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Pakistani Colonial Hangover & Lack of Self Confidence


Mar 15, 2023
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Why is it whenever any group of Pakistanis decide to “go there own way”, they are lambasted and attacked?

If we want an independent foreign policy, the beggars of PMLN start crying.

I, along many other educators, have been pressing the issue of Pakistan protecting languages in Pakistan and ensuring that education is done in languages than can benefit children. It’s already been proven that primary education in mother tongue helps students later down the line in life since they actually LEARN and don’t memorize.

This is a huge problem in Pakistan. The quality of education is poor because the majority of students come from non-Urdu speaking homes. Primary education should be ideally done in mother tongues with transition to Urdu in secondary and beyond.

When I suggested that Pakistan to emphasize more on protecting languages and ensuring education is done in languages that can benefit society as a whole (and not a select few elityas) this is the reply I got.

Note, he uses his privilege as the excuse why everything in Pakistan is just fine!

You morons---. The pioneer pak nuc scientists did not grow on mother tongue base education---.

My uncle---one of the pioneers of pak nuc program---came from a family of illiterates---neither could his father read or write nor could his mother---either punjabi or urdu.

Yet he left 8 nuclear reactors design for Georgia tech in the late 60's---.

Dr Qadeer fluent in english & dutch---. Dr Munir, Bashir Mahood----and all other scientists of that time---fluent in english and possibly in french or german as well.

Wing Cmndr Jan Mahmood our pioneer sabre F86 pilot---at the time of delivery of the first batch of f-86 sabres in the USA spun the americans arpund with his flying provess---fluent in english.

The f-16 pilots in training at Hill AFB and other US locations---completed in 6 months what Israeli and Korean pilots taking 2 years to complete---why---better english.

They were not taught in their mother tongues---.

The children of all the pakistani judges---politicians---generals---all educated in english---only for one reason---to be ahead of the others---.

Teaching in mother tongue is a fraud and deceptive---.
It is only done for those races & ethnic groups who are INFERIOR in MENTAL CAPACITIES---.

Pakistani community either be Blauch---sindhi---punjabi or pashtun has no diminished mental capacities either for them or for their children---.

We are a very sharp people---this mother tongue learning is to keep us down and backwards---and you fools fall for it---.

In the USA---white / chinese / rich people have governesses for their children teaching them spanish---french---german---chinese as a supplemental language right from babies---.

Patrents will speak with them in english---governesses will speak with them in their language---.

@Neelo ----my child you have no clue how vicious this world is towards pakistan---the only muslim nuc state---. The world will try to decimate the pakistani infrastructure at all costs---and it will do it thru people like you---

Somebody actually wrote this reply to me.

What is wrong with our people?

This guy actually wrote:

The children of all the pakistani judges---politicians---generals---all educated in english---only for one reason---to be ahead of the others---.

Where are we in the world kotay?
Why is it whenever any group of Pakistanis decide to “go there own way”, they are lambasted and attacked?

If we want an independent foreign policy, the beggars of PMLN start crying.

I, along many other educators, have been pressing the issue of Pakistan protecting languages in Pakistan and ensuring that education is done in languages than can benefit children. It’s already been proven that primary education in mother tongue helps students later down the line in life since they actually LEARN and don’t memorize.

This is a huge problem in Pakistan. The quality of education is poor because the majority of students come from non-Urdu speaking homes. Primary education should be ideally done in mother tongues with transition to Urdu in secondary and beyond.

When I suggested that Pakistan to emphasize more on protecting languages and ensuring education is done in languages that can benefit society as a whole (and not a select few elityas) this is the reply I got.

Note, he uses his privilege as the excuse why everything in Pakistan is just fine!

Somebody actually wrote this reply to me.

What is wrong with our people?

This guy actually wrote:

The children of all the pakistani judges---politicians---generals---all educated in english---only for one reason---to be ahead of the others---.

Where are we in the world kotay?

germans, japanese the scandinavian, chinese, turks all teach in their own language and have made huge progress. but if you look at english taught countries except anglo saxons not much progress like africa, india, pakistan. Another thing is countries in Indian subcontinent imitate the educational subjects from the west which if you carefully study you will realize it does not give students any real skills or criticall thinking but to follow orders like a military soldier plus they teach subjects with false info or censored or watered down.
for example they do not teach life skills. David rockfeller changed the american education system from critical thinkers, classical education etc to factory worker education.
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germans, japanese the scandinavian, chinese, turks all teach in their own language and have made huge progress. but if you look at english taught countries except anglo saxons not much progress like africa, india, pakistan.

I literally said this and he dismisses it.

He’s actually proud about the fact that Pakistani F16 pilots finished a course in 6 months because “they knew English”. While the Isrealis and South Koreans took two years.

And when it came time for the English speaking F16 pilots to do their jobs, they sat quietly in their bases and watched American drones murder Pakistanis and allowed them into Abbottabad.

Look at pictures of Seoul and Tel Aviv and compare it to Karachi or Lahore.

I have no clue what these people think of themselves?
Why is it whenever any group of Pakistanis decide to “go there own way”, they are lambasted and attacked?

If we want an independent foreign policy, the beggars of PMLN start crying.

I, along many other educators, have been pressing the issue of Pakistan protecting languages in Pakistan and ensuring that education is done in languages than can benefit children. It’s already been proven that primary education in mother tongue helps students later down the line in life since they actually LEARN and don’t memorize.

This is a huge problem in Pakistan. The quality of education is poor because the majority of students come from non-Urdu speaking homes. Primary education should be ideally done in mother tongues with transition to Urdu in secondary and beyond.

When I suggested that Pakistan to emphasize more on protecting languages and ensuring education is done in languages that can benefit society as a whole (and not a select few elityas) this is the reply I got.

Note, he uses his privilege as the excuse why everything in Pakistan is just fine!

Somebody actually wrote this reply to me.

What is wrong with our people?

This guy actually wrote:

The children of all the pakistani judges---politicians---generals---all educated in english---only for one reason---to be ahead of the others---.

Where are we in the world kotay?

germans, japanese the scandinavian, chinese, turks all teach in their own language and have made huge progress. but if you look at english taught countries except anglo saxons not much progress like africa, india, pakistan.
I literally said this and he dismisses it.

He’s actually proud about the fact that Pakistani F16 pilots finished a course in 6 months because “they knew English”. While the Isrealis and South Koreans took two years.

And when it came time for the English speaking F16 pilots to do their jobs, they sat quietly in their bases and watched American drones murder Pakistanis and allowed them into Abbottabad.

Look at pictures of Seoul and Tel Aviv and compare it to Karachi or Lahore.

I have no clue what these people think of themselves?
you see our leaders are stuck to the dollar superiority therefore consider western to be superior. but these dumb bas trds dont understand you will not progress because the western language will divide the population from those who speak it to those who do not understand this language. it divides the population. you will have a di ck head speaking english thinking he better than a urdu speaker.
look at germans back under hitler how much progress they made with inventions all because hitler supported german language taught in schools etc plus they taught their own subjects not copying west uk or usa and they were far ahead. japan also does this and they are far ahead.
Who wrote that reply to you?

Also if I'm being brutally honest a large portion of Pakistanis suffer from Pajeet syndrome and low IQ. In all honesty Pakistan needs a eugenics program and harsher social regimentation.

Pajeet syndrome is thinking whatever the white man says and does is inherently superior and has more value, instead of thinking logically and critically about what works in our region and in our situation, their inferiority makes them want to copy the white man.

A nation that has no pride or confidence in itself, and looks for validation externally is destined to be colonised and used. Mental independence isn't the same as physical independence.
Who wrote that reply to you?

Some clown named @MastanKhan

Also if I'm being brutally honest a large portion of Pakistanis suffer from Pajeet syndrome and low IQ. In all honesty Pakistan needs a eugenics program and harsher social regimentation.

Pajeet syndrome is thinking whatever the white man says and does is inherently superior and has more value, instead of thinking logically and critically about what works in our region and in our situation, their inferiority makes them want to copy the white man.

A nation that has no pride or confidence in itself, and looks for validation externally is destined to be colonised and used. Mental independence isn't the same as physical independence.

100% agreed with this.

What I don’t understand is why they get so offended.

I think it’s because we make them realize they can’t read, speak or write English properly, read, speak or write Urdu properly and have no idea how to read, speak or write their mother tongues.

I’ve had this happen many times….and you can see the realization set it after I address the issue.

And rather than say “yea you’re right it’s embarassing“ they attack ME and say NO YOU’RE WRONG….

Some clown named @MastanKhan

100% agreed with this.

What I don’t understand is why they get so offended.

I think it’s because we make them realize they can’t read, speak or write English properly, read, speak or write Urdu properly and have no idea how to read, speak or write their mother tongues.

I’ve had this happen many times….and you can see the realization set it after I address the issue.

And rather than say “yea you’re right it’s embarassing“ they attack ME and say NO YOU’RE WRONG….

From the writing style, I did assume it was Mastan but wasn't certain.

In all fairness, I think it's less of an inferiority complex but more of this thing where Pakistanis feel like they need to justify everything the army does as a master plan believing they don't make any mistakes and there's some secret benefit.
Who wrote that reply to you?

Also if I'm being brutally honest a large portion of Pakistanis suffer from Pajeet syndrome and low IQ. In all honesty Pakistan needs a eugenics program and harsher social regimentation.

Pajeet syndrome is thinking whatever the white man says and does is inherently superior and has more value, instead of thinking logically and critically about what works in our region and in our situation, their inferiority makes them want to copy the white man.

A nation that has no pride or confidence in itself, and looks for validation externally is destined to be colonised and used. Mental independence isn't the same as physical independence.
i believe in wat i call a positive eugenics instead of sterilizing the weak ones you encourage breeding with the strong ones, so you out grow the weaker population. strongest with the strongest and most intelligent with most intelligent males paired with females.
i believe in wat i call a positive eugenics instead of sterilizing the weak ones you encourage breeding with the strong ones, so you out grow the weaker population. strongest with the strongest and most intelligent with most intelligent males paired with females.
Yes, I lean towards that too, but I think people with certain traits should be paid to get sterilised...

Pair this with a strong martial social regimentation and teaching people why pride in oneself and nation matters, in a few generations you will see grassroot changes that will be noticeable at a national level.
Yes, I lean towards that too, but I think people with certain traits should be paid to get sterilised...
i dont really want to dictate who can and who cant have children. but instead to filter out the best with the best. this way i am not taking away any rights. of course those who agree to breed will be rewarded.

What's funny is i always see liberalised Punjabis shitting on Mirpuri or wider Paharis, for supposedly being "backwards" and in reality all the "backwardsness" really is, is them being confident and prideful in their culture and refusing to have an inferiority complex towards others and being less liberal.

Obviously I don't want to start a race war but just an observation.

i dont really want to dictate who can and who cant have children. but instead to filter out the best with the best. this way i am not taking away any rights. of course those who agree to breed will be rewarded.
Well this is why I said encourage them by paying them to get sterilised and explain why, not force them. (Which wouldn't work in our society much because people value children a lot)

There isn't enough time because the world is shifting, right-wing groups are growing. You need to speed up the process as much as possible.

What's funny is i always see liberalised Punjabis shitting on Mirpuri or wider Paharis, for supposedly being "backwards" and in reality all the "backwardsness" really is, is them being confident and prideful in their culture and refusing to have an inferiority complex towards others and being less liberal.

Obviously I don't want to start a race war but just an observation.

Well this is why I said encourage them by paying them to get sterilised and explain why, not force them. (Which wouldn't work in our society much because people value children a lot)

There isn't enough time because the world is shifting, right-wing groups are growing. You need to speed up the process as much as possible.

pakistan army can do it with efficiency as they have large number of military men which they can get them to do a test exercise which filter out the best of the best and one program for women then encourage marriages. The reward can be large land plot and small farm tractor. weddings will happen with ten couples at the same time to reduce cost of renting venue , food catering etc.
yes i have experinced the racism on pdf as inferior mirpuri who they class as wannabe gangsters, probe criminal behavior etc. wat these posh wankers dont know is coming to uk wasnt easy for us folks back in the 60s onwards their was plenty of racism etc even to this day. Then they hate it to see big houses in azad kashmir and then say oh drug money haram money. its hard earned money blood and tears, many families have broke up over money sent to pakistan.
pakistan army can do it with efficiency as they have large number of military men which they can get them to do a test exercise which filter out the best of the best and one program for women then encourage marriages. The reward can be large land plot and small farm tractor. weddings will happen with ten couples at the same time to reduce cost of renting venue , food catering etc.
yes i have experinced the racism on pdf as inferior mirpuri who they class as wannabe gangsters, probe criminal behavior etc. wat these posh wankers dont know is coming to uk wasnt easy for us folks back in the 60s onwards their was plenty of racism etc even to this day. Then they hate it to see big houses in azad kashmir and then say oh drug money haram money. its hard earned money blood and tears, many families have broke up over money sent to pakistan.
Good idea on the first part, especially since 4 wives are permissible.

Also agreed on the second part, more you realise who it's coming from you just realise they are hating on you because you are less cucked than them. Paharis are far less cucked and liberal which is a good thing, what people hate on them for is not having an inferiority complex and still repping their culture. I commonly see them rocking salwar kameez on the main streets lol, even rich dudes.
Here's another gem

Spot on ….. As long as they our Pakistanis kids can speak English properly, who cares how many other languages they can speak? First, second, third language, just make sure you Pakistanis children can speak English properly living in this world. Help them get better prospects when leaving Pakistan for opportunities£ abroad.
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