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IAF set to receive LCA-Mk1A fighters in February 2024

Than Even the majority of these Chinese fighters (engines) are constructed using foreign components, including Turkish, SAAB, and EU aircrafts.

This is the main reason Pakistan is still unable to design and construct its own fighters, even a trainer aircraft. Instead, Pakistan currently partners with companies that develop products, manufacture them internally after TOT, and then spread false information about the origin of those products to its own general public by saying we build them

This way, even after 100 years, Pakistan will not be able to produce an aircraft by own.

At present, Only a few countries are able to do so, such as the USA, Russia, China, France, Sweden, Turkey, Iran, and India..... USA, France, and EU are fully capable of building their own.

The rest of the countries—China, SAAb, Turkey, and India are collaborating with other countries to get the critical parts. This is a modern and flexible way to build a fighter in your own house.

Opps sorry.... I didn't realise I am taking to Kurt Tank....

Doesn’t appear to be a possibility in the near future. HAL and DRDO accountability has risen under intense scrutiny. If it improves further then any ISRO requirement can be met by these.

That is a conjecture based on current situation. Who knows the future?
Problem with HAL and DRDO is multi fold, and its not just the babu dom and no accountability that we usually associate with them.

For any organization to work properly, they first need proper funding. Our Govt is high on talk, and short on allocating funds again due to multiple reasons there as well. Its a circle jerk, where inefficiency has crept in everywhere. A revamp of the way our Defense Industry executes projects is much awaited. Take the case of AMCA, till now CCS approval is pending. CDR is done and DAC has approved it, but the funds are not available for prototype building. If this is how things go, how can prototypes be built on time and IOC reached as per timelines?

It was the same for LCA Mk2 as well, where the CCS approval was given pretty late. Everyone involved has something to answer to, and we can't just blame one or two and this includes the Armed Forces who have no clarity on what they want, and how to get it faster except for Navy who is the only one. Its pretty easy to dunk on HAL and DRDO, but the problem is much deeper.

ISRO should never get into Aviation, that will just ruin their efficiency.
Take the case of AMCA, till now CCS approval is pending. CDR is done and DAC has approved it, but the funds are not available for prototype building. If this is how things go, how can prototypes be built on time and IOC reached as per timelines?
Look at the pace with which Turks rolled out the prototypes.
Look at the pace with which Turks rolled out the prototypes.
Well there is a critical difference in our approach and Turkey's tbh

With Kaan the CDR isn't done yet, they will be building based on IDR only for now. If am not wrong the CDR is slated to be completed by 2028 only. With AMCA though we have completed the CDR too. One is a faster approach and the other is methodical, leaving aside advantages and disadvantages at this point where the importance is on who gets the first plane out.
Any pictures of the new "Smart Cockpit"? Did they keep the 3x MFD layout or did they adopt the a single Large MFD ?

3 Smart MFDs.

Some of the details of the AESA radar modes (air to air, air to ground, air to sea, terrain mapping mode and weather awareness mode are shown) as well as EW and jammer coverage and how they are displayed to the pilot is shown in this video from Aero India 2019.

It's been 4 years since when this video was made. So the displays, the algorithms and software behind it has all been tested out now in flight.

Tell me something I dont know - the LCA CLAW team deserves accolades upon accolades - but it is a irrelevant jingoistic response to what I spoke to - man machine interface and sensor fusion.
How they perform currently in maneuverability vs each other and ease of flying is irrelevant to how their pilots get information and situational awareness picture.

Learn to speak to the subject instead of going on like a propaganda troll trying to constantly spit and shine things and you will be engaged better.

I'm not sure if there is any issue reported as such regarding the MMI on the Tejas Mk1. Which is one of the reasons, part from reliability of LADs when the Tejas M1kA was being finalized, that the 3 Smart MFD display format was chosen for the Tejas Mk1A as well.

The Smart MFDs have the benefit of having their own graphics generator rather than regular MFDs that depend on the Mission Computer to generate their graphics, which reduces the load on the Mission Computer and allows for other tasks to be taken up more efficiently. So the Mission Computer simply needs to send the data rather than have to generate resultant graphics as well and provide it to the MFDs.

Sensor fusion is not there on the Tejas Mk1 that is in service as of now but it was a requirement for the Tejas Mk1A and that is mentioned in the video that I just posted (check after the 4 minute mark). The data from the AESA radar, RWR and LDP are fused together to form a picture that the pilot can access on a "tactical page" on any of the 3 MFDs.

There is also a MFD page where all threats (SAM or enemy fighters) will be displayed on a high res map to give a very good picture to the pilot about areas to avoid or take out.

This is also a requirement for the Tejas Mk2 which will use a single LAD and will feature improved sensor fusion and AI techniques to help the pilot make decisions.

What I would like to know is what sensor fusion does the JF-17 Block 2 feature since you referred to it in an earlier post?
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Tejas Mk2 Large Area Display (LAD) and it's salient points are discussed here. Very preliminary in terms of the "pages" and how they'll be displayed. One thing I do hope is that they use better colors with lesser contrast or the pilot is going to get a headache. Anyway this video too was from 2020, so things have moved on quite a bit since then.

Voice Recognition System for voice based commands is also being developed for the Tejas Mk2, having been developed for Hawk-i upgrade by HAL. Not sure if it is going to be used on the Tejas Mk1A though.

This btw, is the Tejas Mk1A prototype, a Tejas Mk1 FOC standard fighter that was upgraded with Tejas Mk1A avionics for flight testing purposes.

Hard to even spot the external differences between the Mk1 and Mk1A, but there are 2 additional antennae on the top of the fuselage and new RWR receivers at the end of the wing tips. The RWR coverage on the Tejas Mk1A is 360 degrees thanks to this.

Such a pleasure to see it in flight!

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Good for India. Our pigs are happy that they've conquered Pakistan from within.

Laenet upon them and their families and children and may Allah do to pigs what they've done to People of Pakistan.
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View attachment 936073
The Indian Air Force (IAF) is likely to receive its first home-grown combat aircraft with beyond-visual range strike capabilities next February, the defence ministry said here on Friday.

The delivery of Tejas LCA-Mk-1A aircraft by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is likely to commence from February, 2024, the ministry said in a statement, while marking the seventh anniversary of the induction of the made-in-India fighter jet.

The 83 LCA Mk-1A aircraft – contracted by the defence ministry in 2021 at a price of $6 billion- will also have AESA radar, an updated electronic warfare suite and a beyond-visual range missile system.
"The new variant will be capable of firing weapons from increased stand-off ranges and many of these weapons will be of indigenous origin. The LCA MK-1A will see a substantial increase in the indigenous content of the aircraft,” it said.

Tejas is a single-engine multi-role fighter aircraft capable of operating in high-threat air environments. Two IAF units – 45 Squadron and 18 Squadron, both in Sulur – are currently flying the aircraft and more squadrons will take it up.

The indigenous fighter jet is one of the military products that India has pitched for exports with Egypt, Argentina, USA, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines showing interest.

The Mark-1A version would be having 43 “improvements” from the first lot of 40 LCA Tejas that the IAF earlier purchased from the HAL at a price of Rs 8,802 crore.

The improvements include digital radar warning receivers and external self-protection jammers besides having better maintainability for which additional infrastructure will be required.
finally garam garam smosa is upcoming
finally garam garam smosa is upcoming
Yeah, with this ketchup 👇
Well there is a critical difference in our approach and Turkey's tbh

With Kaan the CDR isn't done yet, they will be building based on IDR only for now.
Whatever the model they have adopted, they have displayed a blistering pace of development in this filed.

PDR has to be done beforehand, is not cast in stone. It is just a part of processes that have been designed by us.

I still see Turkish aircraft taking to skies in a much shorter timeframe than we can.

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