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De-hyphenating India-Pakistan!!

would cutting off diplomatic and economic relations bring peace between India & Pakistan???

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Nice post.

I agree with you @Oscar

So essentially its all on me and @Syed.Ali.Haider


We can't even decide which side of the road to ride on.
Not really. Its the generation born of the early-mid-late eighties that has the last power to create intelligent change. Those before them have already squandered their opportunities away, they are already too old and inflexible to think beyond their closed mindsets or too sure in whatever knowledge they have managed to accumulate that what they know is right. So no, with all due respects to you; you have already wasted your chances. Your opinions are already based on "been there, done that" regardless of whether it was the right way to have been there done that.
How old are you @Oscar ?

I used to think (during the muse days when you were still unembittered) that you were in your 40s ?
Nice post.

I agree with you @Oscar

So essentially its all on me and @Syed.Ali.Haider


We can't even decide which side of the road to ride on.

Nope. A couple of has-beens have no place in this debate. Let the young fresh blood take things forward as they see fit.

(In the meantime, lemme go out for a ride, whichever side of the road I feel like, it does not matter. :D )
Not really. Its the generation born of the early-mid-late eighties that has the last power to create intelligent change. Those before them have already squandered their opportunities away, they are already too old and inflexible to think beyond their closed mindsets or too sure in whatever knowledge they have managed to accumulate that what they know is right. So no, with all due respects to you; you have already wasted your chances. Your opinions are already based on "been there, done that" regardless of whether it was the right way to have been there done that.

A person born in 1980 is today 35 Years of age

At that age NO officer of Indian government decides policy ie IFS officers

They just implement it ; Policy is decided by 50 Plus age group people


Secondly and far more importantly The India Pakistan dynamic is based on
Two factors

1 Economic gap and differences

2 Pakistan's continuos sponsorship of Anti India activities and the demand for Kashmir

When we see that a country which is Ten times weaker than us threatening us
we dont see the need to be friendly towards it

India will NOT bend in the present situation and not even in the future
because the Economic GAP will ONLY become Bigger

After all we dont see anything that Pakistan brings to the table


Now collating the TWO paragraphs ;
when a 1980 born officer reaches 50 Years of age in 2030
he will MAKE policy towards Pakistan based on the Economic gap of that time

Policies are not made on emotional considerations but current and future projected Situation
BTW a Book has predicted that India Pakistan animosity will LAST till 2047

A person born in 1980 is today 35 Years of age

At that age NO officer of Indian government decides policy ie IFS officers

They just implement it ; Policy is decided by 50 Plus age group people

Probably in the US 30 year olds do.

Since he's now American his narrative would reflect the same.

Of course that wouldn't do much for his credibility on matters concerning des.

But in my experience, more for our brothers next door, its par for the course.

Those no longer on the ground speak most authoritatively about all matters concerning it. And not necessarily limited to their side of the fence.

Apparently Facebook conversations are just as good as the real thing.

Cheers, been there done that over the hill Doc
@Oscar @Syed.Ali.Haider @MastanKhan

This is a discussion on Pakistani TV channel
Here the FOUR panelists are lamenting the Huge and growing gap
between the two countries

This is the reason why Pakistan is unable to force India to talk to Pakistan

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@Oscar @Syed.Ali.Haider @MastanKhan

This is a discussion on Pakistani TV channel
Here the FOUR panelists are lamenting the Huge and growing gap
between the two countries

This is the reason why Pakistan is unable to force India to talk to Pakistan

Oh hush now! All I need to do is to read the many threads by Riaz Haq here on PDF and convince myself just how well things are going for Pakistan. :D

Cheers, been there done that over the hill Doc

Eh? Cheers from the "been there, done that, forgot about it, over hill, past the valley, down the river and out to sea" guy here. :D
Eh? Cheers from the "been there, done that, forgot about it, over hill, past the valley, down the river and out to sea" guy here. :D

Some photos of the valley and hill and river and sea coast would be greatly appreciated doc!

Over the hill and on my way, Doc
A person born in 1980 is today 35 Years of age

At that age NO officer of Indian government decides policy ie IFS officers

They just implement it ; Policy is decided by 50 Plus age group people


Please inform us how this MAGIC will happen that you have written about

That is how would the people born in the eighties will be able to bring about such a
revolutionary change


The Eighties generation of India who are NOT in government ie ordinary civilians
in the private sector ; industry and other
Non Bureaucratic wings of the Government
are totally cynical when it comes to India Pakistan relations
If you read this diplomatic brief, it feels more like a viceroy mission than an ambassador.

In summary, USA does not want Pakistan in anyway to challenge India. It wants to move Pakistan towards recognizing Israel. It wants to ensure Pakistan's military does not challenge India.

Now tell me. What have you seen in last 16 months since establishment illegally took over the country? All the points above are being seen in Pakistan's policy. Pakistan establishment has compromised on Kashmir. It anxiously wants to recognize Israel. The establishment does not want to (and it cant) confront India given political, diplomatic and economic environment. It wants to hand shake India and make peace with it on its own terms. You can see all of this happening right in front of you.

Pakistan military, which wants to rule the country unchallenged as it thinks it is most knowledgeable, does not have capacity to create an independent space for itself. Its Sandhurst inspired PMA creates an inferiority complex which gives it a slave complex of the White skin.
If you read this diplomatic brief, it feels more like a viceroy mission than an ambassador.

In summary, USA does not want Pakistan in anyway to challenge India. It wants to move Pakistan towards recognizing Israel. It wants to ensure Pakistan's military does not challenge India.

Leave USA out of it for a moment.

Ask yourself whether you can challenge a country 7x larger than you not to mention richer and better run. Let us say the chances of success are small.
Leave USA out of it for a moment.

Ask yourself whether you can challenge a country 7x larger than you not to mention richer and better run. Let us say the chances of success are small.

Yeah, thats a great argument. Since we cant challenge it, then just accept it. Thats classic sample of slave thinking.

Palestine, which has no army, no economy and diplomatic influence is fighting against the biggest economic, military and diplomatic power. Against a massive and unparalleled propaganda machine, it has won hearts of the world and has induced a change of public opinion. If all of Palestinians think like you, then it would have given up long time ago.

But we cant challenge a country which was our equal only a decade and a half ago until we went backwards fighting American war which our establishment pushed us into for dollars.
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