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New Recruit

Sep 2, 2011
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Hi all.....I'm new here.Since my childhood I had a dream to join paf,army or navy because my father is an army personnel.I tried for cadet college as well but didn't worked hard and failed.With the passage of time,I forgot about forces and did matric.I was busy in my school life and other activities(started playing guitar and joined a heavy metal band).I totally forgot about my childhood passion.Now I've done fsc with A grade.I tried for engg universities and got admission in some.But,I don't know why that passion is again rising in me.In a few days,I was again in love with paf.
I don't know why but I'm hating all that engg universities,the feeling of anxiety whether I'll be able to get admission in civil or mechanical sort of thing,the guitar,the band etc.Every part of my brain is filled by one thing and that is gd pilot.Whenever,I saw a jet fighter I feel something I dunno....In my bookshelf,all books are replaced by history of paf,untold stories of paf by air cdre kamal ahmed etc.
On internet,I used to listen songs,watch movies and freelancing,social networking etc but now I just read about paf and watch jet fighter videos,read biographies of sherdils of pakistan.All my gaming interests are shifted towards dogfights.(Last night,I did perfect ramp start,taxi and take off on FALCON 4........think of it as an acheivment =)).
On 20th august,I searched on internet for paf induction and found the last date for 134 gd p course was 16 august.I was going to burst into tears.....
I assumed it as a good omen.So that now I have some time to prepare myself.Now the problem is that I don't find exact info.I know basic things but I want someone who can guide me on everything related to join paf including written/physical/intelligence and specially medical tests.
Visited I & S center rwp but the guard on duty didn't allowed me to enter saying that dates are over.The way I argued with him and made the way in is another story.But nothing was there.The only info they provide me is that 135 gd p course will be offered in november or december but I think that will be jan/feb.
I tried social networking but it seems paf officers have don't have much listening to stories like this one.Because these stories are very common.Every tom,dick and harry dreams like me.
Looking forward to try in 135 gd p course.fellows like me who are trying their luck for 135 gd p can contact me.
Well......thats kind of a boring post.agreed?
seems to me, the same spirit that i got for army !
a mind blowing craze that there's no profession or life beyond it.

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