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Greatest tribute to Musharraf

Musharraf should throw in a curve ball. I'm dissolving the assemblies if anyone even tries to remove 58-2b :)

It'll be the parliament's version of an old western showdown. Let's see if they can remove 58-2b faster than he can dissolve the assemblies.

Not likely Asim.:)

I dont think that Musharraf will be able to throw such a threat as this time all the thugs are mulling for forming government.
Whereas in the past if PPP was in the government Nawaz party was in the opposition simillary was the case when he was in government hence both of them wanted to stay the 58-2b so that at times they can sack each others' government.

i am looking forward how these thugs will act on restoration of judges.
Musharraf said to be ‘sulking’ in a ‘mental bunker’

* PML-Q official claims US Embassy pushing party for alliance with PPP

By Khalid Hasan

WASHINGTON: President Pervez Musharraf, according to a senior official of the former ruling party, is “sulking”, having “retreated into a mental bunker, which is not healthy. He thinks everyone is out to get him and only listens to a small circle. It’s a dangerous mindset to be in at this point in time. He could decide to hit back.”

The report published by the London newspaper Guardian, monitored here, says the “retired general still trots out for afternoon tennis, aides say, and enjoys a game of bridge a few times a week. In the evenings he pulls on a cigar.”

A PML-Q official, meanwhile, said his party was being pressured by US embassy officials hoping for a coalition between the PML-Q and the Pakistan People’s Party. “The Americans want a German-style grand coalition including the PPP,” he said. “They want Musharraf to stick around, even if it’s a diminished Musharraf.”

British officials have been more coy, bristling at suggestions they are following the American lead. But many Pakistanis believe Whitehall is “singing from a hymn sheet drawn up in the White House”.

Western diplomats fear that Nawaz Sharif cannot, or will not, deliver on their greatest concern: hunting Al Qaeda and Taliban militancy. Critics suspect Nawaz of being a closet “fundo”. They recall his infamous attempt to crown himself “commander of the faithful” while prime minister in 1998, and point to his family’s conservative background. His close links with Saudi Arabia have also caused some concern, particularly about possible leakage of nuclear technology. According to the report, Musharraf’s fate also rests on the “ability of the fractious opposition to unite. In a country of giant egos and troubled history, that’s no sure thing. A complex game of blackmail and manoeuvre is underway.”

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Thanks moderators for restarting this political section.

Thanks to Musharraf for holding free and fair elections

This nation would be more thankful to Mush now if he accepts the results of these free and fair election and resigns from office.
I wouldn't agree with you bro onn this. Our public is just stupid as hell no offence plz. You know its like this your dad work his *** off to make his family able to stand up in the world. He make you study in the best school possible and next thing he finds out that when you get old now you say my dad is not right he is junk i dont want him!!!!!!!! how does this sound? Bad right now coz back to the point. We know nawaz and ppp very well ( beside some people who don't want to know them but love them) and you know too both has looted the country not once but twice but here we have mush who hasn't looted Pakistan insted he worked his *** off for makeing it strong. Man you give me one person who is better then him on time right now beside looters. the answer is NoN. We have weath crises electric problems !!! the gov in control was PML'Q now they are out of power good what else do you want!!!!
Thanks moderators for restarting this political section.

Thanks to Musharraf for holding free and fair elections

This nation would be more thankful to Mush now if he accepts the results of these free and fair election and resigns from office.
Thanks moderators for restarting this political section.

Thanks to Musharraf for holding free and fair elections

This nation would be more thankful to Mush now if he accepts the results of these free and fair election and resigns from office.
He has accepted and thus he hasn't dissolved the assemblies. Why resign?

If you have 2/3rd majority, then impeach him ;)
First of all its very obvious that PPP + PML N + ANP will have the 2/3 majority in parliament with the help of Independents.

current seats = 268(NA 119,207,42,37 delayed) out of 272.

66% or 2/3rd = 180 seats.

Currently Anp=10 + PPP=88 + PML N =67 ====== 165 seats .Then now in it you add at least 20 seats out of 27 Independents(Though I think all the Independents will go towards ruling coalition).

They will easily have more than 180 seats.

Add the seats of Women and Minority and its beyond 2/3rd.

More over in the INDs FATAs 10 will definiteyl be anti Musharraf.
Baluchistan's 3 INDs too are anti Musharraf(Humayun aziz kurd,Abdul Qadir baluch,Maulci asmatullah).

Plus NA 119 Lahore (polls delayed will go to PML N).NA 207 Larkana (polls selayed will go to PPPP).NA 42 South Waziristan(will go to anti Mushs).

This means they will easily have the power to Impeach Mr.Musharraf.

And once the impeachment notice is issued then President is no more able to dissolve the assemblies.

But let me tell you they will not impeach Musharraf Immediately.

They will first post their Own IGs ,own bureaucrats,get state apparatus.


and Musharraf is gone.(no offense.this is whats waiting for Musharraf unless he lures PPPP towards himself by US pressure.But PPPP knows that combining with Mush will hurt their popularity and the will be wiped out in next polls
so PPPP has taken a wise decision by OPTING FOR PML N)
MOSABJA, you are child who has been intimidated by Indian media against one man.
World is not about one man so correct your 'Qibla' and think in the direction of development not destruction.
I remember, Nawaz said on every speech 'I'm your servant and will remain servants of your childrens, just give me one chance' now he had the chance tell him to prove he is out there to serve us not servings him self.

Elections has endorsed that Musharraf was the best thing ever happened to Pakistan.

Irony is that people like you have made Zardari the owner of Pakistan.
First of all its very obvious that PPP + PML N + ANP will have the 2/3 majority in parliament with the help of Independents.

current seats = 268(NA 119,207,42,37 delayed) out of 272.

66% or 2/3rd = 180 seats.

Mosabja, Completely wrong!:crazy: get your facts right.

2/3 majority is not only the NA! it means all of em combined! (NA, PA and SENATE!)

Last I checked PML-Q has majority in the Senate, has 70+ (PML-Q, PML-F and MQM) NA seats and let aside the provincial seats.

In other words, there is no way the President can be impeached! or 58,2(b) be removed! :victory:

Long live President MusharraF!:pakistan:
Mosabja, Completely wrong!:crazy: get your facts right.

2/3 majority is not only the NA! it means all of em combined! (NA, PA and SENATE!)

Last I checked PML-Q has majority in the Senate, has 70+ (PML-Q, PML-F and MQM) NA seats and let aside the provincial seats.

In other words, there is no way the President can be impeached! or 58,2(b) be removed! :victory:

Long live President MusharraF!:pakistan:

First of all I am not against Musharraf or Pro Zardari.I was just mentioning the facts that opposition does have 2/3rd in NA if they combine the INDs which surely they will and already many 6 INDs have joined opposition.

Now coming to the issue of Senate.I am well aware that pro Mush have majority in the senate.But if you read the constitution SENATE 2/3 IS NOT REQUIRED FOR REMOVAL OF PRES.2/3 of PARLIAMENT(senate,NA combined) IS ENOUGH.
check out this ARTICLE 22A

[22A](1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, the President may, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, be removed from office on the ground of physical or mental incapacity or impeached on a charge of violating the Constitution or gross misconduct.
(2) Not less than one-half of the total membership of either House may give to the Speaker of the National Assembly or, as the case may be, the Chairman written notice of its intention to move a resolution for the removal of, or, as the case may be, to impeach, the President; and such notice shall set out the particulars of his incapacity or of the charge against him.]
(3) If a notice under clause (2) is received by the Chairman, he shall transmit it forthwith to the Speaker.
(4) The Speaker shall, within three days of the receipt of a notice under clause (2) or clause (3), cause a copy of the notice to be transmitted to the President.
(5) The Speaker shall summon the two Houses to meet in a joint sitting not earlier than seven days and not later than fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by him.
(6) The joint sitting may investigate or cause to be investigated the ground or the charge upon which the notice is founded.
(7) The President shall have the right to appear and be represented during the investigation, if any, and before the joint sitting.
(8) If, after consideration of the result of the investigation, if any, a resolution is passed at the joint sitting by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of [23][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] declaring that the President is unfit to hold the office due to incapacity or is guilty of violating the Constitution or of gross misconduct, the President shall cease to hold office immediately on the passing of the resolution.
For removal of 58 2b Majority in senate is required but not for Impeachment.

The process is

1) If at least 50 % of the Parliament or senate(both of them not necassary.50 % ain any house is sufficient) gives the move to the speaker.

2) Speaker shall summon joint meeting of parliament and the senate for investigation of charges against the president.

3) After the debate.If the PARLIAMENT(Senate ,NA combine) 2/3 Majority approves the charges.

PRESIDENT SHALL CEASE TO HOLD THE OFFICE(check out sub clause no. 8)
The easier way of sacking Musharraf.Which Mr.Shariff has indicated is by NOT INDEMNIFYING THE nov 3 ACTS.
There by restoring judiciary.
And Judiciary to decide the eligibility of the president.
Once judiciary is restored by not indemnifying the steps.
JUDICIARY will also take care if Pres uses 58 2b as judgment was given in 1993.
The easier way of sacking Musharraf.Which Mr.Shariff has indicated is by NOT INDEMNIFYING THE nov 3 ACTS.
There by restoring judiciary.
And Judiciary to decide the eligibility of the president.
Once judiciary is restored by not indemnifying the steps.
JUDICIARY will also take care if Pres uses 58 2b as judgment was given in 1993.

Stop using the word Judiciary because what you meant is restoring mainly two scums 1) Iftikhar 2) Bhagwandas
now listen once for all, scums were sacked by President of Pakistan, who excercised his legal powers, now what Sharif is doing classify as blackmail (illegal).
Musharraf is not impeaching him for his illegal act in the greater interest of nation, where as selfish Sharif only want to serve his personal grudge which he holds for Musharraf.

As of today, we a have a functioning judiciary. Do you think that all those judges have no understanding of constitution and a dull man like Sharif knows any thing about constitution?

My advice for N.Sharif is to shutup because his position is what we call in Urdu 'Na 3 mein na 13 mein'. If he has some thing to say than he should go walk in some news studio and explain his views once and for all. Which I doubt that he has any real substance to tell. You know shouting continuously same sound in various corners of city streets depict to what?
Where as he himself is the biggest violator of judiciary, when he was so called 'Amir of Momins'. He sacked many judges extra judcialy or forced them to resign. Justice rtd. Naseem Hassan Shah is one example of his extra judicial acts.

He should know that all Pakistan did not vote for him. He perhaps won only 15% of register votes.
PPP ready to work with Musharraf

No two-thirds majority to impeach President: Zardari

NEW YORK - PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari was on Monday quoted by a major US newspaper as saying that he would seek a working relationship with President Pervez Musharraf since their coalition government may not be able to impeach him.
“The ground reality is that we do not have two-thirds majority in both the houses of Parliament” that would be required for a successful impeachment, Zardari said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
“Our main objective is to work for the smooth transition to democracy,” he said. The newspaper’s correspondent, who interviewed the PPP leader, wrote, “His (Zardari’s) comments are among the most conciliatory to date from a senior official of the coalition regarding its intended approach to Musharraf.”
“We want to unify the country, which is facing some very serious challenges,” Zardari said. “We have to establish democracy and for that we need unity and not confrontation.”
The PPP hasn’t officially nominated its candidate for prime minister, but Zardari confirmed that Amin Fahim was the front-runner. “We will name the candidate when the party is invited to form the government,” he said.
Zardari said his government would increase cooperation with the US, adding that Pakistan faces its own threat from the extremists. “We are fighting our own war on terror, rather than the American war on terror,” he said.
Zardari said his government would not talk to the militants, but that it would reach out to the people living in the tribal areas. “We will take democracy there and political reforms to win the support of the tribesmen.”
The PPP leader said he did not have any intention of becoming prime minister, but would concentrate on party organisation and assist the government. Though leader of the party, he did not seek a seat in Parliament in the election. “It is more important to guide the government and the party,” he said.
Zardari indicated that he might run for a parliamentary seat in a by-election Benazir Bhutto’s constituency in Sindh. “I will contest the elections if the party decides,” he said.
Our Monitoring Desk adds: Zardari said his party supported PML-N over the freedom of judiciary and President’s powers in parliamentary system, reported a private TV channel, quoting him as saying in an interview with The Hindustan Times.
He said PML-N, JUI and MQM all ensured their support to PPP for the formation of the government, adding that PPP sided with PML-N over the freedom of judiciary.
Responding a question regarding the next premier, Zardari said PPP does not believe in provincialism and that there is no harm in nominating PM from any province whatsoever.
He said his first priority is to solve the issue of terrorism in the country, as the country faces this threat and the whole world supported Pakistan against this menace, adding Pakistan is the frontline state against the terrorism. “We are directly at threat. The world is behind us. Pakistan cannot help but be serious about it.”
APP adds: Zardari said his party would take forward peace process with India. He said this peace process was initiated by the late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1972 and reaffirmed by Shaheed Benazir Bhutto in her talks with Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1988.
When asked about composite dialogue process initiated by President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2004, he said it was not initiated by President Pervez Musharraf rather it was started by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1972.
When asked whether Nawaz Sharif would come around to his stand to institutionalised the judiciary’s independence and rightsize the Presidency’s powers, he said Nawaz Sharif was with us on this stance.
To another question he said Pakistan was a very difficult country to govern. “The situation we find ourselves in is very difficult.
Answering a question whether Benazir’s absence make you feel lonely sometimes, Zardai said” what do mean lonely? We are lost without her. Her memories are strewn all over. The walls, the people around, remind me of her. In spirit, she will always be with us and lead us. I’m not leading the party, she is leading it from Garhi Khuda Bux.”

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