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Indian occupied Kashmiri citizens celebrate Pakistan Independence Day

I have posted the original documents on this forum you idiot. They do not say what you claim
The details are in General McNaughton's proposal which is available on Pakistan Foreign Ministry's website. Go and hide now if you have some shame. Your own government provides the source for the clause I have quoted.

Proposal in respect of Jammu and Kashmir made by General AGL


@waz If you have any integrity please follow your forum rules and ban the ignoramus who is posting blatant lies and abusing and harassing people who are posting inconvenient facts.
I have posted the original documents on this forum you idiot. They do not say what you claim.

Go wallow and rot in hell.

Both India and Pakistan need to withdraw their forces for a plebiscite, not just Pakistan.

You said it is mainly Pakistan that needs to withdraw. How the hell is that fair? Anyways UN resolution 80 says both India and Pakistan need to withdraw simultaneously.
Don't put up a false strawnan. Article 80 clearly says that India is allowed to retain forces to the extent required for security and to maintain law and order whereas Pakistan is not. It is "fair" because J&K acceded to India and Pakistani forces invaded the state. In any case, we are not talking about fairness but what the facts are.

Show me which section of Resolution 80 uses the word "simultaneously".
The details are in General McNaughton's proposal which is available on Pakistan Foreign Ministry's website. Go and hide now if you have some shame. Your own government provides the source for the clause I have quoted.

Proposal in respect of Jammu and Kashmir made by General AGL


@waz If you have any integrity please follow your forum rules and ban the ignoramus who is posting blatant lies and abusing and harassing people who are posting inconvenient facts.
Actually you go hide you filthy pig.

@waz please ban this Indiot. He is spewing feces on our forum.
Don't put up a false strawnan. Article 80 clearly says that India is allowed to retain forces to the extent required for security and to maintain law and order whereas Pakistan is not. It is "fair" because J&K acceded to India and Pakistani forces invaded the state. In any case, we are not talking about fairness but what the facts are.

Show me which section of Resolution 80 uses the word "simultaneously".
Indiot, show me where it says UN resolution 80 that India can maintain minimum forces. I have read the document show me?

Lol, I expected this. This is the last argument you have left after your ignorance has been exposed by the facts .
You think A Pakistani mod will listen to a lying Indiot? please shoo

Lol, I expected this. This is the last argument you have left after your ignorance has been exposed by the facts .
Still you haven't shown me in UN resolution 80 where it says India whould maintain minimum forces?

Don't quote resolution 47. That is outdated by resolution 80

Lol, I expected this. This is the last argument you have left after your ignorance has been exposed by the facts .
Moron, even your clever Nehru said this:

Lol, I expected this. This is the last argument you have left after your ignorance has been exposed by the facts .
The word "minimum" cannot be found on the factual document of United Nations resolution 80.

You mention minimum forces? What minimum forces by India?
Indiot, show me where it says UN resolution 80 that India can maintain minimum forces. I have read the document show me?

You think A Pakistani mod will listen to a lying Indiot? please shoo

Still you haven't shown me in UN resolution 80 where it says India whould maintain minimum forces?

Don't quote resolution 47. That is outdated by resolution 80

Moron, even your clever Nehru said this:
View attachment 946463

The word "minimum" cannot be found on the factual document of United Nations resolution 80.

You mention minimum forces? What minimum forces by India?
View attachment 946464
Wow you must be really slow on the uptake. The resolution 80 states
"I. Calls upon the Governments of India and Pakistan
to make immediate arrangements, without prejudice to
me1, rights or claims and with due regard to the
requirements of law and order, to !Jrepare and execute
within a period of five months from the date of this
resolution a programme of demilitarization on the basis
of the principles of paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's
proposal 7 or of such modifications of those principles
as may be mutually agreed;"

and in paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's proposal it is stated clearly

"The programme of demilitarisation should include the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and
Kashmir of the regular forces of Pakistan; and the withdrawal of the regular forces of India not
required for purposes of security or for the maintenance of local law and order on the Indian side
of the Cease-Fire Line; also the reduction, by disbanding and disarming, of local forces,
including on the one side the Armed Forces and Militia of the State of Kashmir and on the other,
the Azad Forces."

If you lack the mental faculty to put two and two together there is nothing further I can say. The mods seem to be tolerating this trolling and harassment so I am putting you on ignore. It is clear that you are either are shameless and don't want to admit your ignorance or are incapable of comprehending anything that is not spoonfed to you. In either case, further engagement is pointless.
Wow you must be really slow on the uptake. The resolution 80 states
"I. Calls upon the Governments of India and Pakistan
to make immediate arrangements, without prejudice to
me1, rights or claims and with due regard to the
requirements of law and order, to !Jrepare and execute
within a period of five months from the date of this
resolution a programme of demilitarization on the basis
of the principles of paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's
proposal 7 or of such modifications of those principles
as may be mutually agreed;"

and in paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's proposal it is stated clearly

"The programme of demilitarisation should include the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and
Kashmir of the regular forces of Pakistan; and the withdrawal of the regular forces of India not
required for purposes of security or for the maintenance of local law and order on the Indian side
of the Cease-Fire Line; also the reduction, by disbanding and disarming, of local forces,
including on the one side the Armed Forces and Militia of the State of Kashmir and on the other,
the Azad Forces."

If you lack the mental faculty to put two and two together there is nothing further I can say. The mods seem to be tolerating this trolling and harassment so I am putting you on ignore. It is clear that you are either are shameless and don't want to admit your ignorance or are incapable of comprehending anything that is not spoonfed to you. In either case, further engagement is pointless.
You idiot, You said minimum forces.

Where is "minimum forces" mentioned in the United Nations resolution 80?

It is not there. Don't put your little interpretation.

By the way Sir Owen Dixon blames India for not holding a plebiscite:

If you have any shame left, accept you are wrong, and please stop bothering our Pakistani forum.

India betrayed Kashmir and the United Nations Resolutions. India is to be blamed here.

Wow you must be really slow on the uptake. The resolution 80 states
"I. Calls upon the Governments of India and Pakistan
to make immediate arrangements, without prejudice to
me1, rights or claims and with due regard to the
requirements of law and order, to !Jrepare and execute
within a period of five months from the date of this
resolution a programme of demilitarization on the basis
of the principles of paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's
proposal 7 or of such modifications of those principles
as may be mutually agreed;"

and in paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's proposal it is stated clearly

"The programme of demilitarisation should include the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and
Kashmir of the regular forces of Pakistan; and the withdrawal of the regular forces of India not
required for purposes of security or for the maintenance of local law and order on the Indian side
of the Cease-Fire Line; also the reduction, by disbanding and disarming, of local forces,
including on the one side the Armed Forces and Militia of the State of Kashmir and on the other,
the Azad Forces."

If you lack the mental faculty to put two and two together there is nothing further I can say. The mods seem to be tolerating this trolling and harassment so I am putting you on ignore. It is clear that you are either are shameless and don't want to admit your ignorance or are incapable of comprehending anything that is not spoonfed to you. In either case, further engagement is pointless.
Show me where it says that in the United Nations resolutions 80 document. I am not able to find it, or you are lying.
"and the withdrawal of the regular forces of India not
required for purposes of security or for the maintenance of local law and order on the Indian side
of the Cease-Fire Line; also the reduction, by disbanding and disarming, of local forces,
including on the one side the Armed Forces and Militia of the State of Kashmir and on the other,

the Azad Forces."

Wow you must be really slow on the uptake. The resolution 80 states
"I. Calls upon the Governments of India and Pakistan
to make immediate arrangements, without prejudice to
me1, rights or claims and with due regard to the
requirements of law and order, to !Jrepare and execute
within a period of five months from the date of this
resolution a programme of demilitarization on the basis
of the principles of paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's
proposal 7 or of such modifications of those principles
as may be mutually agreed;"

and in paragraph 2 of General McNaughton's proposal it is stated clearly

"The programme of demilitarisation should include the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and
Kashmir of the regular forces of Pakistan; and the withdrawal of the regular forces of India not
required for purposes of security or for the maintenance of local law and order on the Indian side
of the Cease-Fire Line; also the reduction, by disbanding and disarming, of local forces,
including on the one side the Armed Forces and Militia of the State of Kashmir and on the other,
the Azad Forces."

If you lack the mental faculty to put two and two together there is nothing further I can say. The mods seem to be tolerating this trolling and harassment so I am putting you on ignore. It is clear that you are either are shameless and don't want to admit your ignorance or are incapable of comprehending anything that is not spoonfed to you. In either case, further engagement is pointless.
You shamless animal, please stop lying on a Pakistani forum. You idiot.

Nehru agreed to plebiscite, and India agreed to plebiscite, but you treacherous dogs backed out of it.

Why don't you hold a plebicite? why hold it hostage to certain conditions?
India didn't get the opportunity to go against the UN resolution because Pakistan never fulfilled the preconditions for India to do that. It is really Pakistan that violated the resolutions.
Based on your argument, India claims Kashmir as its integral part and off limits for any plebiscite because Pakistan does not fulfil its part of the resolution, on its own.

I always say you people are pseudo intellectuals and you just proved that.

Kashmiri people celebrating Pakistan’s Independence Day today​

Srinagar: The people of Jammu and Kashmir are celebrating Pakistan’s Independence Day, today, with great enthusiasm, devotion and respect in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

despite heavy buildup of Indian forces and surveillance by drones and CCTVs, the Kashmiris raised Pakistani flags at several places in Srinagar, Baramulla, Budgam, Shopian, Pulwama, Islamabad, Kulgam and Jammu region to express their love for Pakistan. They raised pro-Pakistan and anti-India slogans vociferously as clock struck 12 at midnight.

The Kashmiris also prayed for stability of Pakistan without any fear; although, India has fortified the territory ahead of its Independence Day, tomorrow. Kashmiris mark India’s Independence Day as Black Day, every year.

The posters displayed in different parts of the territory also urged people to observe black day, tomorrow. The posters with pictures of resistance leaders, including APHC Chairman Masarat Aalam Butt, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Aasiya Andrabi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and Mushtaq-ul-Islam, said that the people of Kashmir reject Indian illegal and military occupation.

The posters also read slogans like “Indian Independence Day is a Black Day”, “We want freedom,” and “We reject Indian occupation.”

Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the rest of the world will observe ‘Black Day’ on Tuesday to convey their extreme resentment to the continued unlawful and forcible occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India.

Kashmiri people celebrating Pakistan’s Independence Day today​

August 14, 2023

Pakistan's 76th Independence Day is being celebrated today in Indian-held Kashmir with immense enthusiasm.

View attachment 946014

Despite facing the presence of occupying Indian army personnel and enduring oppression, the brave Kashmiris celebrated Pakistan's Independence Day in a remarkable manner.

With deep love for their homeland, Kashmiris proudly hoisted Pakistani flags, adorned walls with posters and banners displaying slogans of resistance against India's illegal occupation.

From every street and locality, courageous Kashmiri groups took to the streets holding the flag of Pakistan, raising slogans in support of Kashmir's struggle for independence and its accession to Pakistan.

Special prayers and gatherings were held, demonstrating the unwavering spirit of Kashmiris on Pakistan's Independence Day.

In contrast, Kashmiri leaders have decided to observe India's Independence Day on August 15 as a black day.

Kashmiris to celebrate Pakistan’s Independence Day on both sides of LoC​

The unconditional love for Pakistan is rooted deep into the hearts and minds of the Kashmiri people: AJK PM

kashmiri protestors wave pakistan s flag at a protest photo afp file

Kashmiri protestors wave Pakistan's flag at a protest. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

Azad Jammu Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has said that the Independence Day of Pakistan would be celebrated with patriotic zeal and zest on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC).

While talking to various public representative delegations who called on him in the federal metropolis on Saturday, the PM said, "The unconditional love for Pakistan is rooted deep into the hearts and minds of the Kashmiri people.”

Lauding the sacrifices rendered by the Kashmiri youth in occupied Kashmir, the PM said, "We salute all those brave hearts who lay down their lives for Pakistan in Occupied Kashmir".

He maintained that despite using all means of oppression and suppression, India could not crush the Kashmiris' undying love for Pakistan.

Terming the ongoing freedom struggle in Kashmir as part of Tehreek-e-Takmeel-e-Pakistan movement, he said that the liberation struggle against India in the occupied Kashmir would continue till the people of Kashmir achieve their cherished goal for which hundreds and thousands of people have sacrificed their lives.

The prime minister said that preparations for Pakistan Independence Day were going on in Azad Kashmir.

On the occasion of Independence Day in Azad Kashmir, public and private level events will be organised.

He said that on the occasion of Independence Day, special ceremonies would be held all across the liberated territory in which eulogizing tributes would be paid to the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders of the Pakistan movement.

He said that it was the tireless struggle of our founding fathers, which culminated successfully in the shape of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent.

Indians with there staged photo ops where they are guarding there national flag with occupation soldiers and guns to fool their gullible Indians that everything is fine and dandy .
See the Kashmiris waving the flag of Pakistan with unmatched fervour to show the world that we are Kashmiris & celebrate Pakistan.
The flags are home made and flutter in their hundreds in the valley

Today is black day in the valley to protest against the inhuman occupation from foreign Indian invaders .

Even Pakistanis in the Military Occupied Pakistan (MOP) aren't celebrating Pakistan Day this year...
Based on your argument, India claims Kashmir as its integral part and off limits for any plebiscite because Pakistan does not fulfil its part of the resolution, on its own.

I always say you people are pseudo intellectuals and you just proved that.
You seem to be as slow on the uptake as your compatriot. I didn't make any arguments. I am just stating facts.

India's position is that Kashmir is an integral part of India irrespective of any UN resolution.
The fact that India is not in violation of any UN resolution is independent of that, because Pakistan never fulfilled the conditions that would have forced India to decide whether to disregard the resolution or not. Based on the present position of the Indian government, no referendum would be held even if Pakistan forced Chinese troops out of the occupied territories and then vacated Pak occupied Kashmir and Gilgit Batlistan. However, if Pakistan did that and India still decided against a referendum, then Pakistan could have a basis for claiming that India is not complying with a 75 year old UN resolution that has been rendered irrelevant by subsequent events.
Based on your argument, India claims Kashmir as its integral part and off limits for any plebiscite because Pakistan does not fulfil its part of the resolution, on its own.

I always say you people are pseudo intellectuals and you just proved that.
You are right , the truth is that there is not going to be any plebiscite in Kashmir at all , Kashmir is now a normal province of Indian union without any art 370 and 35A . Pakistan can not take it by force because Pakistan is not as much powerful to attack and take any part of a land from India, if attack comes that will be very disastrous for pakistan . At the best Pakistan can send occasionally some armed mujahid type people which are mostly cannon fodder, they can be tackled . Kashmiris will celebrate 15th August as independence day , even if they do not celebrate we do not care .
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You seem to be as slow on the uptake as your compatriot. I didn't make any arguments. I am just stating facts.

India's position is that Kashmir is an integral part of India irrespective of any UN resolution.
The fact that India is not in violation of any UN resolution is independent of that, because Pakistan never fulfilled the conditions that would have forced India to decide whether to disregard the resolution or not. Based on the present position of the Indian government, no referendum would be held even if Pakistan forced Chinese troops out of the occupied territories and then vacated Pak occupied Kashmir and Gilgit Batlistan. However, if Pakistan did that and India still decided against a referendum, then Pakistan could have a basis for claiming that India is not complying with a 75 year old UN resolution that has been rendered irrelevant by subsequent events.
Now you have started to babble.
Re-read your post and the argument you are trying to make, total nonsense.
Now you have started to babble.
Re-read your post and the argument you are trying to make, total nonsense.
Wow, typing in all caps. You must be so SMART-UH. Lol.
Kashmiris want to become Pakistanis so that they can also enjoy the luxury of paying 290Rs for 1USD instead of paying only 83rs as Indians. Also, they are missing out the ‘adventure of struggle’ to get basic commodities like aatta; which has convinced them that it isn’t worth to live as Indians anymore.

India’s plans to isolate Pakistan has failed miserably as these plans couldn’t stop the IMF’s unwavering and unconditional support to Pakistan from last 75 years.

All sane Kashmiris could care less about Pakistan’s diminishing forex reserves and now clearly understand that their bright future lies with Pakistan and not with India.

Happy Independence Day to all.
Least obsessed street shitter.
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