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China locks up one million Uyghurs in concentration camps


Nov 4, 2011
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China locks up one million Uyghurs in concentration camps

Kashgar, "The Uyghur City", 86% of the residents are ethnic Uyghurs

( Urumqi is not a Uyghur predominant city, 74.91% of the Urumqi population are Han Chinese)

China locks up one million Uyghurs in concentration camps

Kashgar, "The Uyghur City", 86% of the residents are ethnic Uyghurs

( Urumqi is not a Uyghur predominant city, 74.91% of the Urumqi population are Han Chinese)

75% Han population too low.

Uyghurs are illegal immgrants from Central Asia.

China should kick out all Uyghurs terrorists back iinto Central Asia.
Western media just can't tell the difference between different cities and their distinct ethnic features in Xinjiang, they went to Urumqi, an overwhelmingly Han predominant city ( 74.91% Han) and tried to make people believe almost everyone was gone and was locked up and the city was eerily empty.

So stupid..., predominantly Han city in Xinjiang is empty and Uyghur city is crowded, lol...

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75% Han population too low.

Uyghurs are illegal immgrants from Central Asia.

China should kick out all Uyghurs terrorists back iinto Central Asia.
Urumqi is in northern Xinjiang, Uyghurs historically lived in southern Xinjiang and Mongols and Kazakhs lived in northern Xinjiang, during Qing dynasty Dzungar Mongols rebelled against Qing and was bloodily quelled, Qing massacred Dzungar Mongols and repopulated northern Xinjiang with other ethnic groups including some Uyghurs. this is why you see all the names of places in northern Xinjiang are all in Mongolian , including Urumqi, while in southern Xinjiang, all names are in Uyghur.

Urumqi is in northern Xinjiang, Uyghurs historically lived in southern Xinjiang and Mongols and Kazakhs lived in northern Xinjiang, during Qing dynasty Dzungar Mongols rebelled against Qing and was bloodily quelled, Qing massacred Dzungar Mongols and repopulated northern Xinjiang with other ethnic groups including some Uyghurs. this is why you see all the names of places in northern Xinjiang are all in Mongolian , including Urumqi, while in southern Xinjiang, all names are in Uyghur.

Uyghurs are not Chinese natives like the Hans.

Uyghurs are Turks and Central Asian immigrants into China.
乌鲁木齐 汉族约占75%,维吾尔族约占11%,回族约占9%
Urumqi city: Han75%, Uyghur 11%, Hui 9%

Urumqi Wanda Plaza, people of different ethnic groups live peacefully side by side, ethnic lines had been largely blurred.

Western media just can't tell the difference between different cities and their distinct ethnic features in Xinjiang, they went to Urumqi

Really this is Urumqi? I thought it was Kashgar

Have to love the
NAZI Gestapo inspired Chinese police state footage:

Shhh..everything is fine..this is normal in all of China not just Xinjiang.
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Westerner: We know whats really going on in China!
China: please tell me about Uighur history
Westerner: Those arabs been living in Beijing since 50000bc until the Chinese enslaved them!
It's Urumqi, this is why I say you guys know very little about what you are talking about.

This is a landmark in Urumqi Grand Bazaar

View attachment 953918
View attachment 953919

Did you even bother watching the video??????

They took a train from Urumqi to Kashgar. The video is a half hour long and only the first few minutes was showing Urumqi then they jumped on a train to Kashgar where the majority of the video is from.

Here at the 5 minute mark they are waiting for the train to Kashgar (the ride is ridiculously long..so much for your HSR..where is it).
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Did you even bother watching the video??????

They took a train from Urumqi to Kashgar. The video is a half hour long and only the first few minutes was showing Urumqi then they jumped on a train to Kashgar where the majority of the video is from.

Here at the 5 minute mark they are waiting for the train to Kashgar (17 hours..so much for your HSR).
They did visited several places in Xinjiang, but the cover image is Urumqi, the one that gives people the impression of an empty city. why they use Urumqi city as the video cover to make their point?
Kashgar city, kids get off school and have fun in the old city. Do they look like that their parents are in "concentration camps"?

They did visited several places in Xinjiang, but the cover image is Urumqi, the one that gives people the impression of an empty city. why they use Urumqi city as the video cover to make their point?

That's just a youtube placeholder screenshot from the video.
HBO is a cable TV channel not a Youtube channel. That video was put on Youtube AFTER the show had already been aired on TV.

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Here at the 5 minute mark they are waiting for the train to Kashgar (the ride is ridiculously long..so much for your HSR).
You don't know there's no HSR railway between Urumqi and Kashgar? You believe every Chinese remote, frontier border city and town is connected with High Speed Rails? just so dumb, do you know how big China is?

That's just a youtube screenshot from the video.

View attachment 953922
You can choose a cover image on youtube, I also upload videos and I always choose the cover images by myself. and that is not a random video, it's a carefully edited one, don't be so dumb to insist on something that you yourself know is not true.
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乌鲁木齐 汉族约占75%,维吾尔族约占11%,回族约占9%
Urumqi city: Han75%, Uyghur 11%, Hui 9%

On July 5, 2009, Some Uyghurs in Urumqi started large attack on Han and Hui people in the city, killing hundreds of Han and Hui people, the next day Han and Hui people organized mob groups to seek revenge, police force quickly intervened and quelled the riots, dispersing the mobs, this quick police action literally saved whole Uyghur population in Urumqi from being annihilated by mobs.

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