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Latest Development in Afghanistan

Iran allows transport of fuel for Afghans through territory​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (Tolo News): Iran’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, said that his country has issued a license allowing the transport of fuel through its territory to Afghanistan for three months. Qomi in a tweet said that in order to meet the fuel needs of the Afghan people in winter, his country has allowed Afghanistan to import fuel to the country through Iran.

According to Qomi, the license has been issued based on the request of the Islamic Emirate officials. “In order to meet the needs of the Afghan people in the winter season and based on the request of the Afghan officials from the Islamic Republic of Iran, a permit for the transit of diesel to Afghanistan from Iran’s territory was issued for three months,” he wrote in Twitter.
Meanwhile, Herat’s provincial Chamber of Commerce and Investment says that this will have a positive effect on reducing gas and fuel prices in the country. “Fortunately, the Islamic Republic of Iran has allowed transit only for diesel, this is good news and the Iranian route is a good route for Afghanistan,” said Younes Qarizada head of the Herat Chamber of Commerce and Investment.

“There is no doubt that this step will have a positive effect in decreasing fuel prices in Afghanistan,” Darya Khan Bahir, an economist said. In the meantime, Kabul residents say the prices of fuel, gas and food have skyrocketed in the country’s markets, adding that they cannot afford to buy them. “The prices of flour, rice and oil and everything has risen, we cannot buy these goods,” said Rohid, a resident of Kabul. According to the Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI), Afghanistan imports most of its fuel from Russia, Central Asia and Iran.
The Frontier Post

KABUL ( TOLOnews ): Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a statement that his country sees “promising areas” for developing trade and economic cooperation with Afghanistan.

Lavrov added that Russia wants to work directly with Kabul in the areas of agriculture, transit and energy.
“We see promising areas for developing cooperation and direct contacts between business circles. First of all, it is agriculture, energy, as well as transport, taking into account Afghanistan’s high transit potential,” the minister said. “In general, the more than 140 enterprises built by the Soviet Union in Afghanistan remain the backbone of the Afghan economy, and this creates additional opportunities for increasing our cooperation in the trade and economic sphere,” Lavrov said.

Officials in the Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) said they consider this step to be beneficial for the country in the current situation.

“By doing so, our agriculture grows and our agriculture progresses. In addition, our domestic production includes non-alcoholic beverages, water, soft drinks, which have a very high capacity and will grow,” said Khan Jan Alokozai, head of the Chamber of Commerce and Investment.

But others think that Russia is seeking a short-term market for its oil.

“By increasing its economic relations with Afghanistan, Russia wants to regain its lost influence, said Shakir Yaqoubi, an economist. Russia has been Afghanistan’s trading partner for the past 20 years, exporting some of its oil and iron to Afghanistan.

Pakistan approves multiple entry visas for Afghan transporters​

Web Desk
29 Jun, 2022

Pakistan approves multiple entry visas for Afghan transporters

Source: Torkham

ISLAMABAD – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Wednesday that the federal cabinet has approved changes in visa regime for Afghan nationals, including traders and transporters, in order to strengthen bilateral ties between the two neighbouring countries.

The Interior Ministry’s Afghan Inter-Ministerial Cell, which includes representatives of the Foreign Office, National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) and Board of Investment, had proposed the visa policy for Afghans, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement.

Taking to Twitter, Shehbaz Sharif wrote: “Federal Cabinet has approved changes in visa regime for Afghan nationals. Now our embassies will process their visa applications on the basis of their current nationality”.

“Secondly, Afghan drivers & transporters will get multiple visa for a period of up to 1 year within 48 hours,” he added.

“This facilitation in the visa regime is aimed at bringing both countries closer, helping Afghan people & attracting business and investment from wider Central Asian region.”

The premier said that he had directed the interior minister to bring more liberal visa policy.

To promote trade from Afghanistan, a new sub-category in the work visa category, called drivers, transporters, helpers, will be introduced in the Pakistan Online Visa System,” read the Prime Minister’s Office statement.

Taliban violently disperse rare women’s protest in Kabul

August 13, 2022


KABUL: Taliban fighters beat women protesters and fired into the air on Saturday as they violently dispersed a rare rally in the Afghan capital, days ahead of the first anniversary of Taliban return to power.

Since seizing power on August 15 last year, the Taliban have rolled back the marginal gains made by women during the two decades of US intervention in Afghanistan.

About 40 women – chanting “Bread, work and freedom” – marched in front of the education ministry building in Kabul, before the fighters dispersed them by firing their guns into the air, an AFP correspondent reported.

Some women protesters who took refuge in nearby shops were chased and beaten by Taliban fighters with their rifle butts.

The protesters carried a banner which read “August 15 is a black day” as they demanded rights to work and political participation.

“Justice, justice. We’re fed up with ignorance,” chanted the protesters, many of them not wearing face veils, before they dispersed.

Some journalists covering the protest – the first women’s rally in months – were also beaten by the Taliban fighters.

After seizing power, the Taliban had promised a softer version that characterised their first stint in power from 1996 to 2001.

But many restrictions have already been imposed.

Tens of thousands of girls have been shut out of secondary schools, while women have been barred from returning to many government jobs.

Women have also been banned from travelling alone on long trips, and can only visit public gardens and parks in the capital on days separate from men.

In May, the country’s supreme leader and chief of the Taliban, Hibatullah Akhundzada, even ordered women to fully cover themselves in public, including their faces – ideally with an all-encompassing burqa.

Some Afghan women initially pushed back against the curbs, holding small protests.

But the Taliban soon rounded up the ringleaders, holding them incommunicado while denying they had been detained.

Dozens of police officers graduates from National Police Education of Kandahar​

KABUL (Agencies): Dozens of police officers graduated from the education and training center of Kandahar after professional training, says local officials of the province.
Hamidullah Zahid a local security official of Kandahar said that the police officers graduated from the Kandahar National Police Education and Training Center after one month of professional training.
On this occasion, a meeting held, Mawlawi Mutiullah Farooqi the head of the. Center said that they has provide professional training to the officers of his center under the direction of the General Command of Education.
According to Farooqi, their education and professional will play an important role in strengthening security.


Former Afghan Vice President announces new political party​

KABUL (Khaama Press): Sarwar Danesh, a former vice president of Afghanistan, has announced the formation of the “Afghanistan Justice and Liberty” party. The newly formed political party sees “fighting the Taliban and building a federal republic in Afghanistan” as its two main goals.

The Afghanistan Justice and Liberty party’s statement highlighted the necessity to fight the Taliban and stated that the “growth of international terrorism” is a result of the Taliban’s “illegitimate rule.”

This political movement, which is led by Sarwar Danesh, released a statement. Before the Afghan government collapsed to the Taliban, Danesh served as Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s VP.

The statement addresses that “the emergence and growth of international terrorism and extremist groups in our land and the failure and collapse of the nation-state building process in Afghanistan is the consequence of the illegitimate rule of the extremist and monopolistic Taliban group in the current situation.”

With regard to establishing a federal republic system in Afghanistan, the newly formed party stated that “the time has come to facilitate the implementation of a federal system in our country within the framework of the national consensus.”

The absence of a competing and alternative system to be put out as an alternative when criticizing the Taliban administration has long been one of the main issues in political discussions.

One of the most highly contentious issues in recent Afghan political discussions has been the creation of federalism, which has a large following.

The party has declared that it will submit its full blueprint for a federal government in Afghanistan for its future at the appropriate time.

The statement of the party calls for “the fair participation of all ethnic groups in the administration of the country,” as well as the involvement of women in leadership positions and political decision-making.

This party also counts Rasool Talib as a member who was a senior advisor to the former Afghan president in public and social affairs.

“We want an inclusive and federal government,” a member of this party reportedly said to Deutsche Welle. “If negotiations with the Taliban and other political movements fail, we will turn to armed conflict.


‘Self-censorship’ in Afghan media under Taliban rule​

KABUL (TOLOnews): A UN Women (UNW) report says that the Afghan media sector has “fundamentally changed for the worse,” under Taliban rule, with self-censorship and a systematic effort to muzzle the media and erase women from public spaces.
According to the UNW report that was published on Monday ongoing harassment, incarceration, attacks, and detentions, as well as the requirement that female TV anchors cover their faces, are all Taliban strategies used to eliminate women’s voices, faces, experiences, and perspectives from the public sphere.

According to the report, there were concerted efforts and investments made before the Taliban took power to increase the number of women working in the media across a variety of roles, train them, and provide them with useful skills and expertise. However, after the Taliban took power, women working in the media in 11 provinces lost their jobs.

The report also stated that the Taliban has attempted to take over the Afghan media by forbidding broadcasts and publications that oppose their rule and/or are at odds with how the group interprets Islamic and Afghan values, resulting in restricted access to information.

The Taliban has issued a number of stifling decrees regarding the media, the most recent of which mandates that female invited guests have their faces covered in visual media, as a previous edict required female TV anchors to cover their faces while on air.

Additionally, according to a Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan official, visual media outlets are forbidden from inviting men to shows with female anchors. This comes as a report by the Association of Free Journalists of Afghanistan, which was published on May 9th, stated that since the Taliban seized power, 287 media outlets have closed and nearly 6,000 journalists have lost their jobs.

Women stopped from entering amusement parks in Afghan capital

November 9, 2022

<p>An Afghan man stands in an amusement park in Kabul, Afghanistan, November 9. — Reuters</p>

An Afghan man stands in an amusement park in Kabul, Afghanistan, November 9. — Reuters

Afghan women were stopped from entering amusement parks in Kabul on Wednesday after the Taliban’s morality ministry said there would be restrictions on women being able to access public parks.

A spokesperson for the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (MPVPV) confirmed that women would be restricted from accessing parks when asked for comment by Reuters, but did not respond to requests to provide further details.

It was not clear how widely the restrictions applied or how they affected a previous rule from the MPVPV saying parks, including open-air spaces, must be segregated by gender and certain days would be aside for women.

Bilal Karimi, a deputy spokesperson for the hardline Taliban administration, did not respond to a request for comment.

At a Kabul amusement park containing rides such as bumper cars and a Ferris wheel, Reuters witnesses observed several women being turned away by park officials, with Taliban agents present observing the situation.

Masooma, a Kabul resident who asked that only her first name be published for security reasons, had planned to take her grandchild to visit the park but was turned away.

“When a mother comes with their children, they must be allowed to enter the park, because these children haven’t seen anything good … they must play and be entertained,” she told Reuters. “I urged a lot to them, but they didn’t allow us to get inside the park, and now we are returning home.”

Two park operators, who asked to remain anonymous to speak on a sensitive matter, said they had been told by Taliban officials not to allow women to enter their parks.

Since taking over Afghanistan last year, the Taliban have said women should not leave the home without a male relative and must cover their faces, though some women in urban centres ignore the rule and some women have been permitted to work in government offices. The group also made a U-turn on signals it would open all girls’ high schools in March.

Western governments have said the group needs to reverse its course on women’s rights for any path towards formal recognition of the Taliban government.

The Taliban say they respect women’s rights in accordance with their interpretation of Islamic law.

Female entrepreneurs open women’s market​

The Frontier Post


HERAT (TOLOnews): A number of female entrepreneurs have opened a market dedicated for women in the capital city of Herat.

The market aims to enhance work opportunities for women, according to entrepreneurs.

More than 30 women are working in this market… There are shops of women dresses,
handmade crafts and local foods,” said Nargis Hashimi, head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of western Zone.

Many women who are working in this market are the breadwinner of their families.
“When I receive some profits here. I help my parents and family who encouraged me and thus today, I am here,” said Maliha, a shopkeeper.

“It is a proud time for us that we are able to work at a market despite difficult conditions,” said Maliha Amiri, a shopkeeper.

The market is dedicated for only women clients.

“This is fortunate that women can come here and work without worries and sell their products,” said Masouda Muwahid, a resident of Herat.

“When the women with good educational backgrounds come and work here, it motivates other women too,” said Azita Barakzai, a client.

The economists believes that the women’s activities in business is a serious need for the Afghan economy.

“This is very effective. First for women, second for the society and country,” said Bahnaz Saljoqi, an economist.

Based on statistics of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of western Zone, more 1,500 women in Herat are engaged into small and medium businesses.

7 injured near Kurram border following firing from Afghan side over land dispute: officials

Javid Hussain
November 20, 2022

<p>A picture of the Kurram border with Afghanistan on Sunday. — Photo by author</p>

A picture of the Kurram border with Afghanistan on Sunday. — Photo by author
Seven people, including two children, were injured following firing from across the Afghan border in Kharlachi and Borki near Kurram border on Sunday, according to officials.

Parachinar District Headquarters Hospital (DHQ) Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr Qaiser Abbas Bangash told Dawn.com that the children were seriously injured while several livestock were also killed due to shelling from Afghanistan on the local community.

He said the injured, which also include three security officials, were under treatment at the hospital.

Federal Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development Sajid Hussain Turi, while confirming the incident, condemned the firing.

In a statement shared on Twitter, he said: “Afghanistan’s violation of Pakistan’s Kurram border at Kharlachi and Borki and targeting the civilian population is condemnable.”

He called for an immediate ceasefire and said the people of Kurram and the Pakistan Army knew well how to “protect their land and befittingly respond to any aggression”.

Turi stressed that aggression and war were not a solution to any problem, adding that Pakistan wanted to solve all problems with Afghanistan and other neighbouring countries through dialogue.

The federal minister also stated that Afghanistan was a brotherly country and Pakistan wanted all “outstanding issues to be resolved through diplomatic channels and dialogue”.

Turi said that land disputes between the people living on both sides of the border should be resolved through bilateral jirga and diplomatic channels so that no such incident takes place in the future as it will damage the fraternal and friendly relations between the two countries.

“He said that we have already held jirgas and negotiations with the Afghan government on the land dispute and more negotiations are needed, and the people across the border should not try to unsuccessfully occupy the Pakistani lands of Kharlachi and Borki,” the statement shared on Twitter reads.

Separately, while talking to Dawn.com, he also said that Pakistani forces had conducted retaliatory firing after the Afghan side’s targeting of the local populace.
The military and the Foreign Office have not made a comment on the situation yet.

Meanwhile, local tribal leader Inayat Turi told Dawn.com that clashes first took place on Saturday between local tribes and the Taliban on the Pak-Afghan Borki-Kharlachi border over illegal constructions by Afghanistan.

He said a ceasefire was reached with the cooperation of local leaders, Afghan officials, and Pakistan Army officials. However, he added that clashes took place again today after the Afghan side resumed work with a pair of excavators at the same place.

The tribal leader said that there was anger and unrest among the local population, who were now demanding immediate measures by the officials to respond to Afghan attackers since the incident was direct aggression against Pakistan’s integrity.

He said that shelling from the Afghan side on locals was still ongoing and people were expressing concerns about the risks of injuries to innocents.
The development comes amid already tense relations between the two neighbours.

Earlier this week, the border at Chaman was closed for an indefinite period after an armed suspect from the Afghan side opened fire on Pakistani security personnel at Friendship Gate last week, resulting in the martyrdom of one soldier and injuries to two.

A subsequent flag meeting at Friendship Gate between officials from both sides failed to evolve a consensus over the reopening of the crossing.
KABUL (Agencies): Da Afghanistan Bank officials discussed growing the national economy, normalization of the banking sector, and coordination of humanitarian aid in a meeting with the United Nations delegation in Afghanistan.

Da Afghanistan Bank say two of the bank’s senior officials of the bank met with Ramiz Al Akbarov, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations to discuss on the expansion of the national economy, the normalization of the banking sector and the coordination of aid.

The officials of Da Afghanistan Bank considered the role of the United Nations Deputy Office in the country to be effective in improving the humanitarian and economic situation of the country.

Da Afghanistan Bank is committed to providing better services to the citizens of the country and institutions in the light of national and international laws and regulations, the bank officials stressed.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation of Da Afghanistan Bank in providing banking facilities in the country, and promised more cooperation in with Da Afghanistan Bank.
What is the real message given latest development by TTP?

Pakistan’s embassy in Kabul comes under attack: FO

Dawn.com | AFP | Naveed Siddiqui | Tahir Khan
December 2, 2022

Pakistan’s embassy in Kabul came under attack on Friday with Chargé d’Affaires (CdA) to Afghanistan Ubaidur Rehman Nizamani targeted, according to a press release from the Foreign Office (FO).

The FO said the embassy compound came under attack and while Nizamani remained safe, a security guard, Sepoy Israr Mohammad, was “critically injured” in the attack while protecting the mission head.

What happened today:

  • Pakistan’s embassy in Kabul comes under attack
  • PM Shehbaz condemns the incident and calls for investigation and action against culprits
  • FO says Pakistan CdA was the target of attack and security guard critically injured
  • Afghan foreign ministry assures investigation and punishment of perpetrators
  • Kabul police spokesman says one suspect arrested
  • FM Bilawal and President Alvi strongly condemn the attack
  • FO summons Afghan CdA to convey Pakistan’s “deep concern”
  • FM Bilawal receives call over incident from Afghan counterpart

The press release said Pakistan “strongly condemns” the assassination attempt against Nizamani and the attack on the embassy compound.

“The interim government of Afghanistan must immediately hold thorough investigations in this attack, apprehend the culprits, hold them to account, and take urgent measures to ensure the safety and security of Pakistani diplomatic personnel and citizens in Afghanistan,” the FO said.

Nizamani took charge as the mission head on November 4.

An embassy official told AFP that a lone attacker “came behind the cover of houses and started firing”.

“The ambassador and all the other staff are safe, but we are not going outside of the embassy building as a precaution,” he said.

Kabul police spokesman Khalid Zadran said one suspect was arrested after security forces rushed to the embassy and stopped the ongoing firing.

He said details of the clearance operation would be shared later, adding that weapons were recovered.

The Afghan foreign ministry condemned the incident. Taliban foreign ministry spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi issued a statement saying that security institutions would “seriously investigate” the incident and identity the perpetrators to punish them.

The statement said that the Afghan government would not allow some “vested interest elements” to threaten the security of officials of diplomatic missions.


Pakistani officials condemn incident​

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif was the first Pakistani official to condemn the “dastardly assassination attempt”.

“Salute to the brave security guard, who took a bullet to save his life. Prayers for the swift recovery of a security guard.

“I demand immediate investigation and action against the perpetrators of this heinous act,” the prime minister tweeted.

He later tweeted that he spoke to the mission head and was relieved to hear that Nizamani was safe.

“I expressed the solidarity of government and people with him while assuring full support and assistance to him and his mission on all counts. I also conveyed prayers for the swift recovery of the brave security guard,” the prime minister said.

President Dr Arif Alvi said the attack was a “cause for concern” while condemning it.

“Pakistan condemns all forms and types of terrorism and is determined to eliminate it.

“Terrorism is a common threat, it requires joint efforts to fight it effectively,” he said.

“We condemn this in the strongest possible terms. The safety and security of our diplomats are of fundamental importance,” Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said.

“We salute the bravery of Sepoy Israr and pray for his swift recovery.”

Bilawal later said he received a call from his Afghan counterpart who reassured enhanced security for Pakistani diplomats and missions in Afghanistan and promised that the perpetrators would be brought to justice.

The US embassy in Islamabad also condemned the attack.

FO summons Afghan CdA​

Later in the day, the FO said that the Afghan CdA was summoned in the evening to convey “Pakistan’s deep concern and anguish” over the attack.

The FO said the Afghan CdA was conveyed that the security and protection of Pakistan’s diplomatic missions and personnel was the “responsibility of the Afghan interim government” and the incident was an “extremely serious security lapse”.

“It was underscored that perpetrators of this attack must be apprehended and brought to justice urgently, an investigation be launched into the serious breach of security of the embassy premises and that all necessary steps be taken to ensure the security of the diplomatic premises, officers and staff working in Pakistan’s mission in Kabul and consulates in Jalalabad, Kandahar, Herat and Mazar-i-Sharif.”

According to the press release, the Afghan CdA called the attack “highly unfortunate” and that it was perpetrated by the “common enemies of Pakistan and Afghanistan”.

“The attack has been condemned by the Afghan leadership in the strongest possible terms at the highest level.

“He also informed that the security of the Pakistani diplomatic missions had already been beefed up and assured that the Afghan authorities would leave no stone unturned in bringing the perpetrators of this dastardly act to justice,” the press release reads.
Definitely RAW:-

IS claims attack at Pakistan embassy that wounded guard​

The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for last week’s shooting at the Pakistani embassy in Afghanistan in which the head of the mission escaped unharmed but a guard was wounded
ByMUNIR AHMED Associated Press
December 4, 2022, 2:12 AM

ISLAMABAD -- The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for last week's shooting at the Pakistani embassy in Afghanistan in which the head of the mission escaped unharmed but a guard was wounded.

In a brief statement late Saturday, IS claimed two of its fighters attacked “the renegade Pakistani ambassador and his guards” while they were in the Pakistani embassy’s yard, wounding a guard and inflicting damage to the building. It gave no further details.

Friday’s assault in the Afghan capital Kabul wounded Pakistani guard Israr Mohammad, who belongs to the military’s commando unit. But the mission's chief, Ubaid-ur-Rehman NizamaniIt, was unharmed.

The attack came amid rising tensions between the South Asian neighbors over Islamabad’s claims that anti-Pakistan government forces are orchestrating militant attacks from hideouts in Afghanistan.

Mohammad was transported to Pakistan for medical treatment.

In Islamabad, the Foreign Ministry said it trying to confirm the IS claim.


Associated Press writer Maamoun Youssef in Cairo contributed.
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