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Israel "navy' murders POW sailors stranded in water (taped themselves doing the crime)

Yes,it's not terrorism in another country. This is Israel. Where you have Hamas from Gaza next to you. Armed to the teeth. Rushing in boats to land.
They could still be defectors or have no hostile purpose. You have the same criminal attitude as those US degenerate low iqs who shot dead the Italian negotiator in his car when he rescued a captive in Iraq. All should be alerted to this degeneration led by Anglosaxons and Israeli degenerates exhibited by foinikis
First of all, as I explained, it's a fuel fire damage, anything can do that, it can be both Israel or Hamas rocket. As long as you have fuel and it burn long enough, you have that damage. How many people killed in this does not really matter as to what caused the incident.

Second of all, there are only a few weapon in Israel arsenal can do this type of damage, you are talking about either High Explosive Incendiary bomb (Then you will have crater and shrapnel), Napalm (Then the burn will be very extensive and last very long) or White phosphorus (It burn pretty quick, you don't ignite a fuel fire like this)

You can look at the damage assessment I made from what I observe from a video of aftermath here

Following Video totally proves that "rocket" was already intercepted by iron dome. There was another type of munition that went without a trail and hit hospital directly.

Israeli officials had already shown their intentions days ago. They mentioned hospital. Just to avoid international condemnation, they find a perfect opportunity to hit it during the night and during or after hamas rocket firings. You can see in the video multiple strikes were being made on the gaza (areas around hospital) not just the hospital. So all those strikes that were happening at the time when hospital was hit were also "failed rockets" ? and again the rocket if had to drop down suddenly, it should have shown the trail . Also how come a light weight / short range rocket had that much fuel??? When Israelis already had shown their intentions, they already wanted to hit it, so do you think they don't have anything to hit it that kill everyone inside but structure does not fall entirely ? they have whole range of weaponry, even in drones, they have every kind and every weight of arsenal. Its too easy for them to achieve intended objectives. Just astonished by excuses to protect a country that has always used collective punishment as their national policy for 70 years. BTW, its not the first time they have targetted hospital or its not the first time they have lied.
Following Video totally proves that "rocket" was already intercepted by iron dome. There was another type of munition that went without a trail and hit hospital directly.

Israeli officials had already shown their intentions days ago. They mentioned hospital. Just to avoid international condemnation, they find a perfect opportunity to hit it during the night and during or after hamas rocket firings. You can see in the video multiple strikes were being made on the gaza (areas around hospital) not just the hospital. So all those strikes that were happening at the time when hospital was hit were also "failed rockets" ? and again the rocket if had to drop down suddenly, it should have shown the trail . Also how come a light weight / short range rocket had that much fuel??? When Israelis already had shown their intentions, they already wanted to hit it, so do you think they don't have anything to hit it that kill everyone inside but structure does not fall entirely ? they have whole range of weaponry, even in drones, they have every kind and every weight of arsenal. Its too easy for them to achieve intended objectives. Just astonished by excuses to protect a country that has always used collective punishment as their national policy for 70 years. BTW, its not the first time they have targetted hospital or its not the first time they have lied.
Just because the rocket is intercepted or failed that does not mean the fuel inside of it is expanded and the warhead disarmed.

Again, as far as my expertise goes, I can tell you what it's not, and I can't tell you who are responsible for this, can it be a simultaneous MLRS strike that hit the car park while the Hamas rocket felt harmlessly back to earth? Sure, why not. The issue here is, can anyone proof that. Nobody can say whether or not this is an Israeli Strike or Hamas rocket felt and hit the car park. You need people on the ground to go look for clues to point to either side.

On the other hand, all I can tell you at this point is, this is not a big area, short range rocket would have enough fuel if they were just launched to do this, in fact, my car have a 50L fuel tank, I can do this type of damage using 1 tank of fuel, 50L of fuel can be more than enough to laden around 15 cars and burn it. Second, this is a fuel explosion, if you are talking about military grade explosive like PETN or RDX, the damage is going to be more extensive, and those cars mostly would not leave intact.

And the simple fact that they have all sort of stuff and they didn't go for maximum carnage when they are carrying out a strike is not logically, as mentioned before, I have called Air Strike myself on target before, when you are calling those strike out, you want everything destroy and everyone dead, you don't call a strike with minimal destruction. If I am calling an airstrike on a hospital for whatever reason, first of all, I wouldn't hit the carpark instead, and second of all, I would go with solution to make sure the hospital is destroyed even if I hit the carpark. we are talking about precision strike, less than 5 meters CEP, That carpark is too far from the hospital, so if this particular strike is targeted strike, the target is the carpark instead of the hospital.

Now, I am only interested in fact, as I said, I don't do emotional debate, because as far as I concern, both side have no problem striking Civilian. if you have anything factual to say my assessment is incorrect, I am glad to hear that.
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Only under old rules. Now, based on rationality, all combatants are legal and allowed to defend themselves.

It is if he's prone. Civilians are allowed to defend themselves. I do not believe the non-uniform rule meant you can massacre a civilian population trying to defend themselves.

No. Legal and Illegal aren't a source of good and evil as you make it out to be. A judiciary can pass a law to burn women alive (like the Swiss did), that doesn't mean it's "good" like you pretend.
Keywords search: unlawful combatant definition.
Just because the rocket is intercepted or failed that does not mean the fuel inside of it is expanded and the warhead disarmed.

Again, as far as my expertise goes, I can tell you what it's not, and I can't tell you who are responsible for this, can it be a simultaneous MLRS strike that hit the car park while the Hamas rocket felt harmlessly back to earth? Sure, why not. The issue here is, can anyone proof that. Nobody can say whether or not this is an Israeli Strike or Hamas rocket felt and hit the car park. You need people on the ground to go look for clues to point to either side.

On the other hand, all I can tell you at this point is, this is not a big area, short range rocket would have enough fuel if they were just launched to do this, in fact, my car have a 50L fuel tank, I can do this type of damage using 1 tank of fuel, 50L of fuel can be more than enough to laden around 15 cars and burn it. Second, this is a fuel explosion, if you are talking about military grade explosive like PETN or RDX, the damage is going to be more extensive, and those cars mostly would not leave intact.

And the simple fact that they have all sort of stuff and they didn't go for maximum carnage when they are carrying out a strike is not logically, as mentioned before, I have called Air Strike myself on target before, when you are calling those strike out, you want everything destroy and everyone dead, you don't call a strike with minimal destruction. If I am calling an airstrike on a hospital for whatever reason, first of all, I wouldn't hit the carpark instead, and second of all, I would go with solution to make sure the hospital is destroyed even if I hit the carpark. we are talking about precision strike, less than 5 meters CEP, That carpark is too far from the hospital, so if this particular strike is targeted strike, the target is the carpark instead of the hospital.

Now, I am only interested in fact, as I said, I don't do emotional debate, because as far as I concern, both side have no problem striking Civilian. if you have anything factual to say my assessment is incorrect, I am glad to hear that.

First, this is good that you have accepted that it could be result of israeli hit as well and not putting it entirely on "failed rocket". that's good beginning. Just like you mentioned mulitple places were being hit in surroundings of hospital - (could be israeli MLRS) and one of those landed at hospital.

You certainly cannot kill 500 people with petrol of your car. That's an impossible task. Kind of explosion after the strike is definitely not just fuel only. Also, can you tell me how much fuel on average hamas rocket carries? That would also make things clear.

Now, I just want to talk on the part where you said, if the intended target was hospital, they should have made sure that entire hospital is destroyed. Well if they would have done so, there would be ZERO ambiguity that who attacked the hospital. Israel knew for the first time, a lot part of the world considered it as victim and it had encouragement and support of the world, a direct hit on hospital that could not be put to Hamas or Gaza based fighters would completely reverse that. You need to understand, whats the intended target of Israel is. Israel's use of collective punishment is proved by history, Israel's PM and entire govt /military officials vowed for heavy price and lot of such words, I don't want to repeat. The whole purpose is as obvious as anything, the whole intention is as clear as anything to punish Gazans, and a message that you are not even safe in the hospital, they intended to kill maximum inside the hospital and they achieved the target. Plus they also made it controversial that who did it. All targets achieved.
It would have been foolish of them to made sure that entire hospital collapses that would have left no doubt in anyone's hand that Israel hit hospital killing everyone. Just need to understand their playbook, their national strategy to counter such attacks through history and their current campaign, then it would be all clear.
First, this is good that you have accepted that it could be result of israeli hit as well and not putting it entirely on "failed rocket". that's good beginning. Just like you mentioned mulitple places were being hit in surroundings of hospital - (could be israeli MLRS) and one of those landed at hospital.

You certainly cannot kill 500 people with petrol of your car. That's an impossible task. Kind of explosion after the strike is definitely not just fuel only. Also, can you tell me how much fuel on average hamas rocket carries? That would also make things clear.

Depends on how I use my petrol. Never say never I can't kill 500 people with 50 liter of fuel.......

As for how many fuel are there in a Hamas rocket. I don't know, I am not Hamas, but I can do a comparison for you.

WW2 V-2 rocket with range 200 mile with a 1 ton warhead used 5000 lb liquid Oxygen
SCUD with a maximum range of 430 mile with a 935 kg warhead uses 7700 lbs rocket propellent and 2500 lbs jet fuel
Tomahawk Missile with a maximum range of 800 mile with a 450kg warhead uses 1000 lbs JP-10 jet fuel with unspecified amount of solid rocket fuel.

And yes, the damage done to that car lot is jet fuel only, considering you only have 2 options here, Kinetic and fuel explosion, as I said and demonstrated, there are not much to indicate any large kinetic explosion. You can't explode something and not leave marks.

Now, I just want to talk on the part where you said, if the intended target was hospital, they should have made sure that entire hospital is destroyed. Well if they would have done so, there would be ZERO ambiguity that who attacked the hospital. Israel knew for the first time, a lot part of the world considered it as victim and it had encouragement and support of the world, a direct hit on hospital that could not be put to Hamas or Gaza based fighters would completely reverse that. You need to understand, whats the intended target of Israel is. Israel's use of collective punishment is proved by history, Israel's PM and entire govt /military officials vowed for heavy price and lot of such words, I don't want to repeat. The whole purpose is as obvious as anything, the whole intention is as clear as anything to punish Gazans, and a message that you are not even safe in the hospital, they intended to kill maximum inside the hospital and they achieved the target. Plus they also made it controversial that who did it. All targets achieved.
It would have been foolish of them to made sure that entire hospital collapses that would have left no doubt in anyone's hand that Israel hit hospital killing everyone. Just need to understand their playbook, their national strategy to counter such attacks through history and their current campaign, then it would be all clear.
The issue here is, if they want to target a hospital, why would they don't want you to know? Again, you attack something to destroy it, this "I want to attack it but I don't want them to think it's me" is stupid because there are only 2 parties here at war, you can't blame the US on the attacks.

On the other hand, Israel already had the support of the world, pre and post Hospital attack, so either I don't really want the hospital to be destroy to blame it on Hamas, or I want the hospital to destroy and I don't care what I use, the former assertion is quite naive, because if I don't want the hospital to be destroyed, why the heck do I attack it at the first place?
I mean, do Israel really need to stack further evidence against Hamas? There are already tons of video showing them attacking civilian either in the settlement or at the concert, to purport that notion is extremely stupid if that is what Israeli going after.

On the other hand, all that did not explain how the damage is so light, again, I don't know what you know about bombs or rocket going off on target, and I sincerely hope you will never know, but for me, I both done BDA and called Airstrike before, if this is a high explosive attack using military grade explosive you are expecting a scene like this




Not this


So yes, this is a fuel explosion, not a any form of Kinetic explosion
so either I don't really want the hospital to be destroy to blame it on Hamas, or I want the hospital to destroy and I don't care what I use, the former assertion is quite naive, because if I don't want the hospital to be destroyed, why the heck do I attack it at the first place?
I mean, do Israel really need to stack further evidence against Hamas? There are already tons of video showing them attacking civilian either in the settlement or at the concert, to purport that notion is extremely stupid if that is what Israeli going after.

I don't know, why its difficult to understand.

Don't you think destroying a hospital would have brought world-wide condemnation ?
It still did, but not to a degree since Israel successfully made it controversial

I don't think you get the meaning of what israel's objectives were and in the manner they wanted to achieve. (its amusing to read how you complicated a simple objective and intended results. I try again with bullet points:-

Israel's two main objectives in the strike:
- Give a strong message to Hamas specifically and Palestinians in general that nowhere is safe to you, Kill as many people, most of civilians included as part of collective punishment

- Avoid International condemnation: Now to achieve international condemnation, they had to make it look like Hamas own rocket fire. Now everyone knows Hamas rockets do not have enough punch to destroy entire hospital structure, so Israelis used kind of ammunition that do not destroy the entire structure but still more than enough damage to kill hundreds of people inside.

Hope now you understand what am saying . Agreeing it or not agreeing to it is another matter.

What Hamas did killing people in those music festival was horrific, I don't know why you brought it up. We are not even talking about that. We are talking on strike on this hospital. and Israel never had such support by intl community before oct 7th and that support is quickly going back to its original form as people are now understanding that Israel is not a saint in this conflict either. It also kill civilians but 100 times more.
I don't know, why its difficult to understand.

Don't you think destroying a hospital would have brought world-wide condemnation ?
It still did, but not to a degree since Israel successfully made it controversial

I don't think you get the meaning of what israel's objectives were and in the manner they wanted to achieve. (its amusing to read how you complicated a simple objective and intended results. I try again with bullet points:-

The problem is, the hospital was not destroyed, and frankly, I don't consider it be attacked at all. Again, if I want to attack that hospital, GBU or JDAM with <10 meters CEP, that hospital would have been gone, like nothing but crater gone, which mean you either are accusing the Israeli to drop a strike on the carpark for whatever reason, or you are accusing Israeli to try to do a false flag on Hamas and try to blame Hamas on attacking the hospital, both of which are incredibly stupid if Israel was thinking of either.

On the other hand, no one outside Muslim world actually care about whether or not Israel attacked that hospital, I mean, you already had them attacking school, apartment, that would have the world "pile up" on Israeli.

And finally, all these still does not explain how if this was done by the Israeli, why even the carpark is on such low damage? And I am talking about physical evidence, I mean show me one item in the many in Israeli arsenal can make damage like this? Israeli arsenal is pretty much the same as us, and I know US munition from top to bottom and I cannot think of anything that can drop from a fighter will burn around 15 cars, with a 200 sq meters affected area, that's nothing

Israel's two main objectives in the strike:
- Give a strong message to Hamas specifically and Palestinians in general that nowhere is safe to you, Kill as many people, most of civilians included as part of collective punishment

- Avoid International condemnation: Now to achieve international condemnation, they had to make it look like Hamas own rocket fire. Now everyone knows Hamas rockets do not have enough punch to destroy entire hospital structure, so Israelis used kind of ammunition that do not destroy the entire structure but still more than enough damage to kill hundreds of people inside.

Hope now you understand what am saying . Agreeing it or not agreeing to it is another matter.

That's what you don't understand.

nothing is going to stop the Israeli from doing anything in this, frankly the only one that can stop them is the United States, and they aren't going to do shit when you have Lindsay Graham that openly say they should just kill all Palestinian or something like that. On the other hand, the entire Gaza is already a warzone, with already heavy civilian casualty. They wouldn't actually care about one hospital, and if they really need to divert blame, it's a lot easier to try to explain it away as Hamas using that hospital to launch missile or store weapon than try to get this "Strike" and blame it on Hamas. I mean as I said before, you either want to target this Hospital or not, if you do, then this strike is very inefficient as it did literally nothing in physical damage, it may have kill 500 people but then what? it can kill 5000 people but then the hospital still stand and it still function as you think it function that make you order the strike in the first place.

And if you don't want to take down this hospital, then why attack it in the first place?

What Hamas did killing people in those music festival was horrific, I don't know why you brought it up. We are not even talking about that. We are talking on strike on this hospital. and Israel never had such support by intl community before oct 7th and that support is quickly going back to its original form as people are now understanding that Israel is not a saint in this conflict either. It also kill civilians but 100 times more.
lol, you think all that support is going to roll back to original form because they attacked a hospital? Seriously? So, the world largely ignores the up to 7000 Palestinian casualty, ignore the entire Gaza being a warzone, ignore the Israeli blockade of Gaza, no food, no water, no fuel, but the world is going to walk back on the Israeli just because they attack a hospital, because 500 people in a hospital is too much to stomach for further support??

Seriously, are you really believing that??
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The problem is, the hospital was not destroyed, and frankly, I don't consider it be attacked at all. Again, if I want to attack that hospital, GBU or JDAM with <10 meters CEP, that hospital would have been gone, like nothing but crater gone, which mean you either are accusing the Israeli to drop a strike on the carpark for whatever reason, or you are accusing Israeli to try to do a false flag on Hamas and try to blame Hamas on attacking the hospital, both of which are incredibly stupid if Israel was thinking of either.

Again JDAM, why Israel would use JDAM when they don't want to destroy the entire structure. They achieved their objectives which I will again copy here:

Israel's two main objectives in the strike:
- Give a strong message to Hamas specifically and Palestinians in general that nowhere is safe to you, Kill as many people, most of civilians included as part of collective punishment

- Avoid International condemnation: Now to achieve international condemnation, they had to make it look like Hamas own rocket fire. Now everyone knows Hamas rockets do not have enough punch to destroy entire hospital structure, so Israelis used kind of ammunition that do not destroy the entire structure but still more than enough damage to kill hundreds of people inside.

Remember Israel's collective punishment strategy, the attack on hospital was part of it. Why you are stuck that hospital didn't destroyed completely, that's because they never wanted, otherwise world would not have sided with Israel, now most of international media is more or less defending israel that Israel didn't do it. Now I will explain below why striking a hospital and getting a blame for it is a big deal.

but the world is going to walk back on the Israeli just because they attack a hospital, because 500 people in a hospital is too much to stomach for further support??

There's a limit to everything where even your allies can support you. Already people in allied countries of Israel have start voicing support for Palestine. That puts pressure on their govts if situation keeps going like that govts start taking more stronger condemnation of such genocidal moves. Now bombing a hospital is clear cut War crime. International pressure definitely matters for any country, you don't want to be isolated from the world, If there would not be any world outside Israel and Palestine, Israel would have levelled the Gaza strip long ago and be done with it. I mean how can you even think that they care nothing about the world. When you start bombing hospitals & schools, that's the point where even your allies start saying that enough is enough.

I have listened to your arguments, the point where we differ is that you are persistent that Israel didn't really cared and should have blown the hospital from face of the world. While I am saying that a building is just concrete, building doesn't matter, what matter is people inside and they were able to kill more than enough while putting the blame on Gaza based fighters. A home made Hamas rocket doing enough explosion to kill 500 people is an absurd idea. In the past, the hamas rockets which used to fell even in nearby areas to Gaza strip never made enough impact.

Below is what Hamas rocket is capable of at mere few Kms from Gaza:

You find entire history of hamas rocket attacks where the rockets landed on houses or buildings and find number of deaths. 2 or 3 people ? or how many ?. You gave example of your car that you can make such an explosion with it. Are you really serious?? Have you ever heard in entire history of mankind that a car exploded and took away 500 people with it? Its never a job of small hamas rockets. Not possible.
I saw a video of what may have been the strike and it was a high tech missile by sound, which only Israel has.
Again JDAM, why Israel would use JDAM when they don't want to destroy the entire structure. They achieved their objectives which I will again copy here:

Israel's two main objectives in the strike:
- Give a strong message to Hamas specifically and Palestinians in general that nowhere is safe to you, Kill as many people, most of civilians included as part of collective punishment

- Avoid International condemnation: Now to achieve international condemnation, they had to make it look like Hamas own rocket fire. Now everyone knows Hamas rockets do not have enough punch to destroy entire hospital structure, so Israelis used kind of ammunition that do not destroy the entire structure but still more than enough damage to kill hundreds of people inside.

Remember Israel's collective punishment strategy, the attack on hospital was part of it. Why you are stuck that hospital didn't destroyed completely, that's because they never wanted, otherwise world would not have sided with Israel, now most of international media is more or less defending israel that Israel didn't do it. Now I will explain below why striking a hospital and getting a blame for it is a big deal.

There's a limit to everything where even your allies can support you. Already people in allied countries of Israel have start voicing support for Palestine. That puts pressure on their govts if situation keeps going like that govts start taking more stronger condemnation of such genocidal moves. Now bombing a hospital is clear cut War crime. International pressure definitely matters for any country, you don't want to be isolated from the world, If there would not be any world outside Israel and Palestine, Israel would have levelled the Gaza strip long ago and be done with it. I mean how can you even think that they care nothing about the world. When you start bombing hospitals & schools, that's the point where even your allies start saying that enough is enough.

I have listened to your arguments, the point where we differ is that you are persistent that Israel didn't really cared and should have blown the hospital from face of the world. While I am saying that a building is just concrete, building doesn't matter, what matter is people inside and they were able to kill more than enough while putting the blame on Gaza based fighters. A home made Hamas rocket doing enough explosion to kill 500 people is an absurd idea. In the past, the hamas rockets which used to fell even in nearby areas to Gaza strip never made enough impact.

Below is what Hamas rocket is capable of at mere few Kms from Gaza:
View attachment 963723

You find entire history of hamas rocket attacks where the rockets landed on houses or buildings and find number of deaths. 2 or 3 people ? or how many ?. You gave example of your car that you can make such an explosion with it. Are you really serious?? Have you ever heard in entire history of mankind that a car exploded and took away 500 people with it? Its never a job of small hamas rockets. Not possible.
look, you have not even answered my question, what in the entire Israeli Defence Force arsenal can do this attack? You keep saying Hamas Rocket can't do this, but did you ever consider what can Israeli uses? This is not some military grade explosive.

On the other hand, it is amaze for you to think bombing a hospital is going change the support dynamic in the world, again, Israel done more in this war, a lot more than bombing a hospital, hell, even Hamas done worse in this war than bombing a hospital, it's quite naive to think one structure somewhere are going to change the dynamic, if I really have to put a pin on anything that may change international support. I would say Israeli blockading the entire Gaza would probably worse than bombing 10 hospital. The world is not going to stop supporting Israel even if they level the hospital.

And finally, as I explained, it's a fuel fire, and by that I don't mean 50L tank exploded and cause this, I mean 50 liter of fuel spread across the area and ignite into a fire, even if Israeli MLRS hit this target, this is going to be a lot more damage than just a car flip and 12 car burn, which mean it has to be fuel fire that cause this damage, it's not Hamas rocket mis-targeted the hospital, but it failed and went down and the unused fuel leak and cause the burn, again, this has every hall mark of a fuel leak, not a kinetic attack.

and by the way, I don't believe 500 people die in this, the ground is not bloodied enough, you are talking about burn and shrapnel, it will cause a lot of bleeding, the ground is unsurprisingly clean. One thing about blood and fire is, you can't burn blood, the red is just going to smear into the ground and become deep red. If 500 people did die in this, you are going to see a lot of burnt blood on the floor.
look, you have not even answered my question, what in the entire Israeli Defence Force arsenal can do this attack? You keep saying Hamas Rocket can't do this, but did you ever consider what can Israeli uses? This is not some military grade explosive.
Of course they have such a missile.Now look at the video you will hear the sound. Cut the bs out and stop wasting everyone's time.
If you chose to fight, you are a combatant.

1. If you chose to fight in a sworn military, you are a LEGAL combatant.​
2. If you chose to fight NOT in a sworn military, but make accommodations to distinguish yourself, then you are a LEGAL combatant.​
3. If you chose to fight NOT in a sworn military, but DO NOT make accommodations to distinguish yourself, then you are an ILLEGAL combatant.​

Hamas fighters have a history of item 3. In WW II, partisan resistance groups were usually 2 or 3.

If you are a sworn soldier but NOT in uniform when you fight, then you are an ILLEGAL combatant. If captured and exposed as a soldier, you can be literally executed on the spot.

If you are a sworn soldier of one army but fight in the uniform of the opposition army, and if you are captured and exposed, then you are an ILLEGAL combatant and can be literally executed on the spot.

Anytime you are an ILLEGAL combatant, you do not have protected POW status.

Wrong. The ignorant one here is YOU.

The word 'war' in 'war crime' is used to denote the type of actions that are usually associated with combat that involves nation-states. A formal declared war is not required to charge someone with 'war crime'.

Settlers are ILLEGAL targets. Hence, killing them constitute a war crime.
But are locals legitimate targets??
Are ex military officer legitimate targets ?
Are people involved in technical support legitimate targets?

By your definition Ukraine did several war crimes with USA weapons

I know we are all blind to Palestinians as they are lesser humans but Ukrainians and Russians aren't lesser humans they are Europeans

(Israelis are all ex military as service is mandatory)
(Ukraine targeted civilians involved in some sort of technical support)

(3500 Palestinians dead were civilians but since they are lesser humans isrealis aren't doing war crimes especially bombing the Baptist hospital)

(5 million Bengalis killed by Churchill lesser humans)
Of course they have such a missile.Now look at the video you will hear the sound. Cut the bs out and stop wasting everyone's time.
Yeah, please name the missile, so I can properly debunk you using the data.

Again, the damage assessment on scene is you have made a roughly 4 feet crater, 12 or 13 burn cars, little to no shrapnel, no major property damage, so please name me 1 missile in Israeli hand can do that.

But yes, please cut the BS and stop wasting my time if you can't name it
Yeah, please name the missile, so I can properly debunk you using the data.
The missile sound is high tech.

IDF can modify it to be more or less damaging.

idf can also buy a hamas rocket to fake hamas attack.

i don't want to hear low iqs

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