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Indian 'Military Base' In Mauritius Agalega: New Satellite Imagery Shows Hangars Large Enough To House Navy's Submarine Hunting P-8I Aircraft

Pajeets behave! Or otherwise we are going to treat you with a Shaheen 3 first strike on New Delhi.
Your Idea of missile strike can be made feasible by use of Submarine launched 900KM range Babur CM to strike Agalega Island, if need arises.
You did take east Pakistan, didn't you?

Yup and its still an independent muslim country and not living under hindus where muslims get lynched for eating beef. Its still not part of akhand bharat.
Yup and its still an independent muslim country and not living under hindus where muslims get lynched for eating beef. Its still not part of akhand bharat.
There is no Akhand Bharat. Let me assure you that this is just a figment of some brainless fools. Like folks who think Ghazwa-e-hind.
I could've countered in the same vein on atrocities in Pak but no point in derailing the thread.
There is no Akhand Bharat. Let me assure you that this is just a figment of some brainless fools. Like folks who think Ghazwa-e-hind.
I could've countered in the same vein on atrocities in Pak but no point in derailing the thread.

We dont kill others for their choices in food or drink. We pitty the muslims who have to eat veggies n drink cowpiss. As long as muslims are free, its enough. Yup there is no akhand bharat because its impossible, ur biggots can keep shouting.
Your Idea of missile strike can be made feasible by use of Submarine launched 900KM range Babur CM to strike Agalega Island, if need arises.
Submarine with only 900 km cruise missile is too risky. Better would be land based IRBM.
Pakistan should have taken the Muslim majority lakshwadeep islands but we are ruled by incompetent and slave generals.

Not only Lakshadweep but only Maldives should have been part of Pakistan.

Even now it is not too late.

When India gets balkanized we should annex these territories.
I don't know if these guys are serious or trolling about Lakshadweep. Given the time I have been here, they are trolling.
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