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Malays stirring racial hate ahead of state polls

Song Hong

Jan 4, 2020
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Viet Nam
Graduate student Karen Tan vividly recalls a time when she once idolised former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad as a leader who espoused multiculturalism and fought for all races.

However, the 34-year-old Penang resident tells CNA she has recently become disenchanted with this notion, following a series of social media posts made by Dr Mahathir ahead of the Malaysia state election campaign.

For instance, Dr Mahathir, 98, wrote in a Facebook post: “Stop talking about Malaysia as a multi-racial country. It is not. It is a Malay country which hosts people from other countries.”

Ms Tan told CNA that such comments were “hurtful” to her and her family, who are ethnic Chinese and have been living in the country for three generations.

“So, all this while, we ethnic minorities have been living in Malaysia - the Chinese and Indians? This is our country too,” said Ms Tan.

“It’s scary that with elections coming up, some politicians are resorting to this kind of tactics to win support. I think it will only create divisions,” she added.

On Aug 12, voters in six Malaysian states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Penang, Negeri Sembilan and Selangor will go to the polls to elect members of its state assemblies.

According to the Election Commission, more than 9.7 million people will be eligible to vote in these six states.

According to the 2020 National census, the Malaysian population is made up of 69.3 per cent of Bumiputera (Malays and other indigenous people), 22.9 per cent of Chinese, 6.4 per cent of Indians while 1.4 per cent are classified as others.

As the political parties gear up in campaigning, some politicians across both sides of the aisle are reportedly relying on racial and religious rhetoric to win votes.

However, some voters like Ms Tan, as well as political observers are concerned that if this continues, the country could become more divided and culture wars could erupt.


Both the unity government coalition of Pakatan Harapan - Barisan Nasional (PH-BN), and the opposition Perikatan Nasional (PN) have been on the offensive, and there have been cases of politicians from both camps reportedly stoking racial and religious sentiments to canvass votes ahead of the six state polls.

For instance, some unity government leaders are playing up the “Green Wave” phenomenon to warn ethnic minorities of a growing sentiment of islamisation in Malaysia while the PN opposition have campaigned heavily on Malay and Islamic values to warn voters against minorities taking control of the country.

Dr Mahathir, who is campaigning on behalf of PN for the state polls, has been vocal in stressing that Malaysia belonged only to the Malays.

The 98-year-old who lost his deposit when contesting the Langkawi parliamentary seat in the 15th general election last year, also wrote on his Facebook page that Malays should vote for PN so that the country would remain as 'Tanah Melayu' (land of the Malays).

During a political rally in a rural Malay village near Butterworth on Tuesday (Aug 1), PN politician Wan Saiful Wan Jan who is leading the coalition's campaigning efforts in mainland Penang, highlighted a recent controversy that made news headlines.

Mr Wan Saiful recalled how the Good Vibes music festival in Kuala Lumpur was cancelled in July after the frontman of a British pop group The 1975 kissed his male bandmate on stage and criticised the country’s anti-LGBT laws.

The festival was later halted by the government, but according to Mr Wan Saiful, the damage had already been done.

“It's not just the thousands who attended the festival that day who saw the kiss, but the video of them kissing has circulated on Facebook, TikTok and other social media platforms,” said Mr Wan Saiful, who is member of parliament for the Penang federal seat of Tasek Gelugor.

When asked by CNA after his speech if he was using religious rhetoric to persuade voters, Mr Wan Saiful maintains that what happened at the Good Vibes music festival is more a reflection of an incompetent government at the helm.

“Many of the voters are concerned about race and religion, you cannot deny that. But I think the most important factor is… about the competence of the people in power,” he said.

“A competent government does not exist in Malaysia today. If we take in comparison, I think what happened in Malaysia in the Good Vibes Festival concert recently, it will not happen in Singapore,” added Mr Wan Saiful, who was CEO of independent think tank Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas).

On the other hand, Democratic Action Party chairman Lim Guan Eng also made headlines last month when he was initially quoted as saying by local daily China Press and subsequently portal MalaysiaNow that PN intends to destroy Buddhist temples if elected.

MalaysiaNow also reported Mr Lim comparing such a scenario of PN winning in Penang to the invasion of the Mongols into the Chinese empire in the 13th century.

China Press later clarified that Mr Lim was actually referring to Hindu temples in Kedah. Local media reports have said that three Hindu temples were demolished during PN’s last five-year term helming the Kedah government.

When asked by CNA to clarify these comments, Mr Lim maintains he was misquoted and that he was referring to Hindu temples and not Buddhist temples.

He added that the comparison made with the Mongol invasion of China is “a total lie” and is perpetuated by MalaysiaNow, which he claims is a pro-PN news outfit.

“I never talked about Mongol invasions. I think this is again part of their (PN) strategy to use lies repeatedly … That is how they misled the Malay community up until today,” Mr Lim told CNA.

“We have to of course continue to use facts but when you talk facts it is not as attractive as emotive speeches. So that is why we have to continue to rebut these false narratives. It is not going to be easy but I think we believe at the end of the day, there are enough educated voters who know what is right for the country,” he added.

Yet, Mr Lim and other DAP leaders have also stirred controversy by perpetuating PN's growing influence in the Malay Muslim heartland as the “Green Wave” - in reference to Parti Islam Malaysia's (PAS) perceived conservative Islamic policies.

In the same speech, he was quoted by China Press as saying that the “Green Wave” - as green is associated to PAS with its flag being in the colour - might result in Penang residents one day being prosecuted for wearing shorts in their own shops.

"We young people want to be healthy and maintain our physique, so when we want to exercise, we wear shorts. But the Green Wave says we can't wear shorts, even in our own shops. I see that, in the future, you'll also need to wear clothes when taking a shower,” he reportedly said.

Former DAP MP Ong Kian Ming wrote in a recent commentary that perpetuating the Green Wave plays into a larger Islamophobic narrative which is prevalent among some segments of the non-Malay community and abroad.

"This kind of sentiment is particularly unhelpful especially when it comes to understanding the different demands of the increasingly diverse Malay community in Malaysia," he wrote.

Malaysia can't survive without the Chinese. Having met people from all three ethnicities in Malaysia, I can attest that the Malays don't contribute much, aren't competitive or competent enough to aid in the survival and growth of their nation. That's the prime reason why they need affirmative action despite being the majority.
Well, Malays aren’t doing something like Rohingya Genocide on Indian and Chinese minorities. So all is well...
Apart from the historic bad blood among Malays and other ethnicities, I really don't like some of their administrative policies like a doctor from anywhere around the world cannot practice medicine in Malaysia not because he has to get a Malaysian m.p license but to enroll in a malay m.c and start it from the scratch.

What's behind this arrogance ?
Indians in Malaysia is famous for murder, gangsterism, rape and drugs. This is how Malays treat minorities -- like sht.

But in Singapore Indians are richest. Then Indians, tag team with Malays, open their sht mouth and curse Chinese as racists. Singapore Peranakan government cheers and support Indians against Chinese.

Both Malays and Indians are lousy people.

Apart from the historic bad blood among Malays and other ethnicities, I really don't like some of their administrative policies like a doctor from anywhere around the world cannot practice medicine in Malaysia not because he has to get a Malaysian m.p license but to enroll in a malay m.c and start it from the scratch.

What's behind this arrogance ?

Not an arrogance attitude, they just want to secure the jobs to the locals.

There is Malaysian that study medical in University of Indonesia from my relatives who study there. There are also other Malaysians studying medical in other Indonesian state owned universities like UNPAD, UGM, UNDIP, etc.

You can find the story from Youtube as well from those Malaysian. In Indonesia SOE universities are the best one, there is why in Covid research, radar, aerospace like plane (KF21 and N219) and indigenous HSR train development program dont involves our private universities, only SOE ones.
Not an arrogance attitude, they just want to secure the jobs to the locals.

There is Malaysian that study medical in University of Indonesia from my relatives who study there. There are also other Malaysians studying medical in other Indonesian state owned universities like UNPAD, UGM, UNDIP, etc.

You can find the story from Youtube as well from those Malaysian. ( In Indonesia SOE universities are the best one, there is why in Covid research, radar, aerospace like plane (KF21 and N219) and indigenous HSR train development program dont involves our private universities, only SOE ones ).

At least Malays have cow sense. Lee Kuan Yew cheers when Singaporeans even local Indians are victim of caste system of Indian nations. He even say Singaporeans need to be unequally treated (discriminated).

Then he go on many other occasion saying Singaporeans lazy and stupid.

Lee Kuan Yew is an evil man over rated. His evilness need to be exposed.

At least Malays have cow sense. Lee Kuan Yew cheers when Singaporeans even local Indians are victim of caste system of Indian nations. He even say Singaporeans need to be unequally treated (discriminated).

Then he go on many other occasion saying Singaporeans lazy and stupid.

Lee Kuan Yew is an evil man over rated. His evilness need to be exposed.

Singaporean Chinese need to step up. Indians in Singapore is likely serving for their mother land.

The example is majority of Singapores imported rice comes from India. This is surprising as the majority of Indonesian imported rice comes from Vietnam and Thailand.

Indian also become Singapore Central Bank Governoor. The decision of Sing Sovereign Wealth Fund to invest in India could rather stem to Indian connection rather than logical reason.
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Singaporean Chinese need to step up. Indians in Singapore is likely serving for their mother land.

The example is majority of Singapores imported rice comes from India. This is surprising as the majority of Indonesian imported rice comes from Vietnam and Thailand.

Indian also become Singapore Central Bank Governoor. The decision of Sing Sovereign Wealth Fund to invest in India could rather steem to Indian connection rather than logical reason.

I got one suspicion Kuan Yew and many elites are bought by Jews and worship satan as well.

All over the world, the Jews are pushing for migration, and hybridization/mixed marriage.

Since Kuan Yew are handover power by white man, and likely he is MI6 mole, he need to listen to white masters.

White man hate Chinese and Chinese culture.
Singaporean Chinese need to step up. Indians in Singapore is likely serving for their mother land.

The example is majority of Singapores imported rice comes from India. This is surprising as the majority of Indonesian imported rice comes from Vietnam and Thailand.

Indian also become Singapore Central Bank Governoor. The decision of Sing Sovereign Wealth Fund to invest in India could rather stem to Indian connection rather than logical reason.

Indians are acting to help India wherever they go - whether Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia or even Fiji.

It's in their blood, even if it is in some cases illegal.

I know of the Indian-origin Singaporean ruling party MPs who argued and passed a MFN status for India, allowing Indians to come work in Singapore anytime they wish, which drove down wages for native Singaporeans. No wonder Singapore folks are mad.
I got one suspicion Kuan Yew and many elites are bought by Jews and worship satan as well.

All over the world, the Jews are pushing for migration, and hybridization/mixed marriage.

Since Kuan Yew are handover power by white man, and likely he is MI6 mole, he need to listen to white masters.

White man hate Chinese and Chinese culture.

Who gave you a free license to preach hate?
There is no such thing as pure meritocracy while GoS keep using meritocracy lens to explain Singaporeans got fired.

The world is more about nepotism, favorism, kinship, geopolitics. Even using caste system to explain how to world runs is more relevant than meritocracy.

That is why despite Chinese sweep all US maths olympic and dominate Intel prize, Chinese are not allowed, except for the very few, to top of US business elite. Chinese are totally ban in US power elite domain.

Blacks never mind how low IQ, are invited by red carpet to US top power elite circle.

Malays has more brains than Singapore Peranakan Chinese. Or Lee Kuan Yew and his gang are purely evil.

Lee Kuan Yew is BIG liar and keep prostituting Singaporeans.
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