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China’s economy and military can overtake US, but it still won’t become global superpower

We are a developing country by all mean and it is mentioned by our government every year, the "super power" title was given by some western "analysts" to suits their own agenda.
I'll passed this title and honor to our neighbor, India.
We are a developing country by all mean and it is mentioned by our government every year, the "super power" title was given by some western "analysts" to suits their own agenda.
I'll passed this title and honor to our neighbor, India.
while you comfortably take nearly 1200 sq km from the territory claimed by the "supa pawa" neighbor without firing a single shot! :lol:
China will become a global superpower the day UN becomes defunct and states start looking up to SCO as an alternative to resolve their issues... Someone will fill the gap.
Says who? An Indian? China has overtaken the US militarily this much is certain and economically they also will do that. The US needs alot of Allies on it's side to confront china it can't take on China alone which goes to show you who is actully the stronger.

All these survey that has the US as number 1 is biased US based survey groups nothing based on reality. There was actully a realistic computer system designed to see the outcome of a US-CHINA war and guess what China defeated the US like 80% of the times. The only advantage the US has on China is allies and thats it but China Is stronger then the US only an ignorant would say otherwise? Just ask yourself this question how are the US suppose to overcome China in a freaking war? It is impossible it can't achieve that by itself
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Says who? An Indian? China has overtaken the US militarily this much is certain and economically they also will do that. The US needs alot of Allies on it's side to confront china it can't take on China alone which goes to show you who is actully the stronger.

All these survey that has the US as number 1 is biased US based survey groups nothing based on reality. There was actully a realistic computer system designed to see the outcome of a US-CHINA war and guess what China defeated the US like 80% of the times. The only advantage the US has on China is allies and thats it but China Is stronger then the US only an ignorant would say otherwise? Just ask yourself this question how are the US suppose to overcome China in a freaking war? It is impossible it can't achieve that by itself
Also in the event of a conflict, the Chinese people will be far more willing to sacrifice and bear personal pain for the sake of national victory than the American population, which is used to all of its luxuries.
China, already has a bigger military than Russia. Has an economy that, thanks to traitorous false Jew financiers, the Swiss, Catholics, traitorous migrants, has the industrial might and advanced technology. Has already confronted the USA. Only a nation that is already an economic and military superpower would dare to do that. No reason to build aircraft carriers and have a huge sealift capacity unless you are planning to attack somebody. Fight them now or fight them later.
America's problem is it is infested with enemies.
To become superpower, China must attack another country and slaughter its people. This is the rite of passage of all superpowers.

Personally, I think Australia is a great candidate for this one.
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China is already a global power whether anyone likes it or not. what the old farts sitting in washington and other european capitols don't realize that China has learned from the economic miseries america has suffered from by practicing its global power cuz of its ill-conceived "global policeman syndrome" where they drag european/nato nations down with them. China, in spite of being an undeclared global power, RIGHTLY has no intentions of invading/policing/governing other countries. only an absolute buffoon would want to suffer the same economic fate america has suffered through its global military misadventurism (yeah I know, india is all like "hold my glass of gow-muttar" :lol: )!
I don't think America want to be a global military hegemony in the first place. As America develop further, it realized that it can't control global trade such as Panama channel, Malaca, Red sea and Med sea without military hegemony, later it realized it can't control the Middle East oil and combine oil trade with Dollor without military hegemony. American ideology and interests force it to be military hegemony though it's more and more unwelcome worldwide. Unfortunately America is forcing China to be on the same way. China has to find a new way which could be accepted by world people. Now China has only some initiatary ideas.

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