgood schlatter disease take to heal . I am 16. And if it doesnt then can i pass the medical tests without being noticed bcz for the diagnosis of this disease a knee x ray is required but in medical no x ray except the chest one is done
Dear sir i want to know that they recomended dns operation and temprary unfit for one week is it compulsory if other are fit then it will be fit also.
Question concerning the Preliminary and Final Medical Exam for the Army should be asked here. Feel free to ask any question.

Note: Mazay lainay wala hazrat will be dealt with severly.

Here's what goes around:

Initial Medical

1) Minimum Height - 5 feet 4 inches

2) Wieght - As per BMI (Body Mass Index) Chart. It is available over the net, check it out as per you age, height and build.

3)Eyesight - 6/6 with glasses.

4) Should not be color blind

5) No apparant phisical defect.

6) Yes you would have to go naked. Primarily to check that you have not grown breats or something to the effect. A guy would also inspect your gentials with his hands (though not every time) espacially the testicles.

Final Medical (after clearance of ISSB)

1) All the above mentioned checks would be redone.

2) Chest X-ray

3) Blood picture

4) Urine test

5) A visit to ENT specialist - He will 'look into' your ears for ear drum damage etc.

6) A visit to Surgical and Medical specialist.

7) Yep, you would have to go naked again. This time you will also be required to do things like bending over, showing our behind to the doc and coughing.

Any further questions, feel free to ask.
Naked the front of surgical specilist or any other.
Dear sir i want to know that they recomended dns operation and temprary unfit for one week is it compulsory if other are fit then it will be fit also.


Can you tell me this is your initial or final medical exam?
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