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Israel to deploy nuclear submarines off Iran coast

Lol T-Faz that was hilarious... I am sorry for those who didn't get it the first time. May be they haven't gone thru the thread about Pakistan nuking india...

Thanx for the laugh Tfaz :D
Lol T-Faz that was hilarious... I am sorry for those who didn't get it the first time. May be they haven't gone thru the thread about Pakistan nuking india...

Thanx for the laugh Tfaz :D

Lol tell me what the inside story.
Ok I was just curious about locations to take shelter/reside during a possible nuclear holocaust (WW3). USA is not completely safe too ? I dont want to die, I have some armaans :lol:, Before I die I want to play meaningless games with my son. :bunny: Australia and Europe are safe ? :blink:

WTF I forgot deadly climate change and massive Ozone destruction from Nuclear War, I think I am deluding myself to think otherwise. Sorry. :frown:

Hehe kidding I wouldn't want to survive a Nuclear Holocaust. If one went off I'd make sure it got me. Get it over & done with very quickly please. What point is there surviving when everything else is completely destroyed ? :victory: :cheers:
i think the sanctions the u.s is trying to impose on iran fails,the war is inevitable
Ok I was just curious about locations to take shelter/reside during a possible nuclear holocaust (WW3). USA is not completely safe too ? I dont want to die, I have some armaans :lol:, Before I die I want to play meaningless games with my son. :bunny: Australia and Europe are safe ? :blink:

WTF I forgot deadly climate change and massive Ozone destruction from Nuclear War, I think I am deluding myself to think otherwise. Sorry. :frown:

Hehe kidding I wouldn't want to survive a Nuclear Holocaust. If one went off I'd make sure it got me. Get it over & done with very quickly please. What point is there surviving when everything else is completely destroyed ? :victory: :cheers:

Africa & Antartica is Safe ... You can immigrate there ... all others = :devil:
so they'll Gona attack Iran with Nukes ??

We should immediately dispatch a Dozen Nukes + Cruise Missiles to Iran & Syria to Tackle the situation ..

Are you serious? Iran doesn't even acknowledge that Pakistan asssisted them in the Iran/Iraq war. Their hardline Mullahs claim they did it all by themselves.

Please stop kissing Iranian butt. :disagree:
Thanks for telling. And are you planning to send your pigeons?
i will not forget to carry my umbrella when i go home.:wave:

Come on man T was joking, but to be on the safe side make sure u take ur umbrella when you go home. Cause I think that you missed the news of our new Pigeon battalion. Its even deadlier.

I think you will find the Israelis and their IDF a tougher nut to crack than Saddam's poor soldiers were.

not really
lets look @ the numbers

Imbalance of Power (1980–1987)
Tanks in 1987 Iraq-4500 Iran-1000
Fighter Aircraft in 1987 Iraq-500+ Iran-65*
Helicopters in 1987 Iraq-150 Iran-60
Artillery in 1987 Iraq-4000+ Iran-1000+

Iran was under complete embargo all through out the war.

lets look @ who supported who.
support for Iraq:
USA, UK, KSA, Soviet Union, France, Kuwait, Italy, Germany, Egypt, Jordan, Singapore.
Support for Iran:
USA (for the sake of being unbiased I will count the Iran contra affair as "support")
Soviet union

Iraq also used chemical and bio weapons at will to destroy people in numbers and also to destroy the moral of the soldiers, we did not.
Iran was desperate. We didn't even have mine sweepers so people walked through mine fields to clear paths for others.

Our sense of nationalism got us through. Israel today doesn't have a fraction of Iraq's power. Iraq could actually touch Iran but Israel can't even bomb Iran as their air force is not made for such a war.
They can only nuke Iran which I would love to see happen if you know what I mean.

At the same time Iran is a billion times stronger than the Iran of 80's.
not really
lets look @ the numbers

Imbalance of Power (1980–1987)
Tanks in 1987 Iraq-4500 Iran-1000
Fighter Aircraft in 1987 Iraq-500+ Iran-65*
Helicopters in 1987 Iraq-150 Iran-60
Artillery in 1987 Iraq-4000+ Iran-1000+

Iran was under complete embargo all through out the war.

lets look @ who supported who.
support for Iraq:
USA, UK, KSA, Soviet Union, France, Kuwait, Italy, Germany, Egypt, Jordan, Singapore.
Support for Iran:
USA (for the sake of being unbiased I will count the Iran contra affair as "support")
Soviet union

Iraq also used chemical and bio weapons at will to destroy people in numbers and also to destroy the moral of the soldiers, we did not.
Iran was desperate. We didn't even have mine sweepers so people walked through mine fields to clear paths for others.

Our sense of nationalism got us through. Israel today doesn't have a fraction of Iraq's power. Iraq could actually touch Iran but Israel can't even bomb Iran as their air force is not made for such a war.
They can only nuke Iran which I would love to see happen if you know what I mean.

At the same time Iran is a billion times stronger than the Iran of 80's.

Come on, do not forget the Stingers (only US and Israel had them) Pakistan sold to you, otherwise the advanced jets Iraq had would have been able to defeat you country.

Give credit where it is due, the weapons meant for the mujahideen were being funneled to you by our military and you were able to ward off the attacks by Iraq.
Come on, do not forget the Stingers (only US and Israel had them) Pakistan sold to you, otherwise the advanced jets Iraq had would have been able to defeat you country.

Give credit where it is due, the weapons meant for the mujahideen were being funneled to you by our military and you were able to ward off the attacks by Iraq.

well I got this from wiki.
And all this is still nothing compared to what Iraq got. They were receiving HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS from arabs (KSA, Kuwait etc...) and the USA even escorted their oil tankers through the Persian Gulf. We weren't just fighting the Iraqis, we were also fighting the Americans. In operation Mantis the American navy destroyed most of Iran's navy. They even bombed a civilian air liner killing more than a hundred civilians who were traveling to the UAE.
Iran in general was all alone through out the war. Any other country would have crumbled but we didn't.
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