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Despite hating Pakistanis : More Afghans crossing into Pakistan?


Jan 20, 2013
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More Afghans crossing into Pakistan?

QUETTA, 27 February 2012 (IRIN) - In a tiny flat they have rented in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s southwestern province of Balochistan, bordering Afghanistan, Zarnab Bibi and her husband Aziz Khan* wait patiently for the phone to ring.

“We are hoping to hear from an agent we have paid to take us and our four children to Thailand and then maybe onto Australia,” Khan told IRIN.

The family left its home in Afghanistan’s conflict-ridden Kandahar Province about a month ago, crossing into Pakistan illegally via a mountain pass.

They spoke of a long walk on foot and said they spent all their savings on the journey. They knew further travel overseas would also be illegal, but Bibi explained: “We really have no choice given the situation in Afghanistan.”

They feared a resurgence of the Taliban, which ruled Afghanistan for five years before it was overthrown in 2001 by international forces that are now gradually withdrawing from the country.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) says the number of people fleeing Afghanistan has dropped significantly in the past decade, since the government of Hamid Karzai took control of the country. At the same time there are signs of a recent increase in the number of Afghans leaving for Pakistan, a trend which would complicate efforts by Afghanistan and its international partners to sustainably bring home refugees already outside the country.

More conflict and uncertainty

In the Kurram Agency, one of seven tribal areas that share a frontier with Afghanistan, Moazzam Toor told IRIN from his village in the Tirah Valley that the number of refugees from Afghanistan “had definitely increased in the last few months, because they are worried about the future at home.”

He said many of the refugees were destitute, and had headed for Peshawar or other big cities in search of opportunities to earn income.

“Some do not even have shoes on their feet, and walk in leather tied with straps.”

The UN says a rise and spread of conflict in 2011 has led to a significant increase in displacement, with the number of people displaced within the country estimated to have risen to half a million by year-end. But tracking displacements outside the country has proven difficult.

''I am scared for the future of my two teenage daughters if the Taliban make a return''
“Pakistan and Afghanistan share a long and porous border, where hundreds of thousands of people cross the border back and forth daily for different reasons, which could be related to business, education or medical reasons,” said Duniya Aslam Khan, spokesperson for UNHCR in Pakistan. “Not every Afghan crossing the border into Pakistan is a refugee,” she told IRIN.

According to media reports, the prime minister of Pakistan told UN High Commissioner for Afghan Refugees (UNHCR) Antonio Guterres on a recent visit that 30-40,000 Afghans crossed the border annually and Pakistan needed international help to tackle the refugee situation.

But Khan said the number of registered Afghan refugees in Pakistan remained 1.7 million and authorities in Peshawar said they had no official information on the arrival of new refugees into the country.

An official at the government commissionerate for Afghan refugees in Peshawar, who asked not to be named, said the number of Afghans crossing over had increased since mid-2011.

“Most are economic [migrants], and also [refugees] worried about instability in Afghanistan. They mainly live with other Afghans or in rented homes. We are not permitted to give figures, and the numbers are hard to ascertain anyway.”

Border residents say tensions with Islamabad have bolstered growing uncertainty in Afghanistan, amid fears that Pakistan - whose intelligence service allegedly supports the Taliban - is fomenting trouble for its neighbour.

Zarnab has a college education but recalls the days under the Taliban, before 2001, when her daughters were not allowed to go to school.

“I am scared for the future of my two teenage daughters if the Taliban make a return, as this could happen given that the Pakistan government wants it and the militants are now talking to the US officials,” she said, referring to peace talks under way between the US, Afghanistan and the Taliban.


Pakistan is listed as “a source, transit, and destination country” for trafficked persons, according to the US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons report for 2011.

“There are people everywhere in Quetta and other cities involved in getting people out of the country illegally, in exchange for money,” Farid Ahmed, coordinator for the autonomous Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), told IRIN. “Many from Afghanistan also come into Pakistan to make use of these agents.”

HRCP conducted a study in 2009, recording thousands of cases of human trafficking through Quetta from 2005 to 2008, including cases involving Afghans who had set out from Kabul.

*Not their real names
Also to Iran:

Afghan youths seek a better life... in Iran

With the departure of foreign troops next year, more and more Afghans are fleeing their country. They fear for their jobs after the pull-out; unemployment is already running at 40%. Many also fear a return of the Taliban. People are applying for visas in all foreign embassies, with the most solicited being the Iranian one. Iran shares a language and culture with Afghanistan, yet it's not easy for Afghans to move there. Those who manage it are often expelled and sent home.

Afghan youths seek a better life... in Iran - FRANCE 24

Also a movie. ^
you guys are extrapolating issues between the establishments and power groups of both countries to the common people. Think about it these guys have families just like we all do, we should be extending a helping hand to them especially when we are responsible for a lot of their hardships. Had pakistan taken care of the refugees in a proper way we could have reduced the trust deficit between two countries. I hope the gentleman and his family find a safe passage to their destination, best of luck to them Fi' Aman' Alllah.
you guys are extrapolating issues between the establishments and power groups of both countries to the common people. Think about it these guys have families just like we all do, we should be extending a helping hand to them especially when we are responsible for a lot of their hardships. Had pakistan taken care of the refugees in a proper way we could have reduced the trust deficit between two countries. I hope the gentleman and his family find a safe passage to their destination, best of luck to them Fi' Aman' Alllah.

I think, it is you who are conflating issues here.

No one wishes these people ill.

We Pakistanis have no responsibility to take care of people who are hostile to our state and to us as a people.

Perhaps Allah can take care of them - just so long as they do not come to Pakistan.
I think, it is you who are conflating issues here.

No one wishes these people ill.

We Pakistanis have no responsibility to take care of people who are hostile to our state and to us as a people.

Perhaps Allah can take care of them - just so long as they do not come to Pakistan.

both your flags are red and white ? and no one is asking you to take care of them. Pakistan gets millions of dollars from the UN because of these refugees, this is a sad high handed attitude where you look down upon the misery of others.

I hope KPK and the federation institutes a proper rehabilitation and integration program for the afghans.
There are three million refugees in Pakistan. The UNHCR, over the life time of the program donated (4 billion or was it 8 billion - I have to dig up my notes). Let's assume 9 billion for the rosiest scenario.

Now lets assume 30% of that actually reached the ground.

The peak number of refugees in Pakistan for many years was 7 million but let us use 3 million to keep the math simple.


9 billion / 30 years = 3000000000 * 33% = $100,000,000 a year

So that's 100,000,000 / 3,000,000 refugees = roughly $33 per refugee per year ?

Not exactly largess now is it?

Have you ever thought that if the refugee enterprise was such good business - there would be a list of countries lining up to get a share of it.

Now on your comment on stars and stripes - I run a high-tech business in Pakistan and all my family live there.

Right where my parents live - Afghan refugees have moved in and harass the local residents.

Oh and to the racism accusations I get for similarly highbrowed individual here : I also employ Afghan refugees as high tech workers and mentor them just as I do the Pakistani workers - what have you done lately for Afghans? - so spare me your diatribe.
yeah ... as I said, I mentor educated Afghans who for work me - and they still (roughly 2/3 that is) say death to Pakistan ... lol

We looked at opening shop in Kabul ... but all potential Afghan Partners we approached said: well if you just weren't of Pakistani descent ... lol
wth is a high-tech business ?

and yeah sure did you also apply for a high-tech license in botswana ? maybe you are also part time god-father to some nigerians or kids from trinidad ?

Pakistan's very own Angelina Julius eh..gimme a break lol
wth is a high-tech business ?

and yeah sure did you also apply for a high-tech license in botswana ? maybe you are also part time god-father to some nigerians or kids from trinidad ?

A high-tech business - we develop software in Pakistan - not your plain websites.

Pakistan's very own Angelina Julius eh..gimme a break lol

Maybe a lack of imagination on your part?

You might try attacking the math I posted.

Oh and what have you done for Afghans lately?
both your flags are red and white ? and no one is asking you to take care of them. Pakistan gets millions of dollars from the UN because of these refugees, this is a sad high handed attitude where you look down upon the misery of others.

I hope KPK and the federation institutes a proper rehabilitation and integration program for the afghans.

And you are saying it while siting in Canada good for you. stay there and dont put your idea on Pakistanis who are facing drugs , weapons and kidnapping because of these refugees.
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