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IDEAS-2022 - Updates & Discussions

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While the MALE UAV project is reported to have been scrapped, PAF NASTP still day give away brochures of the UAV specially made for IDEAS expo. And in the brochures the Program status was written as "In development" so idk maybe they are doing some work on it maybe not. But under NASTP alot of stuff is being done indeed as i have witnessed myself.

On the topics of AESA radar PAF is developing a indigenous ground based Mid range surveillance radar and a FCR radar for its projects that they showed on brochure and they also showed aircraft aesa production on brochure as well. And PAF isnt the only one doing ... leaving rest to speculation.

As a thumb rule I take everything NASTP says and assume 20% of that is true lol. I have made this rule after looking at all these public things they say and then having the privilege to see what they are actually doing. For starters this UAV is very overweight. Furthermore, it has some serious (and unresolved last I checked) issues with flight software, which is bought from somewhere.

Murtajiz MP152-FL is the special forces loitering_munition of choice, which is carried with its launch mechanism in solider borne backpack. A team of two operators can easily assemble it in under 2 minutes.

Agreed, and it needs better processes for visitor applications.

I find that IDEF and IDEX are really good.
That's ironic since it's been highly criticized for the very same reason among the Turkish defence circles for a long time.
Scale model of Wing Loong 10A displayed at IDEAS2022...

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