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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
If Pakistan army is fighting against TTP doesn't point out character flaws since it is matter of enemy wanting destruction upon Pakistan and Imran Khan is helping TTP to do so.

Because of Pakistan habitual interference is the reason why Afghanistan doesn't speak Russian anymore and breaking USSR apart freed some portion of Muslim communities.

There is pro and con and the very same Pakistan establishment benefited to the Muslim worlds at the same time.

When Pakistan was being attacked left and right under the leadership of Zardari while Imran khan was championing for the political office of TTP while undermining the intended military operations' proposal by General Kiyani; whilst at the time was declared bankruptcy - somehow stabilized the economy with the emergence partnership General Raheel and Nawaz Sharif and eradicated major portion of terrorism in the short periods of time while left Imran khan utter in disbelief seeing his beloved TTP in scatters.

Not many nations could have done and they have collapsed whereas the collapse of Pakistan was postponed - to the prolonging inevitable at one day.

Bear in mind, one democratic leader couldn't accept the majority support for Mujib ur Rehman which in result broke east Pakistan from Pakistan. And Imran khan is not accepting the fate either which in result an exploding civil war is around the corner. Here is hoping that is somehow sustainable for the sake of stability. At the end, only ALLAAH Alone knows best.
Army at one point said it was also fighting the Taliban, but we all know what the Americans discovered. Also, them fighting doesn't negate the possibility that they failed at gathering intelligence around TTP regrouping and thwarting it. It's bullshit to say IK was wholly responsible for the deal with TTP. Heck, the army won't even let him choose his Punjab CM, let alone decide unilaterally on a national security matter.

Again, it wasn't just Bhutto who refused to accept fate, the establishment was equally, if not more, responsible. The seeds of hate were sown over decades, when Ayub ruled. This time around I would argue that the establishment is not willing to accept its fate. That people no longer trust it or it's cronies to rule. Unless you do not believe that true democracy is the fate of our country.
TTP is Indian-funded Afghan-based Terrorist-outfit as confessed by Ajit Doval to undermine the stability and destroy Pakistan.

You mean Afghan Taliban, Former Afghan Mujahideen, created and trained by Pakistan with America to resist USSR invasion? The very same is the reason why Afghanistan is not speaking Russian today? Ungrateful.

No the country u fd up and now even ordinary Afghans hate pak. Or the talib which were ur brothers and u trained them are now killing u. India is just funding it. There is no difference between them but ur illusion between good and bad tangos. U lost 70000 civilians and lost ur country. But keep dancing on defeating Soviets and Americans and keep selling bodies on the incompetence and blunders of ur khaki creatures.
Rana sanaullah on Imran Khan, PTI, arrest of workers, confirming they will be trialed under military courts and sentenced.
Also attacking ex CJP, accusing the establishment and judiciary of supporting IK to power.



junta is planning on a chawal making scheme with its yahvian and bongian through the media!

I am actively lobbying at own expense to raise the human rights abuse and decline in democracy in Pakistan, to be brought to British parliament.
I am having some success, but I am determined.
I cannot sit and watch .
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I am actively lobbying at own expense to raise the human rights abuse and decline in democracy in Pakistan, to be brought to British parliament.
I am having some success, but I am determined.
I cannot sit and watch .
https://twitter.com/indibell_ hacker running the show from UK and operated by PMLN, all PTI members telephone call records provided by PMLN govt. Its own by Nawaz family. @Jango .. more to come ...
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GSP Plus status review coming up soon. Time to apply some pressure on EU parliament to stop human rights abuses being done by current regime, stopping political engineering and illegal crackdown against the most popular party and its leader and holding free and fair elections.
GSP Plus status review coming up soon. Time to apply some pressure on EU parliament to stop human rights abuses being done by current regime, stopping political engineering and illegal crackdown against the most popular party and its leader and holding free and fair elections.

they have their criteria of assessment and they won't refrain from it if they have to withdraw status.

on the other hand, these people doing all this mess if they ever care how it can harm economy.

GSP withdrawal will be a huge damage to textile industry already struggling.

this industry imported billions of dollars of machine during 2020-21 to expand the operation, loans against which is still paying back. this will also impact the liquidity situation of banks further.

i too have hatred against this criminal PDM lot but we are already bankrupt just wait for the date to declare it officially.
That time no tear gas or AK 47, still same ... 1971 Karachi ...
Same behavior ... No change

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