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Featured FRANCE24 exposes Indian media

Arnab Goswamee works at Republic TV of India. If he has any journalistic ethics or shame, he should quit. This video is going to go viral and Arnab wouldn't want to associate with such channels.
Ethics ??? Shame ???? dude you are talking about the most absurd guy on TV....remember it was him mouthing off about ISI being present on the fifth floor of Kabul Serena Hotel.....which in fact is built on just three floors.
Now India will have a diplomatic row with France 😅😅
Sari dunya he sharm dilati rahy inko sharm nhi ani
This isn’t accidental - this isn’t stupidity. This sort of idiotic news fuels dictatorships and genocidal populations. Once they are convinced of their superiority they will do anything. Their members here are proof of what they are thinking of doing to Pakistan.

Their main hawks are very intelligent and smart, post their 2019 drubbing are furiously putting the next step for which Pakistan is wholly unprepared.
Don’t underestimate their venom and cunning - they aren’t done yet.
Is showing the mirror termed as inferiority complex across the border? So be it. Fool’s paradise it is then!

And good for you, Considering the state of the Pakistani nation, some laughter will do good for you lot.
Has any Pakistani TV Channel ever made such international headlines....even before this BBC was having a field day about your spy pigeon nonsense.
And last i checked, Pakistanis were considered to be much happier than their miserable neighbour.
Ethics ??? Shame ???? dude you are talking about the most absurd guy on TV....remember it was him mouthing off about ISI being present on the fifth floor of Kabul Serena Hotel.....which in fact is built on just three floors.

I honestly don't know much about Arnab. The only time I have watched him is because General Bakshi is in his channel and I just love General Bakshi--who brings joy to me ! ;)

Even the 5th floor thingy from Arnab could be termed a 'mistake'-- what difference if 5th or 2nd floor if the news was true-- but what France 24 exposes--and exposes to potentially millions of viewers-- is just mind boggling. I mean how could Arnab associate himself to Republic TV after that??
Indians believe that their sheer number alone is enough to turn fake into fact. much like the "Orks" Warhammer 40K.
Irfan, unfortunately this numbers game does work in their favor. They know that If you keep repeating the lies long enough, it will be accepted as the truth eventually.

Besides, an average person doesn't have the inclination to do fact checking. So unless pajeets are called out for their fake news media, it will continue forever, to our determent.
Irfan, unfortunately this numbers game does work in their favor. They know that If you keep repeating the lies long enough, it will be accepted as the truth eventually.

Besides, an average person doesn't have the inclination to do fact checking. So unless pajeets are called out for their fake news media, it will continue forever, to our determent.

Unfortunately. A true account. Just on 20 Sept. I donated blood. I am a regular donor. During the screening questionnaire, the lady, who must be educated enough to get the job in that critical role, asked me: 'Pakistan? Which part of India is that?' I said, no, it is a separate country! Hahahaha!

Coming back to the video--the way the anchors seemed DETERMINED to tear apart Indian media AND INDIA itself shows a certain 'intent'. Anyone with journalistic background--which I am not-- should be able to see that. These kinds of one-sided portrayals--quite common in global media, especially in those without journalistic norms', usually means some hidden agenda behind them.

Not that I am not enjoying this video ;)
Because Pakistanis are having a field day with 1 stupid fellow countryman of mine , I would also like to point out that- we have thousands of equally established countrymen as well to which ‘level’ no Pakistani has yet reached. Just today Modi met santanu narayen of Adobe and vivek lall of general atomics, not indian citizens per se- but Adobe India headcount at all time high. 🤔

the amount of happiness oozing across this thread shows the sorry state of pakistani mentality. I think you are referring to an index in which Bhutan came first , but boy if this is what makes you happy- no wonder you beat us!
Like I said - ‘fool’s paradise’!
No you don't have just 1 stupid fellow......the whole bunch is in a race to get max TRP ratings by bashing Pakistan....you see, the old proverb is.....if you can't beat them, then join them.....but Indian psyche thrives on the sense....if you can't beat them then abuse them.....be it a Pakistani missile test, the events in Afghanistan or sale of a Pakistani made product, the Indian mindset goes through the roof.
And since you keep repeating fools paradise.....well not sure what Narayen or Lal will do for you but in Pakistan we have the likes of Ansar Burney.....who secured the release of Indian sailors from Somali pirates while your Ambanis and Tattas were sitting pretty on their billions....so i suggest you come out of your Bharti bubble.
the global media, north to south, east to west is chuck FULL of fake news but india was singled out for a reason...I've said it before, I'll say it again, india is going to be punished and punished SEVERELY by the western anglo-saxon world for failing them both against China and against the taliban. the thing is that the former colonial powers with the u.s. included will NEVER take their former colonial slave subjects as friends or any sort of an ally. they still possess that "obey us or else" mindset. while indians think that there is great camaraderie between them and the western anglo-saxon world, they failed to realize that they were given one way orders by their western anglo-saxon masters and failing them results in a whole lotta punishment. well india failed them...TWICE! the price for disappointing the white masters will be paid with blood and agony. the west is looking for a victory, redemption of its long lost influence, india is an easy punching bag.

more punishment to come, this is just the beginning.
An Indian former General called General Bakshi also shared something hilarious. He shared a photo from a Pakistan movie set mind you all the guys in the photo are ''ACTORS'' He claimed to be 4 fallen Pakistan special forces in Panjshir:lol::lol::lol:

In fact, the two uniformed men he referred to are renowned Pakistani actors Shaan Shahid and Umair Jaswal - neither of whom are members of the armed forces.


All the fake news that came or coming out of India should get a megathread of it's own because I could keep posting all night long from video games, US F-15 exercises in Wales, Tv personalities claimed as casualty, movie actors claimed as casualty, UFO asissting Pakistan, Baradar's death which comes up every other second day etc etc really nothing real comes out from Indian media and mind you India itself is dealing with fake news crisis and it is pandemic and many ppl die daily from Whatsapp fake news on the society level and the civilian level fake rape and other fake theft incidents lead to death via fake news and this is pandemic in India right now

This is truly shameful journalism. Sad to see this level of propaganda on serious world matters. Unbelievable, video games and actors being used to portray a large military operation! There should be credentials to become a journalist. I think these media outlets may be supported by a branch of the Indian government for propaganda purposes.
This isn’t accidental - this isn’t stupidity. This sort of idiotic news fuels dictatorships and genocidal populations. Once they are convinced of their superiority they will do anything. Their members here are proof of what they are thinking of doing to Pakistan.

Their main hawks are very intelligent and smart, post their 2019 drubbing are furiously putting the next step for which Pakistan is wholly unprepared.
Don’t underestimate their venom and cunning - they aren’t done yet.

The most Pakistan can do is expose them for every chance they get, but the world revolve around money and not truth, small voices here and there won't make a difference but in a long run Indian Media, Russian Bots and other major players who are spreading fake news for their purpose are actually undermining the real news, we saw that in US about the COVID vaccine, I can't believe that UN is sleeping over this huge industry of fake news and not taking any action against it which now are taking lives.
the global media, north to south, east to west is chuck FULL of fake news but india was singled out for a reason...I've said it before, I'll say it again, india is going to be punished and punished SEVERELY by the western anglo-saxon world for failing them both against China and against the taliban. the thing is that the former colonial powers with the u.s. included will NEVER take their former colonial slave subjects as friends or any sort of an ally. they still possess that "obey us or else" mindset. while indians think that there is great camaraderie between them and the western anglo-saxon world, they failed to realize that they were given one way orders by their western anglo-saxon masters and failing them results in a whole lotta punishment. well india failed them...TWICE! the price for disappointing the white masters will be paid with blood and agony. the west is looking for a victory, redemption of its long lost influence, india is an easy punching bag.

more punishment to come, this is just the beginning.

Which explains the Feb 26 incursion, it was given the go ahead by their masters and they were encouraged to do so. When the news broke of their jets falling out of the sky I can only imagine the disappointment :lol: :lol:
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Which explains the Feb 27 incursion, it was given the go ahead by their masters and they were encouraged to do so. When the news broke of their jets falling out of the sky I can only imagine the disappointment :lol: :lol:

The air raid on Balakot was on Feb 26. Pakistan responded on Feb 27.
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