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Honest question to Turkish members?

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Although I agree that 90% of the criticism for Pakistanis is unfair by our Turkish brothers but it is also a fact that in the last few years.. so many Pakistanis have relocated to Turkey.

When you see a different community everyday.. it is normal for some people to be unhappy and be little racist.
We Pakistanis hate our country our people. Sometimes we consider turks to be our friends, sometimes afghans. But actually, none of them is our brother. Only our brothers are our brothers.

The most common crimes by immigrants in Europe

That proportion occurs in Europe, and it may be true in other parts of the world. People from Southeast Asia are more likely to commit crimes related to theft, while people from South Asia and the Middle East are more likely to commit sex crimes.
South Asia is known for its rich diversity, and it is important to consider this diversity when discussing crimes committed by individuals from the region. It would be informative to explore available statistics to determine the percentage of criminals who identify as Muslims. This inquiry is not meant to imply anything negative about Islam or Muslims; rather, it seeks to gain insights into the mindset of South Asian Muslims. It is worth noting that Turks have a distinct cultural and religious background that sets them apart from South Asian Muslims.

The most common crimes by immigrants in Europe

That proportion occurs in Europe, and it may be true in other parts of the world. People from Southeast Asia are more likely to commit crimes related to theft, while people from South Asia and the Middle East are more likely to commit sex crimes.

East Europeans are significantly involved in prostitution in Western Europe. Also in Turkey.

Plus outside of Europe as well. India and Pakistan have also had East European prostitutes.
We Pakistanis hate our country our people. Sometimes we consider turks to be our friends, sometimes afghans. But actually, none of them is our brother. Only our brothers are our brothers.
Good people, regardless of race will have many friend every where. Successful people also will not be difficult to be friend to any one.

It is all individual thing. Like for example Malaysian look down Indonesian blue color labor working there, but they are huge fans of Indonesian opera shops, movies, and Indonesian musicians.
Happens everywhere, illegal aliens and refugees "stealing jerbs" and get up to all sortsa nasty shite, crimes petty and big, s3xual crime, behaving badly.. and people get fed up of that.

Pretty sure they wouldn't have a problem with good Pakistani folk who work there legally or just went for a vacation and spend money on the local economy.

Even here in India, we have a lot of illegal hilsakhor lungis who are universally loathed.. we refer to them as termites (and worse)

Good legal lungis, however, are most welcome.. just as good legal migrant Pakistanis and tourists would be welcomed in Turkey I imagine.
that is some serious horse shit.
The state relations between India and Turkey may vary, but it is worth noting that the people-to-people relations between the two countries are generally positive. This can be attributed to the professionalism exhibited in interactions rather than any perceived notion of "ummah ka chumma" that exists among some Pakistanis. However, it is important to avoid generalizations as exceptions can be found in any group. It is also worth mentioning that some Indian Muslims may share a similar "ummah ka chumma" complex, although this does not apply to all individuals.

Syrians are like us, most of them can speak Turkish very well now.

Afghans are usually shepherds.

Russians only live in Antalya.

Pakistanis are not like us, which scares people.

Of course, all the blame belongs to the authorities who allow illegal immigration and sell citizenship for 400k dollars. Even if 99 percent of the people complain about it, they still vote for Erdogan. It is very difficult to understand Turkish people.

You are correct. Pakistanis are not like you at all. Pakistanis no matter how ignorant they are know how to wash their *** and mins their own business.
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If they are Afghans, wouldn't their Afghan passport give them more legitimacy in claiming asylum?

Those people have been living in Pakistan as refugees for years and years. Many didn't even have documents when they cross over. They get fake Pakistani documents to travel to Eastern Europe as visitors and then transit through illegally to western Europe.

Turkey is one of the few countries in the world Pakistani can get visa on arrival.
The state relations between India and Turkey may vary, but it is worth noting that the people-to-people relations between the two countries are generally positive. This can be attributed to the professionalism exhibited in interactions rather than any perceived notion of "ummah ka chumma" that exists among some Pakistanis. However, it is important to avoid generalizations as exceptions can be found in any group. It is also worth mentioning that some Indian Muslims may share a similar "ummah ka chumma" complex, although this does not apply to all individuals.

like I said horse shit

I worked with Turkish nationals I have excellent relations with them including being invited to their homes. What you are applying is typical stupid indian bias horse crap. Turkish people are taught of the financial help Indian muslims gave them during WW1 and muslim soldiers refusing to fight against the Ottoman army

Concerning professionalism, indians have always shown immense unprofessionalism when dealing with Pakistanis ie usual hindu propaganda crap ie Pakistan was a mistake , terrorism etc good thing I never attended their invitations. I think it is you people who need to improve them selves.
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As an Indonesian, you may find it peculiar, but it is a common occurrence for Pakistanis to claim Arab and Turk ancestry. They often exhibit a sense of shame towards their own history and culture. Please note that I am not disparaging Pakistan, but simply stating an observation

No that’s not. Why do you keep repeating this stupid lie. Why do Indians overtly lie about things that can be verified easily.
East Europeans are significantly involved in prostitution in Western Europe. Also in Turkey.

Plus outside of Europe as well. India and Pakistan have also had East European prostitutes.
Focus on the term "Former Eastern Bloc". Like former communist countries.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
No that’s not. Why do you keep repeating this stupid lie. Why do Indians overtly lie about things that can be verified easily.
Based on my personal interactions with Pakistanis, including on this forum, I have observed numerous instances where some Daalkhor Kaliyas claim to have ancestral connections to Turks, Arabs, Persians, and even Afghans. These claims often include asserting historical achievements such as ruling over Spain and India for 800 years, expressing intentions to destroy Israel, and labeling Hindus as idol worshippers, among other things.

In contrast, I have not personally encountered any Afghan or Persian individuals who have expressed derogatory views towards Hinduism or India. While I have not had the opportunity to interact with Turks in real life, I would assume that they too do not make claims of ruling over India or Spain or similar assertions.
Pakistan is not a nation. It’s a confused state with upper caste Muslims who don’t know what to do with a country
thats rich, caste ssytem has been abolished in india.
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