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Featured FRANCE24 exposes Indian media


Apr 17, 2009
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Indian TV played footage from a video game claiming it showed Pakistani Air Force activity in Afghanistan. The erroneous footage was the first broadcast on Hasti TV, an Afghan channel based in the UK. There have been several other examples of Indian media getting facts wrong on Pakistani involvement in Afghanistan. Notably, India Today broadcast a fake Tweet showing an image of a downed Pakistani jet. In reality, the image was taken in the US in 2018 and concerned a US Air Force jet.
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Arnab Goswamee works at Republic TV of India. If he has any journalistic ethics or shame, he should quit. This video is going to go viral and Arnab wouldn't want to associate with such channels.
Here is the commericial that photo is from which have been circulated on Indian news

This is the most hilarious and ridiculous propaganda I have seen come out of India and this was also reported on Indian news lmao:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

A fictitious Colonel Adil being killed in Panjshir but mind you his a Pakistani Tv personality called Aamir Liaquat and the photo is from a Tv commericial that came out back in the day around 2016-ish it is an old Tv-commericial during an era where Aamir Liaquat was famous back than. The segment is within a 7mins long video.

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An Indian former General called General Bakshi also shared something hilarious. He shared a photo from a Pakistan movie set mind you all the guys in the photo are ''ACTORS'' He claimed to be 4 fallen Pakistan special forces in Panjshir:lol::lol::lol:

In fact, the two uniformed men he referred to are renowned Pakistani actors Shaan Shahid and Umair Jaswal - neither of whom are members of the armed forces.


Pakistanis were amused by the Indian ex-officer's apparent naivete, with Shaan himself replying to Bakshi's original tweet with posters from Yalghaar. "Hello from the other side," he wrote with the pictures.

Jaswal too found the mix-up hilarious, responding to Bakshi with a picture of him in commando gear and writing: "Hello dear [laughing emoji] from Pakistan."

All the fake news that came or coming out of India should get a megathread of it's own because I could keep posting all night long from video games, US F-15 exercises in Wales, Tv personalities claimed as casualty, movie actors claimed as casualty, UFO asissting Pakistan, Baradar's death which comes up every other second day etc etc really nothing real comes out from Indian media and mind you India itself is dealing with fake news crisis and it is pandemic and many ppl die daily from Whatsapp fake news on the society level and the civilian level fake rape and other fake theft incidents lead to death via fake news and this is pandemic in India right now
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Imagine the Indians going like:

"France make fun of India,we cancel Rafale deal haha Franc go bankrupt,rasist contry who needs we have Tejas dont need Mirage airplane like P*rkis have haha liar europe people will ask india for help but we only give to brother Russian strong and good contry ok"
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