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Discussion: Illegal crackdown on PTI

All this effort wasted on , computer stealing
When every one on street is telling you what people want

President of Pakistan Announced Elections , in 90 days , it was such a simple fair proposal

But courts had to "forge" or "Rig" in middle of Night and make up own rules to allow Showbaz and Zardari to win

Literally the failure is on such a colossal scale , with how the System has failed

Now just headless chickens running around
> Courts giving extensions and pardons to Shobaz and Hamza
> FIA wasting energy on honest people stealing the computers

I just can't believe such a colossal failure in planning

The Pupet , is being , put together with plastic tape and parts are staring to fall off
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And Fazlur Rehman, SSP, ASWJ, LJ, LT, JM, Jamat Dawah, and co

I think this whole operation was launched by US through their mole Bajwa to destroy the image of the army, install their yes men to control foreign policy, to rejuvenate their 5th generation warfare against the state by forcing state machinery to neutralize the patriots.

All the pisteens, mirs, safis, saath forum, endowment fund are celebrating. Who stood against them are now being punished.
Back in Musharaf Sahib's time , the Army was so coordinated and intelligent they made decisions anticipting million scenarios

And never they took side of Corruption

Where we have ended after 2007 and after depature of General Raheel who raised the bar with the (Rad Ul Fassad) operation, the bar was raised so high that we were leading OIC army

Now , openly , the Supreme court single handedly rigged the whole system up
And ....just so powerless folks pointing finger

Fauj must hold election ASAP and move toward simplifying their problems
I think this whole operation was launched by US through their mole Bajwa to destroy the image of the army, install their yes men to control foreign policy, to rejuvenate their 5th generation warfare against the state by forcing state machinery to neutralize the patriots.

All the pisteens, mirs, safis, saath forum, endowment fund are celebrating. Who stood against them are now being punished.
Something I shared on a different thread:

Its definitely disagreement over the foreign policy, can you recall General Raheel Sharif and Nawaz Sharif kick off, from DawnLeak to Geo attacking army generals, generals not saluting Nawaz Sharif, they had many meetings and finally it was resolved when the army took over foreign policy and relations. The army even attacked militants in tribal areas without the government permission but just when the attack started, PmlN announced they support it, army went for military courts but Pmln and PPP opposed it till the end when they had to listen. Zardari even said afterwards it was a sad day for them and they had no choice but to vote for it. General Raheel gave danda but Ashfaq Kiani reversed everything.

IK went independent in his policy, at OIC he was talking about Israeli aggression against Palestinians, he mentioned about the Yemeni war which is harming the Muslims, he talked and opposed the Iranian sanctions at international forums because they harming the people of Iran, he encouraged Ummah to unite at OIC conference, he openly said Pakistan is neutral regarding Russian Ukraine war, he spoke against Afghanistan war, the killing of innocent, refused to support propaganda against Russia, made a case against Blashphemy law at UN. All these made the Muslims happy, made the Pakistanis feel brave and honourable people but the western world powers not happy.

The generals like to play a double game, use diplomacy, keep west happy, let them bomb Pakistan once a while, let them blame Pakistan، let India have a go at Pakistan, let India blame Pakistan for a false flag attack, its all good. Imagine a drone attack with IK in power, he would rip Usa, imagine killing Osama operation, imagine a false flag operation by India government, he would reply back at every opportunity. India made fun of Pakistan for being extremist country but he exposed Indian government as Nazi RSS regime. They are certainly not happy.

IK rallied even the public of foreign countries and stood up for Pakistan and its honour, people respect him
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