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Heavy Industries Taxila - Weapons Guide and Specifications

there you go i dont have the time to specifically find the pic but it is here in the HIT stall

IDEAS 2012 - Pakistan Military Photos

this Remote firing gun is bit of a mystery i herd the same system is placed on a Muhafiz and it ll also be placed on the sentry turrets HIT makes ( armored guard rooms)
does any on have any specific info on this system weather it is gyro stabilized or have thermal/NV or any thing else?

it has both i.e gyro stabilization and night vision
I agree that this is of very important & vital requirements for our army, also the gear & kits of our army needs to be improved, could someone shed some light on this please, what are the steps taken in this regards along with bullet proof vest

HIT is just responsible with armour and artillary or just APCs……
Infantary weapons,night googles and bullet proof vests are prepeared in POF Wah……:yu:
it has both i.e gyro stabilization and night vision

I was just looking at wiki about HIT and it said Pakistan is developing 155 MM self propelled artillery and Pakistan revealed this in 2002 and still no news of it man 11 years have almost passed @Aeronaut @DESERT FIGHTER
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eight-day long operation in Lyari in May 2012, almost 18 APCs were destroyed by rockets, hand grenades and anti-aircraft guns used by the criminals. The damage was not just limited to the destruction of the APCs however – Civil Lines SHO Fawad Ahmed Khan also lost his life in the attacks.

The failed operation and loss of SHO Khan had compelled the Sindh Police to replace the B-6 level APCs manufactured by Heavy Industries Taxila. Currently, the Sindh Police has around 90 APCs, manufactured by the HIT. The wheeled variety of locally manufactured APCs (B-6) costs about Rs17.5 million each, while the B-7, an upgraded version, costs about Rs55 million

Without armour: Waiting on new APCs while bullets pierce through old ones – The Express Tribune
eight-day long operation in Lyari in May 2012, almost 18 APCs were destroyed by rockets, hand grenades and anti-aircraft guns used by the criminals. The damage was not just limited to the destruction of the APCs however – Civil Lines SHO Fawad Ahmed Khan also lost his life in the attacks.

The failed operation and loss of SHO Khan had compelled the Sindh Police to replace the B-6 level APCs manufactured by Heavy Industries Taxila. Currently, the Sindh Police has around 90 APCs, manufactured by the HIT. The wheeled variety of locally manufactured APCs (B-6) costs about Rs17.5 million each, while the B-7, an upgraded version, costs about Rs55 million

Without armour: Waiting on new APCs while bullets pierce through old ones – The Express Tribune
I'm still clueless about what went wrong, some say the vehicles were illegally modified so that the armour was kept low quality or maybe they paid less (Zardari phenomena?)....
eight-day long operation in Lyari in May 2012, almost 18 APCs were destroyed by rockets, hand grenades and anti-aircraft guns used by the criminals. The damage was not just limited to the destruction of the APCs however – Civil Lines SHO Fawad Ahmed Khan also lost his life in the attacks.

The failed operation and loss of SHO Khan had compelled the Sindh Police to replace the B-6 level APCs manufactured by Heavy Industries Taxila. Currently, the Sindh Police has around 90 APCs, manufactured by the HIT. The wheeled variety of locally manufactured APCs (B-6) costs about Rs17.5 million each, while the B-7, an upgraded version, costs about Rs55 million

Without armour: Waiting on new APCs while bullets pierce through old ones – The Express Tribune

The hull is protected against 7.62 mm bullet (NATO BALL) at point blank range.
Heavy Industries Taxila
MOHAFIZ-II has Protection level - b6 >note that Ball is NOT an armor piercing (AP, API, APIT) round.


APCs are designed to cope with small arms fire: armor piercing 7,62mm all around and maybe 12,7/14,5mm over the frontal arc. They (e.g. M113, 8x8 BTR) are not designed to withstand RPGs. AAA cannon suggests 20mm or 23mm, AAA guns may be 14,5mm, against which police vehicles like these are not generally protected.

Sounds like sending an M113 (7,62mm API all round protected) against a BMP-2 with 30mm cannon...: you can predict you're going to get clobbered.
Please hit make something like own tech like al khlaid tank most of hit systems are copies
I am sure this is one of the reasons that Mushi has decided to privatize military industries. Also the current Govt. is also trying to privatize companies too.
Dear if u have will power to make something new and by doing this hit get profits it is not about privatization its about requirement and new tech
HIT should start working on armored vehicles and a SPH with common chassis and retractable optics.
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