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Greetings from Raiden


Oct 28, 2020
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Greetings to all & thanks for having me in PDF!

My name is Ra and I have been an avid reader of various threads on multiple forums for years. I thought it was about time I should join and contribute and be part of this community as well. And rightfully so, here's my introduction ⬇

1. My interests:

> Science, reading, military developments, geopolitics, R&D, innovation, creativity, technology, poetry.

2. What I do for a living:

> I work for an MNC.

3. How did I find PDF:

> Transitioned from IMF.

4. What interests me here:

> Like to keep up with matters around the world, their military and technological growth.

5. What is my profession:

> I am a Data Center Engineer.

6. My Future plans:

> To have my own start-up sometime soon & retire to be a farmer.
Greetings Ra. Welcome to the forum.

> To have my own start-up sometime soon & retire to be a farmer.

Why retire to be farmer when you can experiment now with vertical farming ?

I too have more than a passing interest in farming and hope to do something about it in five years.

Thank you dear TruthSeeker. I wish to become a great Think Tank Analyst/Consultant as yourself someday. :cheers:
Welcome to :pdf:. Enjoy participating in discussions and do follow forum rules. :welcome:

Thank you, PDF. I will certainly make the most out of my stay here in this forum while trying my best not to give you a tough time :enjoy:
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Greetings Ra. Welcome to the forum.

Why retire to be farmer when you can experiment now with vertical farming ?

I too have more than a passing interest in farming and hope to do something about it in five years.

Thanks for having me here Jamahir,

Actually, when I was a child; I used to dislike farming and farmers. I thought they were carefree and had no desire for knowledge beyond what was taught to them by their predecessors. But as I grew older, I realised how wrong and how little my mind was. Matter of fact, they have the best life. Away from drama, away from politics, lies & deceptions, competitions and social pressures. It is an honest, day to day work. Classic farming is not just a profession but also a way of life. Keeps you physically fit, eating organic food and having a sound sleep...:victory1:
is that your real name ? RA ? never heard of a name like that except Egyptian god ..anyway enjoy your time here, and welcome to PDF
is that your real name ? RA ? never heard of a name like that except Egyptian god ..anyway enjoy your time here, and welcome to PDF

Greetings YeBeWarned,

Thanks for having me around.

Yes, you're correct. Ra is the real surname :tup:

Cheers to a new beginning!
What a peculiar name, especially for a Bangladeshi. May I ask what your religion is, as Ra is the name of the ancient Egyptian pagan sun deity

I have a history of hybrid predecessors Cherub786. My father is half Pakistani/Bangladeshi and a Muslim. My mother is Russian and Catholic. I practice Islam after studying a bit of both the religion amongst other scriptures 😊
Greetings to all & thanks for having me in PDF!

My name is Ra and I have been an avid reader of various threads on multiple forums for years. I thought it was about time I should join and contribute and be part of this community as well. And rightfully so, here's my introduction ⬇

1. My interests:

> Science, reading, military developments, geopolitics, R&D, innovation, creativity, technology, poetry.

2. What I do for a living:

> I work for an MNC.

3. How did I find PDF:

> Transitioned from IMF.

4. What interests me here:

> Like to keep up with matters around the world, their military and technological growth.

5. What is my profession:

> I am a Data Center Engineer.

6. My Future plans:

> To have my own start-up sometime soon & retire to be a farmer.

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