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Featured China says US ignoring Palestinians' plight by blocking UN meet

The UNSC is held hostage by the P-5 and their blanket veto authority. Each P-5 member has used this veto power to further its own interests, including China. :what:
Pakistan should show the way. Fu(k the formalities of United Nations. If Pakistan really cares for Palestinians, they would take the lead.


Indians care a lot about the Palestinians but you are killing with COVID
whoa whoa! look who is talking about palestinians plight! lol. Xinjiang muslims are also human beings.
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whoa whoa! look who is talking about palestinians plight! lol. Xinjiang muslims are also human beings.
And they live a good prosperous life that they had never experienced in the whole history, same is also true for all the Chinese population.
And they live a good prosperous life that they had never experienced in the whole history, same is also true for all the Chinese population.
Yes they are enjoying life in education camps. nobody knows what type of education. it's a new subject.
Yes they are enjoying life in education camps. nobody knows what type of education. it's a new subject.
Certanly not the one from the western propaganda, XInjiang now is highly developed with the infrascture second to none on this planet, I won't say the same about Xinjiang's immediate neighbor like Afghanistan and other surrounding countries.
Certanly not the one from the western propaganda, XInjiang now is highly developed with the infrascture second to none on this planet, I won't say the same about Xinjiang's immediate neighbor like Afghanistan and other surrounding countries.
Great infrastructure! I have seen videos. Your camps looks absolutely amazing. I urge everyone to learn this new subject in your new camps. i mean you guys are so kind! Xinjiang is the best place on earth!
Neither Arabs nor Iranians have the balls to take the fight to Israel. For now there is no force that can counterbalance the vile state of Israel.
Great infrastructure! I have seen videos. Your camps looks absolutely amazing. I urge everyone to learn this new subject in your new camps. i mean you guys are so kind! Xinjiang is the best place on earth!
LOl, you can call whatever you see in Xinjiang a "camp" or "genocide".... Xinjiang is not the best place on earth, nowhere is. but it's way better in development level than all her surrounding countries. this is a hard fact.
United States of Israel :usflag:the amount of bidding America do for Israel they should just give honorary citizenship to every Israeli and vice Versa.
So its turns out while the U.S. regime and U.S. fanatics were defending violence and shooting down Chinas efforts to bring international support to stop the violence in Palestine, all the U.S. regime funded "human rights activist" were very bussy to make up stories about China forcing Muslims to celebrate a "fake" festival on Eid and "paying Muslims to pray" to look like Muslims are doing fine. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
Do these people never look into a mirror and ask what they are doing with their lives?

Back to topic: Did the U.S.A. already throw their veto powers around to block the second attempt or when are the talks to be concluded?
Well, as I had said in other threads on this forum, this is a chance for China to step up. Not in a military sense but as a real credible player which, sometimes, the Soviets, used to be in global affairs.

American foreign policy is hijacked by the Israeli Lobby beyond recognition. The Lobby led America to the Iraq war in 2003 and China benefited a lot. Another chance is being given.
Basically it can check mate USA
but problem is that for who?

Arabs are with isreal.. So its like defending a client who doesnt want to be defended

Why are arabs with isreal?
Because they have common enemies
I.e palestinaians (hamas) and iran

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