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Method to remove PTI PM Imran Khan need changing : PPP corrupt Zardari threats

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Oh, please don't lecture me without knowing. I have studied laws of the UK and most of Pakistani penal code.

When Shahbaz was giving instructions to Justice Qayyum to deliver the verdicts of Nawaz choice, that is not covered in Pakistan laws for perverting the course of justice!!! Why judges spared these two brothers.
When Maryam recently introduced fake and manufactured evidence in Supreme Court of Pakistan, it is not covered by the Laws in Pakistan!! Why she is not charged and punished until now!!

Go and learn the Laws in the world instead of lecturing me.
Hahahaha you must know that most of corruption is dealt under special laws not penal code.You ain't worthy of any lecture as i have concluded.In all cases prosecution has right of appeal in Higher Court,I don't know why in most of cases ruling Junta instead of fighting court cases and making tough laws is always busy in cursing courts,I guess birds of feather flock togather.
P.S:- Please read laws and past judgements,most of these people are out due to "bail pending trial or appeal"most of
monetary/fraud/theft cases are dealt like that.
If anyone such as zardari, nawaz, bilawal, shabaz, diesel-mullah or any of their family members or associates tries to get back into power again .... then there will be a blood bath. What these traitors think is that history would keep repeating itself and they will regain power. They are wrong!!!!

History is moving into the last stage now. They can plot and plan, but Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah is the best of planners. They who commit "Dhulm" will face what is coming to them.

Pakistanis, stand firm in your Imaan and oppose these traitors to Islam, vigorously and unrelentingly. Remember the oppression the First Muslims faced when they stood their ground and preserved their Imaan. Remember how Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah granted them victory over the quraish when the Muslims followed Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam in the conquest of Makkah.

This is crunch time, my fellow countrymen. Time for you to decide once and for all, who do you stand behind .... these traitors or will stand behind Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam? Make choice .... and remember, when you have decided, then learn to live with the consequences of your decision.
Hahahaha you must know that most of corruption is dealt under special laws not penal code.You ain't worthy of any lecture as i have concluded.In all cases prosecution has right of appeal in Higher Court,I don't know why in most of cases ruling Junta instead of fighting court cases and making tough laws is always busy in cursing courts,I guess birds of feather flock togather.
P.S:- Please read laws and past judgements,most of these people are out due to "bail pending trial or appeal"most of
monetary/fraud/theft cases are dealt like that.

You are daft, that much is confirmed. I also said about other laws, especially the perversion of course of Justice in the two examples I quoted.

Go and read what had happened to Justice Qayyum and then CJ of Lahore High Court on Shahbaz Telephone scandal. But strangely no action taken by the judiciary against Shahbaz and Nawaz.

In case of Maryam, she committed the perjury in SCP. The SCP judges picked on it, they have the right to instruct lower courts to charge her for perjury, but strangely they didn't.

In March 2019 CJ Khosa declared that falsehood including fake documents would be treated as perjury and would have serious Penal consequences.

Not only that the CJ also said that The rule of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus — the Latin phrase saying ‘false in one thing, false in everything,’ — will now be an integral part of our jurisprudence in criminal cases, ".

I am sure the CJ knows the meaning of "Penal Consequences".
Now take a hike.

Method to remove PTI PM Imran Khan need changing : PPP Zardari threats | Removed President General Musharraf earlier

PDM leaders attend Benazir’s death anniversary: Method to overthrow govt needs changing, says Asif Ali Zardari

LARKANA: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari has said the Imran Khan-led government could be toppled but an ‘out-of-the-box strategy’ will have to be adopted to remove him from power.

He was among various political leaders of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), who addressed a public gathering at Garhi Khuda Bakhsh to commemorate the 13th death anniversary of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto on Sunday.

The ailing former president, speaking through video-link, said that he had "removed Musharraf from power. What is Imran Khan, in comparison? "We can remove Imran Khan Niazi. We just need to change our approach," he told the crowd.

"We must fill up the jails for the purpose and we are ready to do that," Zardari said. He said that running a country is "not the same as managing a cricket team". "This government will collapse on its own," added Zardari. He challenged the government to hold elections and see who the people stand behind.

Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) Vice-President Maryam Nawaz, in her opening remarks, sent regards to the crowd in Sindhi language and thanked the PPP leadership, particularly Bilawal Bhutto, for receiving her in their hometown late in the night in extremely cold weather. She said not only the PPP was mourning the death of Benazir Bhutto but the entire nation, including her party, was saddened by the assassination of former prime minister 13 years ago.

Maryam said it saddens her that Benazir Bhutto, the first woman prime minister of the Muslim world, "had to lay down her life" during her struggle and for her beliefs. She said it is a pain that she too carries.

"Benazir fought for her father's struggle and vision and then ultimately joined him in the life hereafter. "I too wish to struggle for a united Pakistan," she said.

She vowed that she and Bilawal would not only continue the journey but also take it forward. "The political mistakes that were made in the past were taken advantage of by the anti-democratic forces."

Maryam said all political parties then joined heads and not only made right the wrongs but vowed never to repeat them. She said that the fruits of the move were then borne, when governments were set to complete their tenures.

"In 2008, when there was talk of the PPP government being toppled, Nawaz Sharif quashed such thinking and said that the coming and going of governments is a decision for the people to make, not political parties."

She said "some forces" for whom a "divide and rule" strategy made more sense, then "put together fallen fragments from political parties and formed the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf".

Maryam said then an "incompetent man" was "imposed on us all". But now that process of selecting someone and imposing him on the people should be stopped, she added.

Maryam said the corrupt are pardoned, whereas political leaders are "thrown into jail, shot down and made to face the courts.

"But you can never send to the gallows or exile a political ideology [...] which is why, there is no one to take your name, but in every corner of Pakistan, there are people to utter Nawaz Sharif’s and Benazir Bhutto's names."

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, addressing the gathering, attended by the 11-party opposition alliance, PDM, once more asked Prime Minister Imran Khan "to step down" or face a long march on Islamabad with the aim to "dethrone him".

Bilawal said if Imran Khan did not tender his resignation till Dec 31, the jiyalas (party loyalists) would march on the capital and "drag him off his seat".

He said the government and any naysayer who think the opposition will back off, need only look to the Bhutto mausoleum.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-F (JUI-F) leader Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri paid tribute to the late Benazir Bhutto, saying the ‘iron lady’ struggled to restore the democracy fearlessly and endured hardships and confinements along the way. Haideri said the incumbent PTI government, due to its flawed policies, had weakened the country and claimed that it was using “NAB black laws” to victimise the opposition leaders. He said masses were fed up with the government, and the day those providing it crutches would withdraw their support to it, it would collapse automatically.

“We are here to pledge that we will not sit idle until this selected and incompetent government is sent packing,” added the JUI-F leader.

National Party President Abdul Malik Baloch spoke of the parliament "being taken hostage" and how farmers were "dying of hunger". He said the opposition parties believe in the power of vote and they would reach the Parliament with the power of people. "The government in power today is a slap in the face of democracy," he added.

Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) leader Mahmood Khan Achakzai said the source of power should be people and parliament. He said the PDM agenda was to uphold the Constitution in the country and everyone should listen to the voices being raised from the platform.

Sardar Akhtar Mengal, chief of Balochistan National Party (Mengal group), said: "We have love for the soil of Sindh. Relations between Sindh and Balochistan predate Pakistan." Regretting that dictators always violated the Constitution, he said that even dictatorship failed to dent these ties.

He said Benazir Bhutto served her whole life in upholding democracy and for this country. “She had strived against dictators like the ones we are fighting today,” he added. “Who were those dictators?” he asked, adding that “political workers were flogged, women were widowed, children kidnapped, and lands grabbed… “Political parties were broken, new factions were made,” he said.

Awami National Party Senior Vice President Haider Khan Hoti said he presented salutations to the sacrifices rendered by Bibi Shaheed (Benazir Bhutto).

"Zardari Sahib, I remember your loyalty to Pakhtuns," he added. "The way you supported us, I will support Bilawal, like an elder brother," Hoti said. He recalled how Benazir was unafraid to return to the country, despite various threats to her life.

"Standing at the shrine of martyrs today, I promise not to leave the path of service," the ANP leader declared.

PPP leaders Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and Qamar Zaman Kaira, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah, Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan (JUP) leader Maulana Anas Noorani and others also addressed the public gathering.

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari and Aseefa Bhutto-Zardari received leaders from various opposition parties in Larkana.

PPP leaders Faryal Talpur and Sherry Rehman also joined the PPP delegation in welcoming the PML-N leader Maryam Nawaz and other members of her delegation.

On Sunday evening, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari hosted a luncheon for the PDM leaders at Naudero House in Larkana.

APP adds: The 13th assassination anniversary of former prime minister and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) chairperson Benazir Bhutto was observed here on Sunday with great zeal and respect, renewing the pledge to make Pakistan stronger and viable in all aspects.

Quran khwani and Fateha khwani were held in every corner of the country for the departed soul of Benazir Bhutto.

People from all walks of life, in their messages on the occasion, paid tribute to Shaheed Bhutto over her services for the cause of the poor and downtrodden people and for progress and prosperity of Pakistan and restoration of democracy in the country. The main death anniversary function was held at Garhi Khuda Bakhsh, about 28-km off Larkana.

Quran khwani was also held at the mazar of Benazir Bhutto in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh. Free food (lunger) was distributed among the people.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, PPP leaders Rehman Malik, Sherry Rehman, PPP Punjab President Qamar Zaman Kaira, former chairman Senate Syed Nayyar Hussain Bukhari, PPP Sindh President Nisar Ahmed Khuhro, Speaker Sindh Assembly Agha Siraj Durrani, senators, provincial ministers also visited the graves of Benazir Bhutto, PPP founder chairman Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and others.

They placed wreath at the graves and offered Fateha. Besides, the leaders and workers of PDM also visited the grave of Benazir Bhutto and offered Fateha.

The leaders and workers of PPP from all over the country, including Gilgit-Baltistan, Northern Areas, AJK were also among those who placed wreaths and offered Fateha.

They also visited the grave of the late Begum Nusrat Bhutto and placed wreaths there and offered Fateha.

Caravans of people started reaching there on Saturday evening to participate in the death anniversary. The coronavirus standard operating procedures (SOPs) were not followed on the occasion.

A Mushaira was also held. Prominent poets from Sindh, Punjab and other parts of the country paid tribute to Benazir Bhutto.

Senior leaders of PPP addressed a public meeting outside the mazar of Benazir Bhutto in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh to pay homage to his services for the country, democratic order and rights of masses.

Due to ill-health, former president and PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari spoke via video-link. Two-minute silence was observed to pay homage to Benazir Bhutto on her 13th death anniversary at 5:20 pm.

Ambulances and fire tenders were also deployed and first aid camps set up. Additional Inspector General Police Sindh had established a base camp in Naudero to monitor the security arrangements. Strict security arrangements were made for the occasion and about 8,000 personnel of Sindh Police and 300 personnel of Rangers were deployed at the mazar and the roads leading to it.

lets go on a fishing trip-kikes


hold on let me sip some
ginger ale- from glasgow

i made billions selling

then i joined imrans - medina ki riassat
Hahahaha you must know that most of corruption is dealt under special laws not penal code.You ain't worthy of any lecture as i have concluded.In all cases prosecution has right of appeal in Higher Court,I don't know why in most of cases ruling Junta instead of fighting court cases and making tough laws is always busy in cursing courts,I guess birds of feather flock togather.
P.S:- Please read laws and past judgements,most of these people are out due to "bail pending trial or appeal"most of
monetary/fraud/theft cases are dealt like that.

Here is s 192 of Pakistan Penal code, 192/193 deals with false statements.

False statement
"To constitute an offence under S. 192 it is not necessary that the false evidence should be concerning a question material to the decision of the case in which it is given; it is sufficient if the false evidence is intentionally given, that is to say, if the person making that statement makes it advisedly knowing it to be false, and with the intention of deceiving the court and of leading it to be false, and with the intention of deceiving the court and of leading it to suppose that which he states is true. But if the false evidence does not bear directly on a material issue I the case, being relative to incidental or trivial matters only, that would be a matter to be taken into consideration in fixing the sentence."
Here is s 192 of Pakistan Penal code, 192/193 deals with false statements.

False statement
"To constitute an offence under S. 192 it is not necessary that the false evidence should be concerning a question material to the decision of the case in which it is given; it is sufficient if the false evidence is intentionally given, that is to say, if the person making that statement makes it advisedly knowing it to be false, and with the intention of deceiving the court and of leading it to be false, and with the intention of deceiving the court and of leading it to suppose that which he states is true. But if the false evidence does not bear directly on a material issue I the case, being relative to incidental or trivial matters only, that would be a matter to be taken into consideration in fixing the sentence."


analyzes how political and military forces both created and undermined national prestige ...

if some gets his hand on it , worth reading....

analyzes how political and military forces both created and undermined national prestige ...

if some gets his hand on it , worth reading....

u will get an idea,-------------- who sowed the seeds of current mayhem.
You are daft, that much is confirmed. I also said about other laws, especially the perversion of course of Justice in the two examples I quoted.

Go and read what had happened to Justice Qayyum and then CJ of Lahore High Court on Shahbaz Telephone scandal. But strangely no action taken by the judiciary against Shahbaz and Nawaz.

In case of Maryam, she committed the perjury in SCP. The SCP judges picked on it, they have the right to instruct lower courts to charge her for perjury, but strangely they didn't.

In March 2019 CJ Khosa declared that falsehood including fake documents would be treated as perjury and would have serious Penal consequences.

Not only that the CJ also said that The rule of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus — the Latin phrase saying ‘false in one thing, false in everything,’ — will now be an integral part of our jurisprudence in criminal cases, ".

I am sure the CJ knows the meaning of "Penal Consequences".
Now take a hike.

One line for you "juery never wants to become persecution".You want judiciary to do everything while junta sits on it arse shouting corrupt,traitor,5th gen and bla bla. Court is never allowed to investigate,that's work of prosecution a.k.a Govt in these cases.
On lighter you are very well informed highly competent lawyer as per you, but let me tell you about perjury, section 193-196 of PPC have hardly been ever used in Pakistan.
Now tell me if it was clear case of perjury,Why court didn't punished her on that?
Why Govt didn't filed a case under above section?
Ans is simple while you and your lot are busy breaking keyboards all politicans are having is laugh of their life.They all are same,different cubes of same Rubik cube.
I thought Zardari was a democrat. Why does he wish to overthrow this govt like a military coup?

But why does he want to topple this govt? Imran Khan can easily topple his Sindh govt though if needed

It wasn't Zardari that removed Musharraf. It was Musharrafs own disastrous NRO to corrupt opposition parties that removed him

But Zardari himself is out of jail on bail. Is he Going back to jail voluntarily?
His plan is to buy people and throw him through no conifedence vote

That is theoritically possible

If he all the opposition combines along with BAP MQM and some memebers they may be able to pass it.
IK will then have to dissolve the government and do new elections

He has done it in baluchistan and seems if he can muster all opposition it is possible..(opposition cant form a govt though simply not possible)

Question is how will people vote in that new election
One line for you "juery never wants to become persecution".You want judiciary to do everything while junta sits on it arse shouting corrupt,traitor,5th gen and bla bla. Court is never allowed to investigate,that's work of prosecution a.k.a Govt in these cases.
On lighter you are very well informed highly competent lawyer as per you, but let me tell you about perjury, section 193-196 of PPC have hardly been ever used in Pakistan.
Now tell me if it was clear case of perjury,Why court didn't punished her on that?
Why Govt didn't filed a case under above section?
Ans is simple while you and your lot are busy breaking keyboards all politicans are having is laugh of their life.They all are same,different cubes of same Rubik cube.

That is the question I have asked, why the courts have always failed to punish the Sharifs!!!
The court have a right to send the criminal who has committed perjury for prosecution.
It happens all over the world. Why not in Pakistan!!!
That is the question I have asked, why the courts have always failed to punish the Sharifs!!!
The court have a right to send the criminal who has committed perjury for prosecution.
It happens all over the world. Why not in Pakistan!!!
If court failed so does prosecution.
His plan is to buy people and throw him through no conifedence vote

That is theoritically possible

If he all the opposition combines along with BAP MQM and some memebers they may be able to pass it.
IK will then have to dissolve the government and do new elections

He has done it in baluchistan and seems if he can muster all opposition it is possible..(opposition cant form a govt though simply not possible)

Question is how will people vote in that new election
If such a thing happens then rest assured Pakistanis will hand IK 2/3 majority.

As it is with the sharply dropping prices and rapidly improving economy his government is regaining popularity with each passing day. That is why you see these bastard politicians and their supporters crying and wailing.
bow down to wardi,award thaikas to fwo, legalize land grabbed by dha and you are back in power Mr Zardari!
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