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Indian NRC/CAB reaction in Bangladesh

You guys just don't get it. A more independent West Bengal free of central Indian (i.e. cowbelt Sanghi) interference is better for Bangladesh from a strategic point of view.

The more balkanized India is, the better it is for us. This is ultimately inevitable. But hastening this process also helps us with this deterrence and it comes free with not one dollar spent on defence spending (smart principle). India will never be akhand Hindu Rashtra. This is more true today than ever before. The CAA/NRC protests showed the folly of these Sanghi idiots, they already got a taste of their own medicine. Cheap communal propaganda won't cut it anymore.

Whatever Hindutva politics makes cowbelt Sanghis stronger, also enslaves people in WB, TN, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra under these Hindutvas, and relegates locals to be second class citizens. People in these states have already figured it out, this Hindi-speaker grand plan. They won't stand for it.

Garga is just an inkling of this underlying thought narrative. There are dozens of Gargas all over South India and they all agree - why should they work so hard, just to have these Hindi-speaking Banya idiots skim the cream off the top and take it to the cow belt and build freeways and skyscrapers in the North?

Southern states are already booting out low-life UP and Cow belt immigrant Hindutva hoodlums from their cities, they won't be allowed back in. Next will be stopping interference of the Hindi-speaking Banya carpet-baggers and send them packing.

I say good for WB and South Indians. Demand more say so in your own culture, your own economies/industrialization/development and your own future. Have some backbone and let Hindi speakers learn your own language in your states, instead of asking you to speak Hindi. Don't let the cow-belters turn everything into Hindi culture and rob your own cultures in the process.
You guys just don't get it. A more independent West Bengal free of central Indian (i.e. cowbelt Sanghi) interference is better for Bangladesh from a strategic point of view.

The more balkanized India is, the better it is for us. This is ultimately inevitable. But hastening this process also helps us with this deterrence and it comes free with not one dollar spent on defence spending (smart principle). India will never be akhand Hindu Rashtra. This is more true today than ever before. The CAA/NRC protests showed the folly of these Sanghi idiots, they already got a taste of their own medicine. Cheap communal propaganda won't cut it anymore.

Whatever Hindutva politics makes cowbelt Sanghis stronger, also enslaves people in WB, TN, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra under these Hindutvas, and relegates locals to be second class citizens. People in these states have already figured it out, this Hindi-speaker grand plan. They won't stand for it.

Garga is just an inkling of this underlying thought narrative. There are dozens of Gargas all over South India and they all agree - why should they work so hard, just to have these Hindi-speaking Banya idiots skim the cream off the top and take it to the cow belt and build freeways and skyscrapers in the North?

Southern states are already booting out low-life UP and Cow belt immigrant Hindutva hoodlums from their cities, they won't be allowed back in. Next will be stopping interference of the Hindi-speaking Banya carpet-baggers and send them packing.

I say good for WB and South Indians. Have more say so in your own culture, your own economies and your own future. Have some backbone and let Hindi speakers learn your own language in your states. Don't let the cow-belters turn everything into Hindi culture and rob your own cultures in the process.

There are lots of correct lines of thought in your narrative above. There are lots of the other type as well. I don't think that the Hindutvavadis will have a cake-walk outside the moronic heartland.

Alright, so the plan is
1) Populate East India with Illegal Bangladeshi
2) Bring the indian muslims in the middle of india and arm them and start a civil war
3) While they are fighting we annex east india and pakistan will annex west india.
The End. So what you think of my low class plan:guns:
Satya, Selookas, ki bichitro ei dyash.
There are lots of correct lines of thought in your narrative above. There are lots of the other type as well. I don't think that the Hindutvavadis will have a cake-walk outside the moronic heartland.

Dada bhool bhal thaktei parey. Not an Indian citizen so there could be gaps in my understanding.

Hindutva chest-beaters are claiming that WB govt. will go to BJP soon. Don't know how far that narrative is true.

Also - how extensive is Garga's support base in WB?

I was astonished to hear in one of his videos that WB govt. posts (such as State electricity board positions) are going 90% to non-Bengalis (specifically UP and Bihar folks). How can that be true? WB govt. does not enforce jobs for locals first, when other Indian states are doing the same?

This is one of Garga's great explanations,

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