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Chronology of Karachi Tramway

1879: John Brunton devised a special grooved bridge rail of inverted U-shape for four foot gauge horse to be later used in the tramways in Karachi.

1881: Karachi’s Municipal Secretary and Engineer, Mr. James Strachan conceived the idea of Karachi Tramway around this year and Mr Edward Mathews, of London tendered for the construction of the line in 1881.

1883: Detailed plan for Karachi Tramway is made and settled. Permission is obtained from the Government for the use of steam powered trams in Karachi.

October 1884: Work starts on the construction of Karachi Tramway.

April 10, 1885: Steam Tramway was opened in Karachi.

1886: Steam tramway of Karachi got replaced by horse-drawn tramway.

March 23, 1905: Petrol Tram was inaugurated in Karachi.

1909: Horse drawn tramway of Karachi got shut down and was replaced by Petrol driven trams. Petrol trams had a capacity of 46 passengers each and could run up to speeds of 18 mph. Tracks were re laid for petrol driven trams.

1913: By the end of this year, the number of Petrol run trams in Karachi was 37

1955: The number of Petrol Run Trams in Karachi had risen up to 64.

April 30, 1975: Karachi Tramway got closed down


(1) Kurrachee, Past, Present, Volume II and Future by Alexander F. Baillie
(2) Karachi Travel Guide, 2000 by Yasmeen Lari
(3) PTV Drama: Mirza Ghalib Bandar Road Par
(4) Title Photo is from www.harrapa.com
(5) Pakistaniat.com

view of the Bunder Road (now M. A. Jinnah Rd.) The Max Denso Hall (completed 1886) can be seen in this picture. Karachi, Sind, Pakistan......
When a city designed for 4 million, become home to 20 million,
Well the result is for all to see
At least I am old enough to remember the days of the trams--in Soldier's Bazar area if I recall correctly. I used to wonder at the very slow speed and thought the trams were useless. Kids!
My mama tells me that Karachi was very clean and orderly and that in some areas the streets would be sprayed with water to keep the dust down.

PS. I am still amazed that despite the flight of industry to Punjab and even foreign countries, Karachi continues to be a magnet for Pakistanis (and even illegal immigrants). A city with a big heart! I don't recall systematic rejection of new comers to Karachi despite all the socio-economic stresses.

Karachi = Mini Pakistan.
At least I am old enough to remember the days of the trams--in Soldier's Bazar area if I recall correctly. I used to wonder at the very slow speed and thought the trams were useless. Kids!
Karachi = Mini Pakistan.
I also remember and enjoyed the ride. Yes.. Karachi = Mini Pakistan.

Do you know exact location at Bundar road. To me it is saddar.

.......................................................One of the beautiful street of Karachi ; Elphinstone Street c.1900s.....................


Cycle Rickshaw in Karachi in 1950s


Glimpse of Elphinstone Street (Now ZaibunNisa Street), Karachi in 1948


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