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How Pakistan, China agencies are using women to honeytrap Indian army officers

All you need is an above ugly woman to trap Indian officials.
All secret agencies use honeytrap tactics.
Mossad used it to gather intel on some Palestinian in UAE.
Whatever the situation, this isn't a recommended path for ISI to collect information. Pakistani women should (not) be involved at minimum.
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They found a glaring weakness, they will exploit it. Women have been used by intel agencies for a long time and it's not a bad idea to use the fertile grounds for such assets such as hira Mandi and others.
When you cant eliminate an evil from society, use it.
Whatever the situation, this isn't a recommended path for ISI to collect information. Pakistani women should (not) be involved at minimum.

They can do work, but they shouldn't become bloody prostitutes, if we need the job done so badly just hire a local.
All things being equal they should also target gay ones as well I'm sure they would be flattered!
LOL These black Indians are thinking too much of themselves. Pakistani and Chinese women wouldn't even piss on these small Indian cowards who barely fit rubber.


Talk about shamelessly patting yourself on the back.

What do you think---muslim women are not ready to sacrifice their bodies for their nation---or chinese women find it beneath them to sacrifice their bodies for their country---.

You kids are either clueless or do not have the ability to understand the devotion of the pakistani or the chinese women to the cause---.
I really doubt ISI would stoop to his level to gather Intel about Indian armed forces.

This sounds like a (propaganda) warning technique to discourage Indian troops to avoid forging ill-advised romantic liaisons with women. Pakistan (and China) are convenient boogeyman.
Meanwhile in the real world...

Shame of the city: When Chinese sex slaves were trafficked in SF

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