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Egypt to boost Rafale order by 100 aircrafts as its SU-35 fails to withstand Rafale's spectra electronic attacks

Why we are debating on this, Egyptians have cash even can say to much extra free cash..

They can purchase anything or everything that is for sale.. this is they are doing getting multiple toys if they like any of the toys they can have more ..
Why we are debating on this, Egyptians have cash even can say to much extra free cash..

They can purchase anything or everything that is for sale.. this is they are doing getting multiple toys if they like any of the toys they can have more ..
Egypt is getting a 10 year loan from France to fund which it finds suitable and “comforting”...
I am not saying EAF would deploy Rafales against the PAFs JF-17, I am saying what difference would a Rafale make without a proper BVR missile? in that case even F16 mlu/JF17s armed with AMRAAM/PL15s would make minced meat of the Rafale or any jet confronted without a BVR missile.

None of your points make any sense. How does have a diverse supply of different jets protect against possible sanctions? if anything it further complicates the supply chain during sanctions. If the west sanctions you then your mirages/rafales/f16s are pretty useless.

My question is are EAFs SU-35s/Mig29s armed with a proper BVR missile? even so the reputation for russian bvr missiles is well known since the Russians tend to focus more on their ground control radars/SAM missile systems far more than BVR long range engagements.

My guess is Israel would never even come close to using nukes against Egypt because they would simply destroy the egyptian forces in a conventional battle. That is the reality today. Unfortunately even if all arab militaries combined today to attack Israel I still dont see them winning due to a lack of weapons, indiginous technology, training, lack of coordination, supply chain constraints, lack of innovation, and lack of independant thinking.

There is Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan left.

Turkey has an Ok airforce with hundreds of F16s and a good army with the best drone force of the 3. yet they lack BVR jets, long range cruise/ballistic missile tech, and proper training (erdogan has purged so many officers/pilots).

Iran has a great missile force, proxies, good drone force, and an ok army. Yet at best they are only a nuisance for Israel/America. They lack a airforce, and a strong army. Also they have very limited number of ballistic/cruise missiles that they can actually use against Israel, though their missiles have shown to be very accurate.

Then there is Pakistan, has a strong army, a strong drone force (though not as strong as turkeys), a strong air force, with hundreds of BVR capable jets and dozens of awacs/support aircraft. Pakistan also has a very capable missile force and influential proxies. Pakistan is the only country that could fight toe to toe with Israel and win. Imagine if Israel neighbored the likes of Pakistan/ISI I dont see them lasting more than a few months let alone 7 decades :D

In many ways Pakistan has held off x10 larger neighbors such as India, the USSR, and now the Americans. That is a combined population of 2+ billion against 200 million. Pakistan has punched more than x10 above its weight consistantly since its creation in 1947 and shown results. What would a measley 8 million israelis do against us?

Unfortunately our geographical presence limits our influence/reach within the greater levant region (Israel/jordan/syria/lebanon). For that we need the arabs to take the lead and unite to provide us a proper land bridge to station our forces in the levant and do chemo on the cancer.

I don’t think that Pakistan is In the position u putting it ….

having a state of preferred ally of China to stand against India will not get you even closer to the state-of-the-art weapons Israel have ….

you don’t know what is Israel ..!
you don’t know their strategy..
you cannot coop their military expenditure …. Egypt is the only country in the world that can harm Israel …. Others just use the Palestinian case for bargaining to get successful deals wi the west … just like Turkey and Iran .

as for platforms …. Nothing in Iran,Turkey or Pakistan can come close to the Egyptian RAFALEs …
Nothing in Iran , Turkey or Pakistan can be more advanced quantitative or qualitative as the Egyptian MBT fleet .
the the Egyptian Navy is a difficult number with its
2 Mistrals LHD
3 Fremm frigates
4 Gowind Corvettes
4 MKIII ambassador FAB
4 MIKO Frigates
4 Type 209 Submarines

all the above are the recently added units to the Egyptian navy in the last 6 years + the old capable fleet .

and above all mentioned topics …. no fight ever happened directly between Israel & either Turkey , Iran or Pakistan …. Only Egypt fought Israel , defeated it and returned its land back …. So stop your wishful thinking and focus on the occupied lands in Kashmir.
I don’t think that Pakistan is In the position u putting it ….

having a state of preferred ally of China to stand against India will not get you even closer to the state-of-the-art weapons Israel have ….

you don’t know what is Israel ..!
you don’t know their strategy..
you cannot coop their military expenditure …. Egypt is the only country in the world that can harm Israel …. Others just use the Palestinian case for bargaining to get successful deals wi the west … just like Turkey and Iran .

as for platforms …. Nothing in Iran,Turkey or Pakistan can come close to the Egyptian RAFALEs …
Nothing in Iran , Turkey or Pakistan can be more advanced quantitative or qualitative as the Egyptian MBT fleet .
the the Egyptian Navy is a difficult number with its
2 Mistrals LHD
3 Fremm frigates
4 Gowind Corvettes
4 MKIII ambassador FAB
4 MIKO Frigates
4 Type 209 Submarines

all the above are the recently added units to the Egyptian navy in the last 6 years + the old capable fleet .

and above all mentioned topics …. no fight ever happened directly between Israel & either Turkey , Iran or Pakistan …. Only Egypt fought Israel , defeated it and returned its land back …. So stop your wishful thinking and focus on the occupied lands in Kashmir.
You finished him:lol:
I don’t think that Pakistan is In the position u putting it ….

having a state of preferred ally of China to stand against India will not get you even closer to the state-of-the-art weapons Israel have ….

you don’t know what is Israel ..!
you don’t know their strategy..
you cannot coop their military expenditure …. Egypt is the only country in the world that can harm Israel …. Others just use the Palestinian case for bargaining to get successful deals wi the west … just like Turkey and Iran .

as for platforms …. Nothing in Iran,Turkey or Pakistan can come close to the Egyptian RAFALEs …
Nothing in Iran , Turkey or Pakistan can be more advanced quantitative or qualitative as the Egyptian MBT fleet .
the the Egyptian Navy is a difficult number with its
2 Mistrals LHD
3 Fremm frigates
4 Gowind Corvettes
4 MKIII ambassador FAB
4 MIKO Frigates
4 Type 209 Submarines

all the above are the recently added units to the Egyptian navy in the last 6 years + the old capable fleet .

and above all mentioned topics …. no fight ever happened directly between Israel & either Turkey , Iran or Pakistan …. Only Egypt fought Israel , defeated it and returned its land back …. So stop your wishful thinking and focus on the occupied lands in Kashmir.

China has come many generations compared to the past and exceeds Israel in every technological metric. When it comes to semiconductor, chip, 5G, quantum computing, AI, etc... all of which are being included in the latest generation of Chinese military technology.

The fact that Israel itself could make nothing of its LAVI program and instead went for F16s whereby China today has the J10C, and even the J20/J31 speaks volume of their differences.

The point is not to compare Chinese military tech vs Israeli military tech because at the end of the day technology/quality of equipment is only 1 given factor of many in a military battle. There is training, intelligence, battle field survelleince, experience, support, and many other factors that come into consideration.

Technically Egypt still lost the 1971 war. The israelis took back the Sinai and even moved into Egypt proper. The israeli tanks/infantry had Egyptians surrounded and had a straight shot to Cairo. Same thing goes for the Saudi disaster in Yemen today, and Syria's lost attempts at gaining back the Golan Heights. Unfortunately no Arab army has had any victory in the last 100 years.

You cannot compare the situation of Arabs vis via Israel with the situation of Pakistan vis via India. Israel is only 8 million against 500 million arabs. Pakistan is outnumbered by India 8 to 1. When you take into the fact that Pakistan also had to deal with Afghanistan, The Soviets, and the US. then that number easily goes to 12-1 against Pakistan.

Israel has been able to consoldiate itself as a state and even a major power for 7 decades due to the fact it is neighbored by 500 million arabs. Had Israel neighbored 200 million Pakistanis it would not exist as a state for even a few days.

I don’t think that Pakistan is In the position u putting it ….

having a state of preferred ally of China to stand against India will not get you even closer to the state-of-the-art weapons Israel have ….

you don’t know what is Israel ..!
you don’t know their strategy..
you cannot coop their military expenditure …. Egypt is the only country in the world that can harm Israel …. Others just use the Palestinian case for bargaining to get successful deals wi the west … just like Turkey and Iran .

as for platforms …. Nothing in Iran,Turkey or Pakistan can come close to the Egyptian RAFALEs …
Nothing in Iran , Turkey or Pakistan can be more advanced quantitative or qualitative as the Egyptian MBT fleet .
the the Egyptian Navy is a difficult number with its
2 Mistrals LHD
3 Fremm frigates
4 Gowind Corvettes
4 MKIII ambassador FAB
4 MIKO Frigates
4 Type 209 Submarines

all the above are the recently added units to the Egyptian navy in the last 6 years + the old capable fleet .

and above all mentioned topics …. no fight ever happened directly between Israel & either Turkey , Iran or Pakistan …. Only Egypt fought Israel , defeated it and returned its land back …. So stop your wishful thinking and focus on the occupied lands in Kashmir.
What a big bunch of pack of JOKE.
Are you kidding me?
Every Egyptian I speak to concerning Isreal Egypt war, they all say "we have big army" ha ha ha .. no wonder Arabs lost 6 day war !
Man you gotto do better than man power & "purchasing ready off the shelf weapons" ..
You know the problems with Arabs is they always think of their products in terms of brands name - the last I heard of Wing Lioen Drones from China the Arabs were making fun of it instead of checking out technical spec's I guess when you have a brain of not making your own weapons you tend to think like that.
No/yes/maybe ?
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What a big bunch of pack of JOKE.
Are you kidding me?
Every Egyptian I speak to concerning Isreal Egypt war, they all say "we have big army" ha ha ha .. no wonder Arabs lost 6 day war !
Man you gotto do better than man power & "purchasing ready off the shelf weapons" ..
You know the problems with Arabs is they always think of their products in terms of brands name - the last I heard of Wing Lioen Drones from China the Arabs were making fun of it instead of checking out technical spec's I guess when you have a brain of not making your own weapons you tend to think like that.
No/yes/maybe ?

there is a serious issue in the eastern bank of the Arabian gulf as far to the indian boarders …!

have the time stopped in the year 1967 …?!
haven’t you know about October war in 1973 …?!
didn’t you know about the US assistance ..!
haven’t read about the operation ( nickel grass in 1973 ) …
we was fighting Israel + endless US support while you were eating popcorn and watching the news …!

so stop talking about things you don’t know about .
China has come many generations compared to the past and exceeds Israel in every technological metric. When it comes to semiconductor, chip, 5G, quantum computing, AI, etc... all of which are being included in the latest generation of Chinese military technology.

The fact that Israel itself could make nothing of its LAVI program and instead went for F16s whereby China today has the J10C, and even the J20/J31 speaks volume of their differences.

The point is not to compare Chinese military tech vs Israeli military tech because at the end of the day technology/quality of equipment is only 1 given factor of many in a military battle. There is training, intelligence, battle field survelleince, experience, support, and many other factors that come into consideration.

Technically Egypt still lost the 1971 war. The israelis took back the Sinai and even moved into Egypt proper. The israeli tanks/infantry had Egyptians surrounded and had a straight shot to Cairo. Same thing goes for the Saudi disaster in Yemen today, and Syria's lost attempts at gaining back the Golan Heights. Unfortunately no Arab army has had any victory in the last 100 years.

You cannot compare the situation of Arabs vis via Israel with the situation of Pakistan vis via India. Israel is only 8 million against 500 million arabs. Pakistan is outnumbered by India 8 to 1. When you take into the fact that Pakistan also had to deal with Afghanistan, The Soviets, and the US. then that number easily goes to 12-1 against Pakistan.

Israel has been able to consoldiate itself as a state and even a major power for 7 decades due to the fact it is neighbored by 500 million arabs. Had Israel neighbored 200 million Pakistanis it would not exist as a state for even a few days.

1971 war …!
Israel are near Cairo ..?!

where the hell are you talking your info from ..?!

if you think that Egypt was fighting Israel alone …. Then I repeat the same words just like the other shallow thinker … don’t talk about things you don’t know about …!

BTW …. Have US drones stopped killing Pakistani citizens inside Pakistan…!?
have you shoot any of them ..!? Or just get a good deal and submitted to US requests..?!
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there is a serious issue in the eastern bank of the Arabian gulf as far to the indian boarders …!

have the time stopped in the year 1967 …?!
haven’t you know about October war in 1973 …?!
didn’t you know about the US assistance ..!
haven’t read about the operation ( nickel grass in 1973 ) …
we was fighting Israel + endless US support while you were eating popcorn and watching the news …!

so stop talking about things you don’t know about .

1971 war …!
Israel are near Cairo ..?!

where the hell are you talking your info from ..?!

if you think that Egypt was fighting Israel alone …. Then I repeat the same words just like the other shallow thinker … don’t talk about things you don’t know about …!

BTW …. Have US drones stopped killing Pakistani citizens inside Pakistan…!?
have you shoot any of them ..!? Or just get a good deal and submitted to US requests..?!
I am sure there is major communication problem here with YOU?
The issue here is Israel has got Nuclear weapons and Egypt has got Squat Zero nothing!
Egypt will be wiped out of its whole Military infrastructure in matter of seconds if not minutes, do you understand?
This is point trying to make. All Arabs are sleeping together day dreaming of positivity merely. War doesn't come with gifts but only real bombs nuclear one's?
So buying off the shelf products stinks instead producing your own if you ask any Military professional.
I am not saying EAF would deploy Rafales against the PAFs JF-17, I am saying what difference would a Rafale make without a proper BVR missile? in that case even F16 mlu/JF17s armed with AMRAAM/PL15s would make minced meat of the Rafale or any jet confronted without a BVR missile.

None of your points make any sense. How does have a diverse supply of different jets protect against possible sanctions? if anything it further complicates the supply chain during sanctions. If the west sanctions you then your mirages/rafales/f16s are pretty useless.

My question is are EAFs SU-35s/Mig29s armed with a proper BVR missile? even so the reputation for russian bvr missiles is well known since the Russians tend to focus more on their ground control radars/SAM missile systems far more than BVR long range engagements.

My guess is Israel would never even come close to using nukes against Egypt because they would simply destroy the egyptian forces in a conventional battle. That is the reality today. Unfortunately even if all arab militaries combined today to attack Israel I still dont see them winning due to a lack of weapons, indiginous technology, training, lack of coordination, supply chain constraints, lack of innovation, and lack of independant thinking.

There is Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan left.

Turkey has an Ok airforce with hundreds of F16s and a good army with the best drone force of the 3. yet they lack BVR jets, long range cruise/ballistic missile tech, and proper training (erdogan has purged so many officers/pilots).

Iran has a great missile force, proxies, good drone force, and an ok army. Yet at best they are only a nuisance for Israel/America. They lack a airforce, and a strong army. Also they have very limited number of ballistic/cruise missiles that they can actually use against Israel, though their missiles have shown to be very accurate.

Then there is Pakistan, has a strong army, a strong drone force (though not as strong as turkeys), a strong air force, with hundreds of BVR capable jets and dozens of awacs/support aircraft. Pakistan also has a very capable missile force and influential proxies. Pakistan is the only country that could fight toe to toe with Israel and win. Imagine if Israel neighbored the likes of Pakistan/ISI I dont see them lasting more than a few months let alone 7 decades :D

In many ways Pakistan has held off x10 larger neighbors such as India, the USSR, and now the Americans. That is a combined population of 2+ billion against 200 million. Pakistan has punched more than x10 above its weight consistantly since its creation in 1947 and shown results. What would a measley 8 million israelis do against us?

Unfortunately our geographical presence limits our influence/reach within the greater levant region (Israel/jordan/syria/lebanon). For that we need the arabs to take the lead and unite to provide us a proper land bridge to station our forces in the levant and do chemo on the cancer.
Pakistan?!! Not before upgrading its obsolete air force with the Egyptian 3rd hand Mirage V, then it can have a chance by real world actions not just empty words, wet dreams, and hallucinations.
Pakistan?!! Not before upgrading its obsolete air force with the Egyptian 3rd hand Mirage V, then it can have a chance by real world actions not just empty words, wet dreams, and hallucinations.

Alot of people assume this is like 60 years ago and use these outdated years as measurements even Jordan or Azerbaijan can single handily beat Israel today in 1 vs 1 scenario.. All they gotta do is take away their only advantage which is airforce (which is easily achieveable) if that happens they match them in the conventional ground forces and have more manpower than them... This will do the job for them
I am sure there is major communication problem here with YOU?
The issue here is Israel has got Nuclear weapons and Egypt has got Squat Zero nothing!
Egypt will be wiped out of its whole Military infrastructure in matter of seconds if not minutes, do you understand?
This is point trying to make. All Arabs are sleeping together day dreaming of positivity merely. War doesn't come with gifts but only real bombs nuclear one's?
So buying off the shelf products stinks instead producing your own if you ask any Military professional.

you need to read & educate yourself more … as It seems that you live in a parallel universe ..

again , being a proxy of China to oppose India will not make you a super power …. Taking some Chinese blueprints and assemble it locally will not make you a super power …
No one answered me yet …. Have the US stopped the drones attacks on the Pakistani soil ..!?
or even the Pakistani mighty army shutdown any of it …?!

I didn’t want to go there , but some of brainwashed people needs to be faced by the facts .

BTW Egypt had &used Chemical weapons ….
you need to read & educate yourself more … as It seems that you live in a parallel universe ..

again , being a proxy of China to oppose India will not make you a super power …. Taking some Chinese blueprints and assemble it locally will not make you a super power …
No one answered me yet …. Have the US stopped the drones attacks on the Pakistani soil ..!?
or even the Pakistani mighty army shutdown any of it …?!

I didn’t want to go there , but some of brainwashed people needs to be faced by the facts .

BTW Egypt had &used Chemical weapons ….
Look I'm not trying to get under your throat or anything.
All I am saying Egypt needs to build it's own weapons.
If Chinese blue prints is all Pakistan needs than so be it, at least PAF doesn't have slightest worry every night to pay back loans in billions for some ready off shelf aircraft like Rafael or whatever? See even you buy Rafael there is No guarantee that you will win the war??
You waste your money & loose war with Isreal F35s?
As for drone attacks, well PAF has shot down several since 2017 and last I heard no air strikes happening now. You must be mistaken for drone attacks in Afghanistan.
As for chemical attacks, seriously, LoL I'm laughing hard !!! Ha ha ha
Your neighbor kills Palestinians like cheap blood as Arabs, I didn't also want to go here, but every 2 years Tel Aviv goes hunting innocent civilians population???
Yes Pakistan has nukes and we are damn proud of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 country pushing back India + Isreal anytime they dare attack us they'll know what they're UP against? Who's scared of Egypt tell me?
Is EAF retrieving any of its current fighter or that keep them along with recent induction

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