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How will we know that India is about to attack

Says a Die Hard Patwari - a 4th time loser who spits and then licks it -
By running away on 50 rs stamp paper and came back with only guarantee of When Khan will be behind bars ( Politically motivated )

Too bad not everyone is patwari or thinks like one
Once a retard, always a retard. Only a retard can write what you continuously do, nonsense and flying all over the place.
When you can see injustice happening in front of your eyes, only the blind will ignore it.
Thanks for writing a detailed, logical response. While I read it with interest, I could not help but notice that you might have only come to terms of the lawlessness of our country quite recently whereas being in my mid 40's, I have been witnessing law being trampled by individuals, organizations, state institutions, LEA's etc., at will. And hence my assumption that your post was politically motivated, If it was not politically motivated then I have to take my words back.

I only voted PTI once in my life back in 2013 and had no plans to do it again. But the injustice witnessed by all of us is beyond comprehension. It is not just the PTI but the entire system had to melt down just to punish few and install few puppets of their choice
My friend, did the exact same not happen in 2016-17, at the expense of our integrity, development, stability and growth? The entire system was crushed, an entire nation was humbled to reign in on 1 man and to pave way for another. How can I have sympathy for Imran Khan today when he was the beneficiary of all that in 2018? How can I sympathize with Nawaz Sharif when I have seen his evil deeds? But I can sure sympathize with myself and those around me whose lives were a lot better in 2016-17 than they are today. The entire system has melted down every 2-4 years to punish a few and install a few; they cycle has been here for decades.

Look at the state of journalism for example. Look at our cricket board for example, they announced someone as a captain of the team whose place in the squad is questionable, he has an average of 28 in 30 tests and nobody remembers the last time he scored a test hundred. Something happens with our institutions where all the unqualified retired officers are installed to destroy the state institutions.
Totally agreed. To you it may seem like a knee-jerk reaction but since I know for a fact that Shan Masood is the nephew of a very powerful ex-Bureaucrat (Waqar Masood Khan) I have no surprises. This is what happens in our country, nepotism & incompetence has been eroding our country far more than corruption. Actually, the difference between our country and our far advanced neighbors is simply because of their competence as evidently they are also plagued by corruption and yet they are soaring to new heights every year.

This is the exact state of our messed up country. The courts declares Nawaz Sharif is a criminal, the Army chief vouches to everybody in privacy that he is corrupt and now when they want him back, the NAB refuses to arrest him. The entire country’s law is bent down to free one man…
But this has been happing for decades, from Zia-ul-Haq and Bhutto to-date. All courts and state institutions line up behind someone to propel him to the seat of power and when he falls out of favour, the same courts and institutions try him/her as enemy number 1. During the past few years it was NS and now it is IK. Not much difference at all. Tomorrow it may yet again be Imran Khan and the cycle would continue.

And you are talking about PTI.. I don’t care if they arrest PTI for the crime they did and punish them for that.. but what I see is somebody in the colonial kingdom of Pakistan has decided to punish few PTI political leaders just because they can.

And because they have done the same with PML-N before… and installing puppets is their hobby, unless they want to come and takeover by themselves
Exactly. Innocents also get crushed, as the saying goes, "گن کے ساتھ گیہوں بھی پستا ہے".

Back to topic my friend, I am done with this imperial/colonial state of Pakistan. Just yesterday my brother was telling me about somebody I thought is still living happily as he has his own business and no rent to pay for house, he phoned my brother to say that please send me £10 a month as a favour so that I can ensure food for my family for few days a month. He was shocked

Such is the state that we used to send money to family in Pakistan but now many overseas Pakistani have to send money to their neighbours as a charity because we know they cannot afford anymore.

so the bottom line is, we are out of that disillusion that progress is a collective effort made by everybody. Our army thinks they are the only patriotic people and everybody else should be imprisoned.. so I am happy to just donate to poor Pakistanis and stay away from the mess created by the establishment. Like why would u destroy your own country? Army? Why? Does it not hurt you? And then they will have a pathetic excuse to justify it. Every murder may also have an excuse to kill somebody otherwise something wrong could have happened, we cannot allow him to kill.
While you have given up, there are many who do not have that luxury. I live in Pakistan out of will, there are times when I am so dejected that I too think about packing up and returning overseas but those emotions are overcome as generally I am an optimist. I have to believe that a new beginning is just around the corner for Pakistan as we have suffered many years of set-backs and hardships. Inshallah, things will get better.
most of their air force is comprised of ancient Mig-21s and those old critters just can't hold a candle against JF-17s.
actually pakistan has more chinese made mig21s in service than india. there are barely 36 mig21s flying with 2 squadrons of the indian air force , all of them will be retired by the end of next year. I would love to see your stats which shows that most of our air force flies mig 21s
Well I highly doubt that India will ever directly and militarily attack Pakistan. But it's not Pakistan that stops India from attacking it's the global response that prevents that.

For attacking Pakistan, India would need a great chaos in other parts of the world, for example Middle East. If a scenario builds where countries are attacking each other and it becomes ok to attacks any Muslim country then will strike India. And India will push her non-military assets first, and for that Pakistan should restart NCC and allow civilians to have arms. The more arms people have the less is the chance of civilian attack on Pakistan.

Secondly, all cantonment in Pakistan are situated in cities. And if after any national issue, people turn against army, army will not be able to leave. So the first thing that military should do is to move away from cities asap.

But these are just my views.
India has no interest in invading pakistan. if you're thinking India would invade to recapture the parts of kashmir occupied by pakistan, i think India will (have to) accomplish that in more democratic ways and not by war
When India is ready to commit suicide we will know India is about to attack.
Well I highly doubt that India will ever directly and militarily attack Pakistan. But it's not Pakistan that stops India from attacking it's the global response that prevents that.

For attacking Pakistan, India would need a great chaos in other parts of the world, for example Middle East. If a scenario builds where countries are attacking each other and it becomes ok to attacks any Muslim country then will strike India. And India will push her non-military assets first, and for that Pakistan should restart NCC and allow civilians to have arms. The more arms people have the less is the chance of civilian attack on Pakistan.

Secondly, all cantonment in Pakistan are situated in cities. And if after any national issue, people turn against army, army will not be able to leave. So the first thing that military should do is to move away from cities asap.

But these are just my views.
For your information India is under attack from pakistanis from last 1000 years .
Why would we do that? Is there any benefit to invading Pakistan right now? Apart from Kashmir there is no beef between the two nations, kashmir issue has been pretty much suppressed so why do we need a war?
India, Pakistan, China, USA are in a series of "entaglements" I won't call it an alliance, it's an system of mutual benefits. There is no absolute ally or enemy on global stage there are is only the phenomenon of "self help".
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What will India do after attacking Pakistan?

Imprison political leaders? Install the leaders of their choice to get the results they want?

Manipulate elections and install their own puppets?

Are we not doing that already? Pakistan and India Army was one before the partition. So their brothers are doing the job for them

i am confident if Imran Khan was born in 1948 and not in 1952 then the Palestine-Israel war issue would have been blamed to him and he would be fighting a legal battle about whether this trial will happen in the jail or open court.

Where is free Pakistan? It’s just a lawless country controlled by establishment ruled by Aliens right now. The words like law, constitution, ethics, freedom of speech etc have all gone to the gutter.
If we are allowed to attack pakistan i will do three things

1 stop parade at wagha border
2 start India pakistan cricket match
3 start trade
For your information India is under attack from pakistanis from last 1000 years .
No we havent. Lol.

Unless you are aware of some big punjabi/sindh raids or empire. People dont usually invade from already fertile lands to go farther inland for slightly less fertile lands.

Pakistan IS the "india" that was attacked for the most part. Unfortunately looks like its playing out again.
Precisely, it's a lawless country because Imran Khan has had to face court cases whereas he should be exempt from accountability and justice.

What insane logic and what blind following!!

You are morally and ethically Bankrupt Person. I Hope, you and your family are subjected to same justice you are prasing...You disgust me!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I highly doubt that India will ever directly and militarily attack Pakistan. But it's not Pakistan that stops India from attacking it's the global response that prevents that.

For attacking Pakistan, India would need a great chaos in other parts of the world, for example Middle East. If a scenario builds where countries are attacking each other and it becomes ok to attacks any Muslim country then will strike India. And India will push her non-military assets first, and for that Pakistan should restart NCC and allow civilians to have arms. The more arms people have the less is the chance of civilian attack on Pakistan.

Secondly, all cantonment in Pakistan are situated in cities. And if after any national issue, people turn against army, army will not be able to leave. So the first thing that military should do is to move away from cities asap.

But these are just my views.
India has attacked Pakistan through proxies and won most of the times causing large human and material loss amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars.
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