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Navies of India & Sri Lanka to hold meeting

Indian Navy Chief near SL – IN Navel Border Region (Inside Sri Lankan Territory)


Hope the visit of naval chief strengthen our relationship with sri lanka.I love that country.
Personal Relations Exist Only till There are no Violations of Personal Issues.... As Long as you have Done it, The Role is to Get Justice For Our Fishermen, If they have been Proven to Be Killed By the Sri Lankan Navy, Then My Friend, Your Nations Has to Answer it... If Justice Is On Your Side well and Good, Otherwise I dont think Tamilnadu would ever Forgive You even if New delhi Does

I think there will be a joint statement from Sri Lankan Navy & Indian Navy, Next time Sri Lankan Navy will handover TN fisherman (if they enter into Sri Lankan Navel Zone) to Indian Navy, so Indian Navy can decide what should they do to TN fisherman, If TN fisherman promoting any Anti-Sri Lanka activities.
well,Sri lankan navy wanna avoid any real Brahmos attack,A real costliest way to sink a Srilankan Navy
just kidding can't waste millions to sink em..
Don't worry guys,there is some mis-understanding,Sri lankans are not trying to Expand their terrority....
Aren't we know from many 1000's of years back for our relations
well,Sri lankan navy wanna avoid any real Brahmos attack,A real costliest way to sink a Srilankan Navy
just kidding can't waste millions to sink em..
why would we attack srilankan navy ? They are a friendly nation.
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