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Mehdi Hussain District General Secretary PTI Is Arrested & Tortured After Attending Pro Palestine Rally (Watch Video)

army's practices have remained same since decades, all of this was told to us by insiders like shuja nawaz, but no one paid heed to it. not even IK. he sat in their lap, and is now paying the price.
Nopes, bro public isn't that stupid. Do you think military had a shinning reputation in the past 70 or so years ? In recent most memory, Gen Raheel's era was the peak of military's good reputation. From Bajwa onwards everything is on decline again as it used to be. Yahya's and Zia's were pure dictators and were one of worst part of our history. So its not IK who "malign". Its military doing itself or its strategy with lack of vision, what they really achieved by removing an elected govt and then constantly using full brute force to end a political party except gaining hatred from its own nation. It was simply not COAS job to intervene above the matters of his official pay grade.

Gen RS era has its ups n downs also. It would be naive to think that ISI wasnt active then, in fact it was planned since sometime to bring up PTI. If you really think that Gen RS's ear was peak of military reputation due to Gen RS himself while Bajwa ruined it, then COAS's change after every few years, stay hopeful.

IK has maligned since he has tried to take on the security apparatus of the country in the most heinous manner and now him and his party members are suffering from it. There are ways and means to do things when the security forces are in question. Hooliganism is not the way. Trying to achieve a certain aim through protests is also not the way in this case since security apparatus is a sensitive matter.

In fact, IK kept making blunder after blunder sand his ego has gone too big t accept or back off and then try a new methodology. While in PM seat, he should have consolidated his holding in the office but he couldnt understand the balance of power play. Such a stupid person shouldn't be PM of Pakistan - period.
Well, I never said COAS want wealth. Army and especially its top command takes it for granted that state's wealth, Pakistan's land, Pakistan's man-power or its resources are under their thumb and they can use it the way they think right. This is not a correct mindset. Like I am sure COAS is not paying from his pocket for all the resources and state machinery being used to crush a political party or form new parties. Secondly, Army was never supposed to make foreign policy statements, intervene in financial policies or anything except security or unless elected govt tells them a specific job. The way indian military works or any other forces in the world. The very totalitarian mindset had to be changed long ago.
Its not about mindset, its clear you don't know he way military works. In war or emergency or any circumstances that require such, all the resources of the country can be put under military. Civilian transport vehicles can be accessed also through payments to deliver supplies to the front lines. You need to understand military more otherwise you will keep asking basic questions.

As for foriegn policy, other countries trust military more than civilian leadership, I have explained it in other threads. e.g. China.

Its not about COAS personal wealth, the generals in PA are well off anyways, why they do have to make more money. Its all about their flawed SOPs and their inability to stand back and let the elected people do their job. If Bajwa would not have removed PTI govt after 3 years and if he would have had personal and organisational skills to reason with any of the foreign pressure. He would have had preserved the honor of the country and PA. People of Pakistan already were not happy with PTI they had put inflation already on PTI instead of international lock downs, COVID, intl oil prices etc. PTI originally would not have won 2023. But oversmart Generals have really made PTI above the charts, If you keep IK for few more years, he will undoubtely become Nelson Mandela of Pakistan. All those who went through torture and abductions have become heros and have stories to tell and will get presidential awards in future whenever they are back. It was total lack of vision by military command to first get rid of your govt (which had 5 year mandate by the public) then use brute force to suppress it. All that was not required. Why army just feels compelled to do such things which its not required to do at first place. It messes up big time. Its never too late to become apolitical in real sense. But who cares when they are above law and can use brute force. Sorry & hopeless state of affairs.
SOPs are not flawed, they are setup to face all types of situations without any confusion. Bajwa didnt solely remove IK, he didnt play a part in saving IK seat, and Bajwa didnt need to run the country, it became SS job afterwards.

I don't think that people who go against security forces are heroes of any sort. All those people who breach some level of security and take matters into own hands should be brought in for interrogation, no other way.

The problem with pakistan is that COAS somehow wants to remain relevant in all those areas where he should not have any business. Why can't he just report to defense minister like in pakistan's neighboring country? They had no dictators, they had continuation of democracy, the trust of investors grew with the time, they became world's 5th largest economy, will become 3rd largest in 10 years, but for Pakistan we are trying to prove whether Army's overreach and its fulltime political interferences are justified or not. They are simply not. Its proven time and again in history. You name a single country in G20 that has a defacto-marshal law like pakistan or an army which is literally above the law. Just name any country that has ever progressed under military with unaccounted power. Its not sustainable. The disadvantages are 100 times in magnitude then few advantages. The longer this continues, the deeper the country is effected negatively. Armies are never designed to run country's affairs, their trainings, thought process, everything is for a specific purpose. If you have a gun and you become boss, then who will do your accountability ? Its catastrophic for any country where people in uniform becomes untouchables and people just have to assume that whatever they do are doing for the country. That's a wrong idea to begin with.
IK is just another jahil idiot because of whom Military will now start involving itself in all domains of Pakistan. It may look like a control tactic since that has become a basic narrative but the usage of media extensively against military especially by IK and his party workers is one of the reasons and then will be the security concerns in all domains. I have mentioned that tanks will hardly be used for combat since new cyber venues of war are coming up. Even in COIN war, media has its on role.

You should see military trying to form an iron grip inside Pakistan. IK's desperate steps against military has now brought this situation, so embrace it.
About the things which Army is doing whether in security apparatus or equipment readiness etc. Well that's their job, they have to do it. Pakistan a poor country with enormous debts still throw a lot of priorities behind, neglect healthcare, neglect welfare of people completely, neglects education but ensures that army is funded. With such resources, the organization is expected to do well.
Under the name of security, honestly, military has a free hand now and they will use it through intel agencies. In fact, Civil Govt will do the same.
That's unfortunately 100% true. That happens when reputation is sinked then it will be blamed for things it didn't do because people are really angry and people who used to give benefit of doubt will just take it granted and people have now accepted that military regime is evil. That's basic psychology. It will take years or perhaps a generation to undo the damage that's done.
Army isn't worried about its reputation. Can you see Army is doing as it wants whether it gets approval from public or not.
Army isn't worried about its reputation. Can you see Army is doing as it wants whether it gets approval from public or not.

That sums up entire debate. and I want you to understand or accept that this is evil.

Army isn't worried at all of any of cruelties, any blunders, anything at all because shamelessly they have made themselves above law and this is nothing to be proud of.

The mindset of dictatorship, the mindset to control & occupy everything is totally wrong to begin with.

The basics & fundamentals are wrong. We don't even accept that its wrong. We don't have guts to accept it or call a spade a spade.

You just cannot put it under umbrella of 'security apparatus' to do just anything at all. Their has to be consequences for any illegal, unlawful actions by any military command. Top generals have committed treachery according to any rulebook, any norm of the world. Suspending constitution or parts of it by force is treachery, throwing national leaders in jails is treachery, murdering / torturing journalists, elected leaders, political workers, normal citizens is treachery, doing regime change is treachery - There is zero justification for any of those things. Imagine COAS of indian army do even slightest of these things, Modi & indian judiciary will hang that COAS upside / down for treachery & unlawful crimes. That's called a country. That's what Pakistan has to become not a banana republic where a mere 22nd grade officer thinks he is god and become untouchable and don't even 'worry' for the crimes.

You have to understand that army generals can never match rank & file of elected officials. Unless you don't accept and unless you don't give value to the nation's representatives then it is absolutely futile exercise to debate. If a military force rules over a country by force than its not a professional force by any means. Its a goonish behaviour without any regard of any laws. Its so basic to understand. If you rule over a country with force, then essentially you are occupying it.

When COAS / army command works like professional armies of the world and under elected civilian govt then your nation functions with all checks enabled. If COAS do an unlawful act, he knows he will be fired and will face accountability. If govt do something wrong, judiciary can act and most importantly people will do the accountability by electing someone else in next elections.

There is no reason to debate any further when you are not ready to accept that rule with force, without any accountability, without any regard of morality or ethics is okay. Army has to 'worry' not just about its reputation but the consequences of its actions. Only then Pakistan has a chance to survive later in this century. This stupidity is not sustainable in modern times.
This is centuries of slave mentality of that region....
The First thing the Zionists will do to any Jews moving from India to Israel is to sterilize the Indian women in front of the male members of their families. The Brahminist Hindustanis are the biggest cucks in the history of mankind and will not only happily accept such a discriminate treatment but also celebrate it!!

Their hatred for Muslims and untouchables is boundless so they are happy to see their own kind get slaughtered as long as it means another few dead babies of the people they hate!
That sums up entire debate. and I want you to understand or accept that this is evil.

Army isn't worried at all of any of cruelties, any blunders, anything at all because shamelessly they have made themselves above law and this is nothing to be proud of.

The mindset of dictatorship, the mindset to control & occupy everything is totally wrong to begin with.

The basics & fundamentals are wrong. We don't even accept that its wrong. We don't have guts to accept it or call a spade a spade.

You just cannot put it under umbrella of 'security apparatus' to do just anything at all. Their has to be consequences for any illegal, unlawful actions by any military command. Top generals have committed treachery according to any rulebook, any norm of the world. Suspending constitution or parts of it by force is treachery, throwing national leaders in jails is treachery, murdering / torturing journalists, elected leaders, political workers, normal citizens is treachery, doing regime change is treachery - There is zero justification for any of those things. Imagine COAS of indian army do even slightest of these things, Modi & indian judiciary will hang that COAS upside / down for treachery & unlawful crimes. That's called a country. That's what Pakistan has to become not a banana republic where a mere 22nd grade officer thinks he is god and become untouchable and don't even 'worry' for the crimes.

You have to understand that army generals can never match rank & file of elected officials. Unless you don't accept and unless you don't give value to the nation's representatives then it is absolutely futile exercise to debate. If a military force rules over a country by force than its not a professional force by any means. Its a goonish behaviour without any regard of any laws. Its so basic to understand. If you rule over a country with force, then essentially you are occupying it.

When COAS / army command works like professional armies of the world and under elected civilian govt then your nation functions with all checks enabled. If COAS do an unlawful act, he knows he will be fired and will face accountability. If govt do something wrong, judiciary can act and most importantly people will do the accountability by electing someone else in next elections.

There is no reason to debate any further when you are not ready to accept that rule with force, without any accountability, without any regard of morality or ethics is okay. Army has to 'worry' not just about its reputation but the consequences of its actions. Only then Pakistan has a chance to survive later in this century. This stupidity is not sustainable in modern times.

Wait till you realize this isn't the first time he's said that.

AND that this is the most mildest of terms in which he has said this.

Really tells you what the psyche is, us vs them.
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