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Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

Aoa, i have a question. I have osgood schlatter disease and it would remain till my growth. I m 16 years old. My question is that can i be medically fit and also how would they know this disease bcz there is no knee x ray in preliminary or final medical.
hi @Xeric, @Signalian having seen many of your past post I think you are the best person to answer my queries.
I want to join Pakistan army but I am a little confused. Unfortunately I missed the deadline of registration for 143 L/C. I am currently studying in A levels 2nd year and have applied in NUST and will hopefully get admission in BSCS.
My DoB is 9 Feb 2000.
Please advise me should I apply for L/c next year. By next year I will be about 19.5 years old at time of admission, will that affect my career progression?
I am also considering DSSC as ICTO. Which one do you recommend and why.
I also want to know
hi @Xeric, @Signalian having seen many of your past post I think you are the best person to answer my queries.
I want to join Pakistan army but I am a little confused. Unfortunately I missed the deadline of registration for 143 L/C. I am currently studying in A levels 2nd year and have applied in NUST and will hopefully get admission in BSCS.
My DoB is 9 Feb 2000.
Please advise me should I apply for L/c next year. By next year I will be about 19.5 years old at time of admission, will that affect my career progression?
I am also considering DSSC as ICTO. Which one do you recommend and why.
I also want to know
what do you really want to do ? ask yourself first.

L/C or TCC (NUST) or DSSC?
what do you really want to do ? ask yourself first.

L/C or TCC (NUST) or DSSC?
Thats the problem. I can not find out how to apply as TCC. I have applied as regular student in NUST but have included Military colleges in preferences. I want your advice regarding is it fine to apply for L/C as by then hopefully I will be studying in NUST and doing so will waste one year. Is it OK to apply for L/C at age above 19 or should I try after BS
Thats the problem. I can not find out how to apply as TCC. I have applied as regular student in NUST but have included Military colleges in preferences. I want your advice regarding is it fine to apply for L/C as by then hopefully I will be studying in NUST and doing so will waste one year. Is it OK to apply for L/C at age above 19 or should I try after BS
I think the dates of tcc 30 have already passed
Thats the problem. I can not find out how to apply as TCC. I have applied as regular student in NUST but have included Military colleges in preferences. I want your advice regarding is it fine to apply for L/C as by then hopefully I will be studying in NUST and doing so will waste one year. Is it OK to apply for L/C at age above 19 or should I try after BS
Never wait when applying for L/C, the sooner the better, always.
Check Army recruitment Center how to apply in TCC as a technical cadet in Signals, EME, Engineers etc. You will be studying with civilian Nust students anyway.

you are applying in L/C to join fighting arm? you are not making your aim clear, is it civilian engineering or an army officer (technical or fighting) ?

Can a person with red/green colorblindness join the Infantry ?
need fast reply Thanks !!!!

i just want to increase 6 cm chest in 13 days
Primary exercise: Dumbel Fly excercise to expand chest and ribcage. start with machine and go to free weight like dumbel then.

Secondary exercise:
1.Bench press with barbell. straight/incline/recline
2.Bench press with dumbell. straight/incline/recline

Exercise with out equipment:
Wide push-ups with hands stretched out from under shoulders and on the sides, palms on ground, as wide as possible.

Better consult an army doctor in nearest army doctor in CMH.

My opinion is no. But I'd still consult the army doctor.
1. Some weapons have colour codes. Same for multi-coloured flags, coloured smoke etc
2. Detecting camouflage colours.
3. Parachute packing requires colour identification
@Signalian As I mentioned before unfortunately I could not apply for this years long course. I registered in nust as secondary option. I can not find any registration dates for TCC at joinpakistanarmy. I need to know if it is ok to lose a year and apply for L/C while in university and whether issb is held only once a year or there is a chance in Oct/Nov.
One more thing is commission as ICTO a good path. I understand it is a different role than fighting. I want to know is it a good career as I have heard officers with supporting roles are considered less prestigious and do not get as much opportunities to promote.
By blessings of Allah I am really good in academics but not as much gifted physically(average). I have studied in cadet college for two years and know the basics of drill, assault course, punishment etc. What do you advise. The thing I am trying to ask is should I waste a year and consider L/C next year or give up the dream of Fighting arms and consider supporting arms? Is it worth wasting a year to get into fighting arms?
I hope you understand what I am trying to convey.
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