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Pakistan signs deal with Sri Lanka to sell Initial order of 8 JF-17s

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How can you compare getting only a loan and getting a loan by doing what the lender says to do.

No you are a slave because you have put too much faith and trust on the West. That's why. You can't think beyond the West. That's why you are a slave.

Did I say we need to cut diplomatic ties with the West. It's what you people (Kalu Sudda type) hallucinate when thinking what the nationalism is all about. And I know you people get butt hurt when seeing how MR is revered by the Sinhalese masses. Deal with it man. Grow up.

Sri Lanka does not need a GSP + to survive. It's just a trade quota. Our companies have managed to do without it for the pass few years. Though getting it back benefit our apparel industry, but surely it's not a thing Sri Lanka should sacrifice herself to take back. As I said before you people are so backward and traditional that you can't even think of what to do with out GSP +.

Just tell me how trade with Pakistan fell under MR times and how it's being repaired by the Yahapalana bunch.

This is the most dumbest fanboying
I have ever seen. I am not butt hurt about a bunch of racist idiots worshipping a politician like zombies. Keep your delusions to yourself The only thing you can do it put up a dumb label to your self and the politicians you worship and love over the future of the motherland
Just shouting that others are kalu suddas or slaves aren't going to change that.
You low life scum destroyed sri lanka hundreds of times and still come to ruin it by the same nonsense that was used back then. As I said you have no shame and even brains. This is the 21st century and Sinhalese are delusional like you only you and the rest of the cult MR created around himself revere him and you shamelessly even admit your blind worship of MR.
You need to grow a brain or leave to a African country or NKOREA NOT here. The end
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This has now turned out to be totally false.
Apparently several Pakistani journalist are calling SL MoD on this and SL gave each one same reply: "We have no comment on this".Please refer to the statement of Defence Secretary and MFA spokesperson issued earlier
I called Srilanka, and they have denied saying that they are cancelling JF17 Thunder purchase with Pakistan - Dr. Shahid Masood
He says it was deal for $400 million There was no mention of the value of the speculated jet deal and its value would be less than $400 million as it was only for 8 jets.
Looks like he confused it with India's $400 million credit line to SL.Shows his poor credibility.

Anyways he mentions There was khamoshi(silence) on the SL side when he called which further indicates that SL said that they will not comment or entertain further questions on this issue which is the exact answer they have given to several Pakistani journos who called them over the weekend on the issue.

So he never said that SL said that JF-17 deal has not been cancelled.

More importantly just 24 hours before Indian foreign SecretAry trip to SL, Lanka foreign secretary issued a statement at a function attended by India's consul saying that they will never engage in any project against India's interest.
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Of course they can't help it
Its mental illness. Their ancestor's recognised it and set up a cast system based on this tendency

The irony is that with their MMRCA deal, they have been running around like a headless Chicken for over three years but since it concerns Pakistan, if the deal is not signed overnight then it doesn't exist.....
The irony is that with their MMRCA deal, they have been running around like a headless Chicken for over three years but since it concerns Pakistan, if the deal is not signed overnight then it doesn't exist.....
It is not just no signing but their was no discussion too:

"The matter did not even come up for discussion during the talks [with the Pakistani government]," said
Sri Lankan defence secretary Karunasena Hettiarachchi.

It is Calm and Silence before the Storm....
Don't get scared if you hear Thunder at the beginning of Storm....;)
More like empty vessels make a lot of noise(thunder).:rofl:
More like empty vessels make a lot of noise(thunder).:rofl:

Mr force has been awaken due to noise of vessels....o_O
No wonder what will be your condition if you hear Thunder at your neighbor....
Be brave and use some sleeping pills....:enjoy:
Mr force has been awaken due to noise of vessels....o_O
No wonder what will be your condition if you hear Thunder at your neighbor....
Be brave and use some sleeping pills....:enjoy:
There are treatments for hallucination cases like the one you are suffering from and they are mostly caused by fake news reports like this one which caused the 41 pages of rumours and circlejerk.:)
It is not just no signing but their was no discussion too:

Yea according to HT, the likelihood is that a foreign customer will get the delivery of JF-17s before you even get to see the sight of a Rafale.

More like empty vessels make a lot of noise(thunder).:rofl:
Well, while JF-17 has been quietly going about it's buisness, all the noise has been coming from Tejas stable....it's fired a missile....it's dropped a bomb, it's landed in Ladakh, it's pulled 8g.....it's brakes not working....etc. etc.
There are treatments for hallucination cases like the one you are suffering from and they are mostly caused by fake news reports like this one which caused the 41 pages of rumours and circlejerk.:)

There are also treatments for Mr force who awaken after wetting his bed due to the sound of Thunder....
And feeling relaxed after propagating in defence.pk is one of a kind of treatment for an indian....

If you got S-400, if you got Rafale, if you got your bheja fly, and if you got world domination, if you got Bla Bla Bla....
Then come here to start threads....
And tell all your indian dudes to stop creating threats relate to future Bla Bla Bla i mean (real indian hallucination)....:lol:
There are also treatments for Mr force who awaken after wetting his bed due to the sound of Thunder....
And feeling relaxed after propagating in defence.pk is one of a kind of treatment for an indian....

If you got S-400, if you got Rafale, if you got your bheja fly, and if you got world domination, if you got Bla Bla Bla....
Then come here to start threads....
And tell all your indian dudes to stop creating threats relate to future Bla Bla Bla i mean (real indian hallucination)....:lol:
Rafael deal has been confirmed and all negotiations completed.:flame:
Hollande himself is hauling is a$$ from France to sign this deal on Jan 25.
S-400 negotiations began only in October so they will take some more time.

Looks like cyber420 is taking too much LSD.

Yea according to HT, the likelihood is that a foreign customer will get the delivery of JF-17s before you even get to see the sight of a Rafale.

Well, while JF-17 has been quietly going about it's buisness, all the noise has been coming from Tejas stable....it's fired a missile....it's dropped a bomb, it's landed in Ladakh, it's pulled 8g.....it's brakes not working....etc. etc.

Haha.It is Pakistan which propagated fake news like J-10B with 3D TVC coming soon to PAF, Malaysia buying JFT, 80 J-11B for PN, 2 Type-054A leased to PN only for all of them to be proved false.:lol:
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