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Falcons Spotters - Aviation Photography


Negative G pushover @ minute 2:21 - 2:29. Followed by a nicely done high AoA slow pass. The only thing I don't like about these kinds of demos is the smoke trails. They're really not necessary and actually get in the way. Even the look of the Mirage is so much nicer if it was empty of any hanging items. That clean, smooth & slick look is so much better IMO. Same thing with the F-16.

Nice job by the UAE pilot. Considering how one of the drawbacks of the 2K is its low internal fuel capacity and always needs to carry at least a belly tank if not additional wing tanks, a tankless jet like that with all that pushing it did probably burned 80% of its internal fuel in those 5 minutes.

Nice performance by one of the most handsome jet that is still very useful in this day and age. Nice video, hope you accept some critiquing questioning:
What camera are you using? It doesn't have image stabilization?
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