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Chinese in Oil & Gas sector of Pakistan


Mar 21, 2007
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Minister for Planning, Development, and Reform, Khusro Bakhtyar has said that China has decided to invest $10 billion in oil and gas, $4 billion in local manufacturing and steel sector and $9 billion have been approved for ML-I railway project under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

He announced this while addressing the 3rd annual two-day conference on CPEC Consortium of Universities.

The government has taken several important decisions that paved the way for the finalization of the Gwadar master plan and preliminary design of the ML-1 project, operationalization of Gwadar Port and free zone, said the minister. He added that the industrial base of the country will be expanded under the next phase of CPEC to help increase national exports.

Khusro maintained that the government has established a CPEC Authority which will provide one-window access to all the CPEC related issues so that “we can increase the pace of projects and remove all the bottlenecks for efficient implementation of the projects.”

About CPEC, he said that it will be a gateway for progress and prosperity. China has a total trade volume of $4,000 billion, however, Pakistan only has a small $80 billion trade volume in the global market.

He said that the Chinese government is investing $1 billion in the socio-economic sector in two years including cooperation in higher education. The Chinese government has also offered 20,000 scholarships for Pakistani students besides financing to build one thousand small schools in different areas of the country.

Khusro said that in the 9th JCC, China and Pakistan had decided to extend industrial, agriculture and infrastructural cooperation to initiate different projects in those areas.

We have broadened the cooperation through the CPEC in the areas of socio-economic development, agriculture, industries, infrastructure, energy and people-to-people contacts through universities for enhancing multilateral relations between the two countries.

The minister said that a diagnostic study through research is required for evaluating different potential sectors to harmonize the socio-economic development of both sides.

He said that the government wants to add new sectors including iron, mines and minerals, oil and gas, copper, pipeline, textiles, and automobile to exploit the potential of trade through the CPEC.

While addressing the conference, Ambassador of China to Pakistan Yao Jing said that Universities Consortium on CPEC will play a vital role in the completion of this mega project.

He said that CPEC provides a platform for cooperation to connect the societies, institutions, and people of both sides.
$15 billion oil refinery complex

A consortium of Chinese state-owned companies has offered to set up a $15 billion oil refinery complex that may provide some relief to Pakistan, which is grappling with the challenge of huge outflows of foreign investment in recent years.

The China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company LTD (CCP) and China Zhen Hua Import and Export Corporation have shown interest to invest $15 billion in oil refinery complex, Board of Investment (BOI) Secretary Fareena Mazhar told The Express Tribune on Tuesday.

China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company Limited is a subsidiary of the China National Petroleum Corporation and the primary builder of pipelines in China.

The company has planned to set up the refinery in four years at a site, which is not located at any of the nine prioritised Special Economic Zones (SEZs) of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). But the secretary said that the any company can seek the status of SEZ under the new rules and would be entitled to same taxes and duties concessions available to SEZs. However, the company-specific SEZ would not be entitled for the government-funded provision of utility services.

China is the third country that has showed interest in setting up an oil refinery in Pakistan after the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. The first two proposals have so far remained on paper.

The BOI would ensure fast-track processing of the Chinese offer and has already requested the Petroleum Division to review the business preposition and respond to it this week.

The BOI makes efforts to bring in foreign investors but they get stuck in undue regulatory approval procedures, said the secretary.

She hoped that unlike the first phase of CPEC, which was largely about loans for energy and infrastructure projects, the Chinese would make real investments under the second phase of CPEC.

Initially, there was expectation that CPEC would supplement the existing foreign direct investment but the numbers speak otherwise. After China started making investments in Pakistan, US was the first country to withdraw or reduce its investment in Pakistan

Daewoo Gas signs contract with Chinese company in offshore LNG terminal​

April 25, 2022

Daewoo Gas has signed a Master Engineering Procurement Construction and Finance (EPCF) contract with China National Chemical Engineering Construction Company (CNCEC) under which CNCEC would design, construct and finance an offshore LNG terminal.

The terminal would be complete with topside equipment to enable LNG filling into ISO containers for use in Pakistan. The specialized LNG containers will be moved by trucks all over Pakistan where LNG will be re-gasified at client sites.

According to a statement from Daewoo, “At its peak, Daewoo Gas’ terminal will handle 10,000 metric tons of LNG per day, improve Pakistan’s energy supply, create thousands of jobs nationally, and reduce carbon emissions.” The total foreign investment in this project including the terminal, facilities, LNG logistics and supply infrastructure is estimated to be US $300 Million.

Shahid Karim, chief executive officer of Daewoo Gas, remarked: “We plan on operationalizing the terminal within a year, before summer 2023, at Pakistan’s LNG zone in the Arabian Sea.”

Daewoo Gas also plans to use the LNG in its own long-distance bus and truck fleet operated by Daewoo Express as a substitute for more expensive and polluting diesel.

CNCEC Chairman Hu Liufang states: “We welcome the award of this significant contract by Daewoo Gas and look forward to designing and constructing world largest VLNG terminal for offshore installation. This large and ambitious project represents the ideals of CPEC industrial cooperation and technology transfer between the brotherly countries of China and Pakistan.”

Sameer Chishty, chairman of Asiapak Investments, which is the holding company for Daewoo Gas, was present at the signing ceremony and commented, “AsiaPak Investments is committed to innovative technology projects in Pakistan’s energy sector, a country with a significant energy need for industry and households.

Through this VLNG project, AsiaPak Investments contributes to further strengthening Pakistan and China’s Iron Brotherhood. We are grateful to all the stakeholders especially OGRA, Port Regulators and Government of Pakistan for their encouragement and support, ensuring uninterrupted supply of affordable energy to the people of Pakistan.”

Expertise and CPEC to boost Pakistan’s chemical industry​

By Saira Iqbal
May 26, 2023

"Local production of chemicals is very important. If Pakistan can establish a good chemical industry, build cracking plants and produce the chemicals locally from indigenous resources, our imports will be greatly reduced," said Raza Shah, senior professor of H.E.J. Research Institute Of Chemistry. Chemicals are essential for all industries and every walk of life. However, Pakistan's chemical sector is mostly dependent on imports and at a very initial stage.

The chemical industry necessitates a high level of expertise, but Pakistani graduates have had little exposure to it. To address the skilled worker shortage, it is critical to strengthen collaboration between industry and academia in this sector. "Our organization specializes in chemical research, and possesses state-of-the-art facilities. Private sector currently lacks access to these resources. With the collaboration of private industries and academic institutions, the chemical manufacturing sector in Pakistan can flourish." Raza Shah said.

China is currently a world leader in terms of the chemical industry, and it saw a significant increase in investment and exports last year. Raza Shah said China has emphasised the advancement of the cracking industry, which produces chemicals necessary for various applications, such as soap, dye, leather, textiles and cement. “China now sells its chemical products globally. Pakistan enterprises can cooperate with China in this sector to develop their own cracking industries.” He added.

Pakistan’s chemical industry can also benefit from China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC) when the 4 special economic zones(SEZs) are constructed. "There will be separate areas for chemical industry to produce chemicals for the main industries," noted Amir Qaiser, representative of Chemical Linkers Pakistan Beijing office. "We can also export chemicals from there. Pakistan has abundant raw materials for chemicals, so it can be a very potential industry.”
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