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Cold War Series


Apr 17, 2009
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If you liked watching The Great War and World War Two Series, the Cold War series is another gem added to 19th Century Major conflicts and Geo-politics.

Cold War starts journey with a video on the Potsdam conference held in German Cecilienhof in the Summer of 1945. Although the World War was not really over and the war in Asia was still going on, the allies, mainly US, UK, USSR and France, ended it in Europe and were preparing to reshape the world.

Cold War period continues with a documentary on the partition of India in 1947 and the subsequent creation of the Republic of India, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

Cold War period continues with a documentary on the creation of Israel, Zionist movement, reactions and diplomatic maneuvers of other states and the build-up to first Arab-Israeli war

World War II showed that there is a need for a global organization, which would be able to prevent future conflicts and give a chance for peace. Both sides of the Cold War had their own interests in the situation, but despite the antagonism, almost everyone was interested in the establishment of this new organization. In this video, we will discuss the Western outlook of the United Nations.

Cold War continues with a video on the Greek Civil War of 1946-1949, as the communists and democrats clashed for dominance after World War II, supported by the US and UK on one side and the USSR on the other. This war was the first "hot" conflict of the Cold War era.

The historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on the creation of NATO.

The Cold War continues with a video on the Rosenberg Spy Affair. Julius and Ethel Rosenbergs were scientists working for the Manhattan Project and in the aftermath of World War II they were accused of passing secret weapon project data to the USSR, possibly accelerating the Soviet Nuclear program.

History of the Cold War continues with a video on the East German Rebellion of 1953.

Our historical documentary series on the Cold War continues with a video on the expulsion and deportation of the Germans after World War 2.

Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on post World War II Greenland with a focus on the American airbase in Thule and how it was used to advance the US interest in the Cold War.

Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on the creation of the Warsaw Pact - the anti-NATO union created under the tutelage of the USSR and its main alliance in the Cold War.

The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. By July, American troops had entered the war on South Korea’s behalf. As far as American officials were concerned, it was a war against the forces of international communism itself. After some early back-and-forth across the 38th parallel, the fighting stalled and casualties mounted with nothing to show for them. Meanwhile, American officials worked anxiously to fashion some sort of armistice with the North Koreans. The alternative, they feared, would be a wider war with Russia and China–or even, as some warned, World War III. Finally, in July 1953, the Korean War came to an end. In all, some 5 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives in what many in the U.S. refer to as “the Forgotten War” for the lack of attention it received compared to more well-known conflicts like World War I and II and the Vietnam War. The Korean peninsula is still divided today.

The historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on the beginning of the Suez Crisis in 1956.

The historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on the beginning of war in the Suez Crisis in 1956.

The historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on the earliest steps made towards the creation of the European Union, the organization that played a crucial role in the Cold War and beyond.
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