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Jewish Scripture tells Hindus: "Take your idol and shove it up your @ss"

Although religious discussions are not allowed on the forum and may result in a direct ban but Islam must be commended for bringing protection to the pagan world. It remains the only form of monotheism with the most practical message of coexistence with the polytheists.

It would be quite Shakespearean tragedy if today the pagan world turns her back towards the Muslims in their time of need.
Better check ISIS videos for their views on idolators next
Aaargh Aaargh. It's clear you have never ruled over humanity, exactly like ISIS. You are a suck up to Israel. I don't suck up to ISIS or any Middle Eastern state. Your chums yell Bharat Mata Ki Jai in Australia, but won't tolerate that behaviour from others in India. The Israelis are not that bigoted.
Aaargh Aaargh. It's clear you have never ruled over humanity, exactly like ISIS. You are a suck up to Israel. I don't suck up to ISIS or any Middle Eastern state. Your chums yell Bharat Mata Ki Jai in Australia, but won't tolerate that behaviour from others in India. The Israelis are not that bigoted.
Tldr; gawaar
ISIS never ruled over anyone in history, don't rule over anyone, can't rule over anyone. They were using religion for politics, they are pseudo religious political people like Hindutva.
Gober made you blind.

You are claiming twitter account is fake, but i showed you "Rabi openly calling you not deserve to live". and you showing a sh!tty chart from a random site.

View attachment 961289

Thanks for the video, I shared some videos too. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander as well, so they are all true too. Watch them, and have a nice day.
Pajeets think the Talmud was written by ISI
Talmud was written by Semites. The Semitic language group includes Arabs. Arabs make up most of Hamas. Hamas is a Mujlim group. Pakistanis are also Mujlim. ISI is Pakistan's intellizence organijation. Therefore....ISI wrote the Talmud!!!

Look saar I did the needful and factchecked these Pakistanis!!!!!

@CallSignMaverick @Kingdom come @Cheepek
Talmud was written by Semites. The Semitic language group includes Arabs. Arabs make up most of Hamas. Hamas is a Muslim group. Pakistanis are also Muslim. ISI is Pakistan's intelligence organijation. Therefore....ISI wrote the Talmud!!!

Look saar I did the needful and factchecked these Pakistanis!!!!!

@CallSignMaverick @Kingdom come @Cheepek
Didn't you claim yesterday you tagged me by mistake?
Try to do something for your Brethren
Fight for them
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Maybe that's why a pagan is your Prime Minister, and maybe that's why Christians & Jews don't bomb pagans but Muslims.
& That's why you see pagans excelling everywhere, while your lot cries Islamophobia.

Reality is that everyone hates Muslims so much that from the sub continent, to ME, to Africa; everywhere Muslims are slaughtered en masse with no one giving two hoots to how many of them die everyday.

The situation of Muslims around the world is so bad that the country which treats Islam as a mental disorder is almost their best buddy, and it's leader next only to the prophet!

You in no way are anyway equal to us lol you think a pagan has same standing as us

The prime minister of U.K. ho didn’t receive one vote
The toilets that need cleaning on a daily basis for Christian for Muslims for Jews are pagans

The phone call operatives who saying yes sir no sir who are Way cheaper to employ in a third rate job pagans

The only sweat shops in U.K. which are run by slave masters , yep you guessed it filled with pagans on slave wages

The que’s begging for work on the streets of U.K. for £20 a day to do menial jobs , yep pagans

Hospital cleaners. Bus terminal cleaners , train station cleaners , office cleaners ....

Heathrow airport cleaners which were especially brought in from India in the 60’s 70’s yep you got it pagans
Whole families raised on cleaning toilets for the west .

Why would anyone bomb a pagan when he’s meek mild and couldn’t punch his self out of a wet paper bag . Who accepts orders without question

It may hurt your heart that no one excepts you for what you are and you will never be accepted as equals in the eye of followers of God .

We are all pre warned about you lot in our holy books , Heathens , pagans idol worshippers etc etc and not one good word is written on paganism .

reality in your mind is everyone hates Muslims when the opposite is the case and the vast amount of conversion to Islam throughout all corners of the world proves this .

Heck even most pagans of Indian sub continent broke the chain of idol worshipping and accepted that God is one in their billions while vice versa there hasn’t been any movement towards pagan at all .
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