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Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature,The 81st Worldcon Main Venue, Chengdu Science Fiction Museum


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Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature​

The architectural masterpiece has burst onto the scene to host the World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) and the prestigious Hugo Awards for the first time in China.


Amal Jos Chacko
Published: Oct 26, 2023 09:23 AM EST

The Chengdu Science Fiction Museum, in all its glory

The city of Chengdu, nestled in the heart of China's Sichuan province, has long been renowned for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. Now, it has added a new jewel to its crown with the grand opening of the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum, an architectural masterpiece that has burst onto the scene by hosting the World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) and the prestigious Hugo Awards for the very first time in China.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

Inside the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum.

For decades, Chengdu has served as the incubator for the science fiction genre in China, launching the careers of numerous Chinese authors. The city's unique traditions, deeply rooted in history and culture, have been a source of inspiration for countless storytellers.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

An aerial image of the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum.

Located within the Science & Innovation New City of Chengdu’s Pidu district, the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum boasts a design crafted by the renowned Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA). The structure appears to float gracefully above the tranquil waters of Jingrong Lake, with its roof resembling an expanding nebula cloud, radiating from a central point like a star in the night sky.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

Chengdu Science Fiction Museum, in all its glory.

The museum is not just a feast for the eyes but a marvel of engineering and sustainability. Spanning an impressive 635,070 square feet (59,000 square meters), it includes exhibition galleries, multi-function halls, and a conference center. At the heart of the museum, a sky-lit central atrium offers breathtaking views of the nearby Xiling Mountain.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

The sky-lit atrium at the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum.

The museum's design maximizes efficiency, indicated by meeting the highest 3-Star standards of China's Green Building Program. A natural hybrid ventilation system optimized for Chengdu's mild subtropical climate ensures comfort for visitors and staff year-round. Additionally, the large roof canopy is adorned with a solar panel array, reducing the building's carbon footprint.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

An alternate view of Chengdu Science Fiction Museum's interior.

The museum's commitment to the environment doesn't stop there. The surrounding park, adorned with native plants, acts as a natural reservoir for rainwater, contributing to the city's drainage system and fostering biodiversity.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

Inside the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum.

A glimpse into the museum of tomorrow​

This 21st-century marvel is no ordinary museum. It's a multifaceted space designed to host a wide array of exhibitions, conferences, and events. With multiple exhibition galleries, conference halls, event areas, galleries, and theaters, it offers an environment that mirrors the boundless creativity of science fiction itself.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

ZHA's characteristic curves depicted in Chengdu Science Fiction Museum's design.

ZHA's design philosophy is evident throughout, with its characteristic curves and cutting-edge lighting seamlessly blending with the building's futuristic theme.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

Inside the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum.

An opening for grand occasions​

The opening of the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum marked a significant milestone for Chengdu as it hosted two prestigious events: WorldCon and the Hugo Awards. For the first time, these global celebrations of science fiction and fantasy found a home in China.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

An alternate interior view of the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum

Established in 1939, WorldCon has grown to become the world's largest science fiction event, while the Hugo Awards, named after the pioneering science fiction luminary Hugo Gernsback, are the highest recognition in the genre. Chinese authors Liu Cixin and Hao Jingfang won the coveted Hugo awards in 2015 and 2016 for their works, 'The Three-Body Problem' and 'Folding Beijing,' respectively.

Chinese science fiction museum impresses by blending tech with nature

An aerial image of the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum.


The 81st Worldcon Main Venue, Chengdu Science Fiction Museum​

The 81st World Science Fiction Convention will be held in Chengdu from October 18 to 22, 2023. It's the first time that Worldcon go to China. The main venue for the convention, Chengdu Science Fiction Museum has been ready.

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