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Jewish Scripture tells Hindus: "Take your idol and shove it up your @ss"

Today history will call me bad, cruel...
I killed millions of Jews.
But one day people will agree with my decisions. I eliminated 90 percent of the Jews and left 10 percent to see why. "
Let the world know that I killed them..


Bro, you got no work to do? Digging up shit. It's hilarious.

Well, every Abrahamic religion considers idol worshippers as low life.

Not all, Christianity is based on trinity.
What is common between Islam and Judaism is the concept of one and only one God, and no depiction of him.

The text mentions nothing about fellow monotheists as well, but here they are slaughtering Muslims en masse and dispatching them to quick 72 hoori service, while the impotent rage of useless Pakistanis has forced them to read Jewish texts instead of their own Quran

Jews and Muslims have had wars, that is true.
We worship the same God of Moses, David and Solomon.
We differ in prophets ..
But both Jews and muslims have the same opinion of pagans.
Not all, Christianity is based on trinity.
What is common between Islam and Judaism is the concept of one and only one God, and no depiction of him.

Jews and Muslims have had wars, that is true.
We worship the same God of Moses, David and Solomon.
We differ in prophets ..
But both Jews and muslims have the same opinion of pagans.
Muslims are regarded as fanatics by Hindus, Hindus are regarded as idol worshippers and pagans by Muslims. And well all religious bigots hate atheists.
It's all a hogwash, I remember this line from a piece of entertainment, humanity won't stop fighting till there's only one human left or less.
Muslims are regarded as fanatics by Hindus, Hindus are regarded as idol worshippers and pagans by Muslims. And well all religious bigots hate atheists.
It's all a hogwash, I remember this line from a piece of entertainment, humanity won't stop fighting till there's only one human left or less.
Anybody with even a rudimentary knowledge of modern cosmology and cosmogony that has been discovered in 20th century will know how the idea of God created by man in all religions is so laughable. Considering the age and size of the universe, there were likely intelligent life forms billions of light years afar and billions of years before humans on earth and will be there billions of years hence after the last human is gone by natural or manmade reasons from this spec of dirt called earth. That we as humans have some insight or special relationship with this entity called God, assuming it exists, is arrogance.
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