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Pakistan developing its own S400 like system

One thing I have learnt from Pakistanis on this forum is the LOSER attitude.

Pakistan cannot do anything....because a 100 excuses.

Now Pakistan wants to develop something.....not a chance it has to develop shit 1st.

Actually those of yoh who have ever designed something know that you learn from others.

Take the missile system. They have had missiles in their inventory since 50s 60s. They have been maintaining them. They know the inner workings. They will have guys who think they can improve them and there will be guys working on analysing future systems.

Now it's not at all conceivable that Pakistan could possibly make that's world leading.

I mean didn't you losers say the same about the Nuclear program. The missile program they jf17 etc etc. Etc.

Funny thing is I bet you are like that in your own life and limit your achievements due to negative eloser mentality and will impose this on your kids.

What a shame
You must be ambitious enough to think beyond your current capabilities or your future will look the same as your present. If Pakistan has stretch goals and is targeting one of the best systems to match and exceed, your planners are on the right growth track.

And I am feeling sorry for members who are laughing at this news. Not sure who you do not trust... yourself or the possibility that you can have a better future.
One thing I have learnt from Pakistanis on this forum is the LOSER attitude.

Pakistan cannot do anything....because a 100 excuses.

Now Pakistan wants to develop something.....not a chance it has to develop shit 1st.

Actually those of yoh who have ever designed something know that you learn from others.

Take the missile system. They have had missiles in their inventory since 50s 60s. They have been maintaining them. They know the inner workings. They will have guys who think they can improve them and there will be guys working on analysing future systems.

Now it's not at all conceivable that Pakistan could possibly make that's world leading.

I mean didn't you losers say the same about the Nuclear program. The missile program they jf17 etc etc. Etc.

Funny thing is I bet you are like that in your own life and limit your achievements due to negative eloser mentality and will impose this on your kids.

What a shame
You must be ambitious enough to think beyond your current capabilities or your future will look the same as your present. If Pakistan has stretch goals and is targeting one of the best systems to match and exceed, your planners are on the right growth track.

And I am feeling sorry for members who are laughing at this news. Not sure who you do not trust... yourself or the possibility that you can have a better future.

This attitude is like a breath of fresh air. Far too long we have been deriding our own selves. Unfortunately, due to lack of engineering knowledge, our masses either swing towards the extreme: Pakistani missiles can destroy all of India in seconds - or they completely lose hope.

We have had the basics of surface to air missiles for a long time. We already have any number of indigenous surface to surface ballistic missiles. We also have cruise missile. The missing part is a rocket based motor for aerial maneuvering. This underlying technology is similar in air-to-air missiles and the post-launch phase of SAM missiles as well. We already know there is a BVR program in the making. It makes sense that technology would be reused.

Other than the flying, there is the target acquisition, and pursuit. This needs algorithms and Pakistan has enough experts to develop cutting edge algorithms.
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One thing I have learnt from Pakistanis on this forum is the LOSER attitude.

Pakistan cannot do anything....because a 100 excuses.

Now Pakistan wants to develop something.....not a chance it has to develop shit 1st.

Actually those of yoh who have ever designed something know that you learn from others.

Take the missile system. They have had missiles in their inventory since 50s 60s. They have been maintaining them. They know the inner workings. They will have guys who think they can improve them and there will be guys working on analysing future systems.

Now it's not at all conceivable that Pakistan could possibly make that's world leading.

I mean didn't you losers say the same about the Nuclear program. The missile program they jf17 etc etc. Etc.

Funny thing is I bet you are like that in your own life and limit your achievements due to negative eloser mentality and will impose this on your kids.

What a shame
Qurran called these cockroaches munafqeen who could not see anyone progressing, they always try to discourage their friends , relatives or their countrymen achievements , while always felt happy ready to lick the feet of enemies for there miner achievements
This attitude is like a breath of fresh air. Far too long we have been deriding our own selves. Unfortunately, due to lack of engineering knowledge, our masses either swing towards the extreme: Pakistani missiles can destroy all of India in seconds - or they completely lose hope.

We have had the basics of surface to air missiles for a long time. We already have any number of indigenous surface to surface ballistic missiles. We also have cruise missile. The missing part is a rocket based motor for aerial maneuvering. This underlying technology is similar in air-to-air missiles and the post-launch phase of SAM missiles as well. We already know there is a BVR program in the making. It makes sense that technology would be reused.

Other than the flying, there is the target acquisition, and pursuit. This needs algorithms and Pakistan has enough experts to develop cutting edge algorithms.

Some countrymen have somehow stopped imagining a possibility that they can lead the world in a few areas of life. You may have 100 excuses explaining why you are in bad shape - but you cannot have 0 excuses explaining why your future would be bleak. If you have reasons why your future will be bad, you do not deserve to imagine a future.

You have access to everything to build a system like S-400. You have S-300 with you, why can't you make it better and reach S-400 levels? After all, we made A-100 better and extended its range to 140+ KM. Why cannot you do the same with S-300?
Wow its amazing to see many Pakistanis turn into monkeys and laugh and jump. Most of these laughing are overseas pakis. These ppl want to lecture us and give us long lessons and if we become ambitious then these same ppl laugh at us. Maybe they cannot accept the ppl they left behind in Pakistan create something similar to their white masters. In their mind, they are always inferior to the white man and being overseas they think they r superior browns to the ones living back home. Its this mental condition that makes them laugh when we plan something ambitious.
And the same lot wants the right to vote in Pakistan lolz. Just because u ppl ran away and gave up, doesnt mean we all did, u can keep laughing while polishing boots of ur white master. We will be ambitious and we will win because its for our survival, u can enjoy the safety of ur white masters and be their 3rd class citizens.
Not sure about the indigenous SAMs development here.
As per rumors indigenous SAM system is also in work, yes I know its just rumor and it is very difficult to accept as we have not seen any evidence related to this.

In past many countries adopted A2A missiles for short & Medium range SAM systems and Russia and China have different philosophy related to kill vichel (Missile) of SAM system, even in case of India it put both philosophies in use in the form of QRSM and AAD SAM systems

On the other hand in case of Pakistan we don't see any progress in this regards but rumor is consistent from past many years (~3-4 years) the role of Haroon Rasheed is that he actually indirectly reveal the organization who is working on this project.

BTW even our Azam program have SAM project for the future, as disclosed by Shoail Aman (If I am not mistaken).
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As per rumors indigenous SAM system is also in work, yes I know its just rumor and it is very difficult to accept as we have not seen any evidence related to this.

In past many countries adopted A2A missiles for short & Medium range SAM systems and Russia and China have different philosophy related to kill vichel (Missile) of SAM system, even in case of India it put philosophies in use in the form of QRSM and AAD SAM systems

On the other hand in case of Pakistan we don't see any progress in this regards but rumor is consistent from past many years (~3-4 years) the role of Haroon Rasheed is that he actually indirectly reveal the organization who is working on this project.

BTW even our Azam program have SAM project for the future, as disclosed by Shoail Aman (If I am not mistaken).
We just need a 50km indigenous LY 80 level mobile defence system to move with armoured formations.
For long range,HQ 9 is enough.
View attachment 803845
A senior Pakistani journalist Haroon Ur
Rasheed while discussing Indian S-400 Anti-Ballistic Missile talked about Pakistan's Defence system to counter India.
He stated Pakistan has HQ-9/P which is equivalent to the S-300 Air Defense System. Pakistan commissioned HQ-9/P that has enhanced the range of Pakistan Air Defense, since then entire Kashmir is under Pakistan's Air Defense umbrella.
Yet Pakistan is working on bigger and better technology he added. He revealed that Pakistan is working on an air defense system similar to S-400. Rasheed said he is not sure when we will officially announce it but we will see it in the coming years.

Was expecting an S-400 pic but that is a THAAD pic.
As per rumors indigenous SAM system is also in work, yes I know its just rumor and it is very difficult to accept as we have not seen any evidence related to this.

In past many countries adopted A2A missiles for short & Medium range SAM systems and Russia and China have different philosophy related to kill vichel (Missile) of SAM system, even in case of India it put philosophies in use in the form of QRSM and AAD SAM systems

On the other hand in case of Pakistan we don't see any progress in this regards but rumor is consistent from past many years (~3-4 years) the role of Haroon Rasheed is that he actually indirectly reveal the organization who is working on this project.

BTW even our Azam program have SAM project for the future, as disclosed by Shoail Aman (If I am not mistaken).
I have heard the same. That a SAM system is being developed by NESCOM. This was a couple of years ago. Said it would something similar to Patriot.
The "old American Jet" you speak of was a reverse engineered F-5 that Iran built without ANY help from the U.S. It is completely built by Iran including its Jet engines and was even given 4th Generation avionics package developed in Iran by Iranian engineers.
the Qaher 313 might not be anything more than a Tech demonstrator at best or a failed project at worst but it was a completely new Iranian design made by Iranian engineers.
Compare that with your country that needs china to not only design your weapons for you but also build you the factories for you to build them in so that low IQ idiots like you can pound your chest like a chimpanzee and claim that Pakistan is building its own Tanks, planes or whatever!

Dude get lost and stop making yourself look like a total fool. You're the first to complain when Israelis, Turks and Arabs trash any topic on Iran and here you are talking about your 'superiority', no wonder the Iranians can't stand you.
Get over your bigotry or off the forum your choice.
Haroon Rasheed mixed up HQ 9 with S 400. Or may be some bigger system from China.

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