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Lieutenant Colonel Haq Nawaz Kiyani (PA) and Sepoy Baldev Singh (IA)


Aug 18, 2015
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An account of Lt Col Haq Nawaz Kiyani Mercy on Indian soldier (Baldev Singh)

"I didn't want Pakistani stray dogs eating my dead body"
In 1971, Sepoy Baldev Singh survived against all odds.

This is his story

In 1971, 9 Sikh was manning the Cease Fire Line (CFL) — as the Line of Control (LOC) was known then — along the Shamshabari Range, extending from Tutmari Gali to Nastachun Pass in Jammu and Kashmir. Both these passes are more than 11,000 feet high. It was tasked to attack across the CFL and capture the Kayian Bowl - 'bowl' in military jargon implies a small valley surrounded by steep mountain ridges - which was 3,000 feet below to the south west of Tutmari Gali. Kayian Bowl was defended by a company of Tochi Scouts which held five tactical features dominating the bowl.

Winter had set in and night temperatures were below zero degree when 9 Sikh launched its operations on the night of December 5-6, 1971. Due to paucity of resources and no road communications to Tutmari Gali, 9 Sikh had no artillery support. The unit was raised in 1963. It had some of the most dynamic young officers of the Sikh Regiment led by their equally dynamic Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Sam Chengappa. To make up for lack of fire support, 9 Sikh adopted German tactics of infiltration attacks, which were based on the concepts of 'reconnaissance pull' and 'surfaces and gaps' — an attacking force is led by the reconnaissance patrols that locate the gaps between the defences. The 'surfaces', i.e. the defences, are avoided and the weaker defences in the rear are attacked first, cutting off the routes of logistic maintenance and withdrawal. The stronger main defences are then attacked from the rear.

Through a series of spectacular attacks, the enemy was routed and an area of 46 square kilometres was captured. Then, 9 Sikh launched raids and set up road blocks in the Lipa Valley to assist the operations of other units attacking Lipa Valley West from the direction of Tangdhar. On the night of December 14-15, 48 hours before the ceasefire was declared, the Commando Platoon of 9 Sikh led by Captain Karam Singh Virk, was going for one such raid to establish a road block at Brithwari Gali. The platoon was ambushed on the way, at 1900 hours on December 15. The ambush was successfully broken, but one soldier was killed in action and Sepoy Baldev Singh – the youngest commando - was seriously wounded in both his legs and both arms by a light machine gun burst. This is his story, which was narrated to me by the Commando Platoon Commander Colonel (then Captain) Karam Singh Virk.

Since it was practically impossible to carry him, the Platoon Commander decided to leave Baldev behind with the promise that he would be picked up on their way back. Captain Karam gave his own water bottle to Baldev whose water bottle was empty as well as half a bar of chocolate and two small oranges. In addition he had some emergency rations in the form of shakar paras. Since Sepoy Baldev was incapacitated to handle his rifle, it was replaced with a carbine and the injured Baldev was made to rest against a boulder behind a bush. Initially, he was alert and attentive, ears cocked and weapon ready. With the passage of time, due to intense pain, loss of blood and severe cold, his senses blurred. His food supply and water ran out, so did his strength, but not his will power.

Meanwhile, the Commando Platoon, due to enemy pressure, was forced to take a different route on the night of December 16-17, for exfiltration. As a result, they couldn't pick up Baldev Singh. A pack of stray dogs, sensing that the soldier's end was near, closed in on him and awaited his death. Initially,Baldev fired with his carbine to keep the dogs at bay. Later, not even able to raise his weapon to fire, he took out his commando knife. But the fear of the knife staved off the dogs only for a day. Soon, it was difficult for him to even raise his hands. Baldev then kept the index finger of his right hand on his nose and whenever the dogs came near to confirm his death, he would, with herculean effort, lift the finger straight up. He was acting on what he'd learnt in his childhood— dogs do not eat a living man. Every time he'd raise his finger, the dogs would withdraw and wait for Baldev’s finger to go down.

Ceasefire was declared on December 17 and flag meetings between the opposing forces commenced. The Pakistani army was given the map reference of the place where Baldev had been left behind and a request was made to try and find him. The first search was done in a routine manner and a negative report was given. In the next flag meeting, a request was made by Capt Karam Singh to Lieutenant Colonel Haq Nawaz Kayani, a brave and chivalrous officer who had been awarded the Sitara e Jurrat in 1965 and was now the Commanding Officer of 9 Azad Kashmir Battalion. Lt Col Kayani ordered a thorough search and on December 22, a Pakistani patrol succeeded in locating Sepoy Baldev Singh. By then, he was barely conscious, but with a finger still on his nose and surrounded by a pack of stray dogs. On seeing the patrol, the dogs slowly moved away.

Baldev had been lying badly wounded in sub zero temperatures for six and a half days. He was soon evacuated to Muzaffarabad and then to the military hospital in Rawalpindi. He remained under the care of Pakistani medical authorities for the next six months. Prolonged exposure to severe cold and loss of blood had done tremendous damage to his toes and fingers. All his toes and the fingers of his right hand had to be amputated in order to save him.

When Baldev returned to India after the exchange of prisoners, he underwent another round of hospitalisation. Due to further complications, both his legs were amputated from mid calf, as was his right hand below the elbow. In 1973, he was at the artificial limb centre at Pune when Captain Karam Singh went to meet him and learnt first-hand about this great saga of survival against all odds.

Baldev credited his life to the Pakistani stray dogs and explained, “For the first few days, I had the strength, alertness and also ammunition. I kept the dogs at bay by firing at them. Soon my ammunition finished and so did my food. I had to struggle against the chilling cold and excruciating pain even to raise my commando knife. In another couple of days, I started getting fainting spells, but my courage and determination did not flag. "Mainnahin si chahunda kih Pakistan de awara kutte meri lash nu khajan! (I did not want the Pakistani stray dogs to eat my dead body!) I could barely raise my finger, that too with great effort, to tell the dogs that I’m still alive. These dogs had been the angels who kept me alive for six and half days. I thank these dogs for their patience as they would not eat a living human being.”

Of course, his story would not be complete if I do not acknowledge the chivalry of Lt Col Haq Nawaz Kayani who ordered a thorough search to locate Baldev Singh. Lt Col Kayani was killed in action in the same area on 5 May, 1972 while leading his unit in a counter attack to recover a position lost in the war. He was deservedly awarded a bar to the Sitar e Jurrat.

Sepoy Baldev Singh now lives in his village near Ropar. The story of this brave soldier's survival is indeed a saga of the triumph of human spirit!

The author can be contacted on Twitter @rwac48


Who was Lt Col Haq Nawaz Kiyani ?

Lieutenant Colonel Haq Nawaz Kiyani Shaheed
(Sitara E Jurat & Bar)
Baloch Regiment
Leepa Valley, 1971

Lt Col Haq Nawaz Kiyani was born in the year 1926 in a remote village Mona west of Jhelum city. In his teens, he joined King George Royal Indian Military School which is now known as Military College Jhelum, which makes him an "Alamgirian". He was one of the best students of the college. He was down to earth, very pious and a humble person.

In the year 1945, he got commission and 2nd Lt Kiyani joined Rajputana Rifles. After Independence Kayani joined Baloch Regiment.

1948 War of Kashmir:
In 1948 he participated in the battle of Pandu in Kashmir Valley as a lieutenant. He was Intelligence Officer of the regiment. After the war he was promoted to the rank of Captain and was posted to PMA as Platoon Commander of Khalid Company.

1960-61 Sialkot Sector:
In 1960-61 the Indian aggression around Sialkot Jammu border was a cause of worry for Pakistani troops. Captain Haq Nawaz Kiyani reported to Brig Shah Nawaz who was the area commander and later on with his approval took his company along to the disputed area and made bunkers. The enemy fired with their Light Machine guns on troops led by Kiyani but they retaliated effectively and completed the construction.

There is an account that Kiyani led prayers in front of bunkers with in the range of enemy LMG's but the enemy didn't fire.

1965 war:
In September 1965, Major Haq Nawaz Kiyani was commanding a wing of 9 Azad Kashmir Regiment. During this war, Major Kiyani conducted various short commando actions successfully at different places in Kashmir Valley. During these actions his informers informed him that the Indian Lt Colonel who was also the commander of the area, abused and used harsh words for Pakistan and its army. The Indian Lt Colonel gave example of India as a house and Pakistan as its toilet. Enraged, Kiyani took along a combat patrol of volunteers and conducted a commando raid at the Indian Battalion Headquarter. Kiyani furiously broke in to the Battalion commander’s office , who was apparently shocked and frightened to see a Pakistani Officer inside his own office. Kiyani disposed off the Indian Lt Colonel inside his own HQ's toilet and returned successfully after the raid.

In between Wars:
Major Haq Nawaz Kiyani was awarded his first Sitara E Jurat after the war and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the year 1966. Lieutenant Colonel Kayani after commanding East Pakistan Rifles, was posted as commander of 13 Azad Kashmir Regiment from where he retired after completing his military service in the year 1970.

Lt Col (Retd) Haq Nawaz Kiyani picked up Plough after putting the Gun down and started farming on his agricultural lands.

Although he had retired and was slowly settling at Jhelum but his faith and luck had other intentions, dimensions and plans for him in store,

1971 War:
In December 1971, after eastern border when war broke out at western border as well then the reserved soldiers were called back for their services . They were required at different places , although most of them are given some office work or some duty at the headquarters but Lt Col Haq Nawaz Kiyani requested and volunteered himself to fight at the front line. Which was accepted and Kiyani was once again given the command of his own old regiment 13 AK Regiment which was deployed at Leepa Valley . Once again Kiyani returned to the valley of Kashmir, where he had fought in 48 and 65. Kiyani repulsed several enemy attacks and forced them to fall back. But due to critical situation of the sector Kayani and his men stayed in the area even after the war.

Kiyani's troops faced 2 x companies of 9th Sikh Regiment at (Chak Patra Post). Since the Indians were relatively at a higher post and advantageous position ,therefore they could easily keep an eye on all the activities of Pakistani troops in the valley and were a serious threat for Pakistani forces. It became necessary for Pakistani troops to capture this post. Attacking a post which was at a great height and capturing the bunkers was not an easy task. Once again Lieutenant Colonel Kiyani stepped forward and took up the challenge of capturing the Chak Patra Post. Kiyani motivated his men and soldiers and planned out the strategy . Pakistani soldiers attacked furiously and fought bravely to capture the post under the command of their bold commander who was directing the attack and commanding them from his command post . Chak Patra was captured early in the morning by 6 a.m. but the Indian artillery kept on firing at Pakistani posts. After the successful attack Kiyani came out of his command post in the open to analyze the situation and damage caused by his men to the Indians. During this course of action an enemy’s medium gun fired at Kiyani’s command post, the projectile fell very close to Lt Col Kayani and his men,the impact of blasr flew Kayani’s body several feet up in the air and he fell landed on the ground as a martyr.

Later on this ridge from where Col Kayani commanded his men and embraced shahadat was named after him as Kayani’s ridge.

The Legend and the hero was buried in his village Mona Jhelum with full military honors.

His sheer boldness ,determination, bravery and successful command through out his entire service, earned him his second Sitara E Jurat Posthumously.

(Copied from Facebook and edited)

@Tps43 @Mentee @Khafee @The Eagle @Arsalan @Dazzler @Game.Invade @BHarwana @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Ozee @Well.wisher @PAK spy @Tipu7 @Gryphon @Xlvee01 @Indus Pakistan @Maverick_D @Rafael @Ocean @blueazure @The Sandman @Dawood Ibrahim @DESERT FIGHTER @Hakikat ve Hikmet @MUSTAKSHAF @sparten @TaimiKhan
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Lt Col Haq Nawaz Kiyani Mercy
A great tale.
I am not sure as to what extent was the LOC changed during or in the immediate aftermath of the 71 war. Also, why the focus was not given by PA during the war to capture strategic heights from India. Broadly, why the Kashmir front was not decisively opened up?
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A great tale.
I am not sure as to what extent was the LOC changed during or in the immediate aftermath of the 71 war. Also, why the focus was not given by PA during that war to capture strategic heights for India. Broadly, why the Kashmir front was not decisively opened up?
the 1971 war was full of miscalculations and bad luck for us
the only glorious moments for us were Op Chengez Khan and the Battle of Hussainiwala

the LoC is unfinished business from 1948 . it will always be a temp line open for our breach , our time and choosing.
We have numerous stories of brave warriors on both sides, thorough professionals who were motivated by love for their countries, not hatred. Good Share!
Isntbit amazing how indians tell great stories.
During the kargil war medals of highest bravery were issued by indian army only for them to later be withdrawn and court martial leading to jail. Indian tamasha
I believe 9 AK's actions were a major driver in the regularization of the AKRF into AK Regt.
What an amazing share! Thank you for remembering and honouring the hero even after 51 years of his Shahdat! We the family of Lt. Col. Haq Nawaz Kayani Shaheed are very thankful to you. My grandfather was not only a source of pride for our family but for the whole nation ❤️

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