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Earthquake in Turkey

very sad.... EURASIA fault line runs through Turkey, Iran and Pakistan and hymaliyas.

Earth quakes are easy to instigate artificaly by simply heating the mantel (fluid beneath the surface of earth) by radio waves and electromagnetic beams of certain frequency.. hence boiling the upper atmosphere (like microwave oven) which heats the liquid beneath and they cycle of heating and cooling cause the earth plates to move.... which is earth quake.
This technology has been around for some time now and i have no reason to not believe that today it exist in refined form.

So does this mean the HAARP was used against 3 different countries in short mater of time?

Any how this is signs of end of times...

The fault line shown in north of Saudi Arabia is the place where an army will sink when it will be marching towards holy cities to fight with the army of Imam Mehdi.

Yeah, i also read that Hadith.
Dude sereiously take that relegion crap some where else this topic is about the earthquake in turky do you even give a **** about them ?

and sorry for the bad language.

Dude, chill with the insults on our religion! Majority of us here are Muslims, so you don't want to offend anyone!

Although his post was related to religion, i found it to be very informative as it is relevant!

lets stick to the topic!
So much suffering in this world, same day 11 people in LHR were killed, where is Lord? :confused:

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