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China is eager to import meat, potatoes, onions, mangoes and cherries from Pakistan

We all know these things. I wonder why the governments are just so insufficient.
You don't have a basic system in place .
No local government no institution building . Is all one man show with one man building a metro or train in a city and calling it development .
Hope after local bodies elections things improve..
It was like waiting for money to come and then improve the system . But then money would not come of you don't improve the system.
It's very complicated . Besides we as a nation dont want to change . We want to continue like we are .
If you want to see real change that would take like 2 or 3 decades of leaders today set tright directions . Countries become developed from underdeveloped in days only in rajnicanth monies not in real life .
China is eager to import meat, potatoes, onions, mangoes and cherries from Pakistan and in this regard, Chinese experts will visit quarantine facilities of the country in February this year, said Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing.

In a meeting with Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar, he said that China wanted to build stronger socio-economic ties with Pakistan and enhance its imports from Islamabad as well.

“China has a great demand for meat and poultry products and it can be a lucrative international market for Pakistan,” he stressed. “Both countries must work together for the removal of technical barriers like sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) and quarantine requirements.”

The Chinese ambassador expressed confidence in Bakhtiar as former minister for planning and development because of his contribution to the expansion of phase-II of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

And the price for local Pakistanis will go through the roof. Try comparing price of dried fruit before the exports to china

Are you suggesting the Chinese are maybe kidnapping donkeys for their nefarious designs

Like some sort of weird Chinese donkey vampires
Pakistan needs to up its game in the food and agriculture sector. We have a behemoth in our neighborhood. China needs food and lots of it. Pakistan should tap this market as much as possible. We are blessed with fertile land. Import seeds and improve techniques for better yield and quality crops.
I've been saying this for 9 yrs. Our entire North can be converted into fruit farms and then exported to China, central Asia and even Russia. Give people from the north easy loans and I'm pretty positive they will give us a nick name of fruit basket of the world.

Exporting food is a bad idea in the long run, if it causes prices to rise in Pakistan. Lack of food availability will cause hardship for the poor. So, a balance needs to be found.

The focus has to be on goods, services...

Technology my friend technology. Lol at tiny Denmark how much milk it produce and export. Pakistan is a huge land compared to Denmark and here we are worried that exporting will make good shortage.

We have entire North and entire eastern agriculturally rich soil. These lands can yield way way more if proper tech is utilized. Similarly we waste tons of water for our crops, because we are hesitant to utilize modern techs.
If prices go high, farmers will switch to vegetables and fruits. Simple demand and supply, and cost of product vs income.
China is eager to import meat, potatoes, onions, mangoes and cherries from Pakistan and in this regard, Chinese experts will visit quarantine facilities of the country in February this year, said Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing.

In a meeting with Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar, he said that China wanted to build stronger socio-economic ties with Pakistan and enhance its imports from Islamabad as well.

“China has a great demand for meat and poultry products and it can be a lucrative international market for Pakistan,” he stressed. “Both countries must work together for the removal of technical barriers like sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) and quarantine requirements.”

The Chinese ambassador expressed confidence in Bakhtiar as former minister for planning and development because of his contribution to the expansion of phase-II of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Fully stop smuggle to Afghanistan. We need to export Agricultural and Livestock products to other countries
I thought we were already importing donkeys to China.

Pakistan to earn millions by exporting donkeys to China

Donkeys are highly prized in China, especially for their hide which is used to manufacture traditional Chinese medicines. Gelatin made from donkey skin has been long considered to have medicinal properties in China.


  • Earlier in February, China had come forward with a loan offer of 42.5 billion and now, in return, Pakistan will be exporting donkeys to its "all-weather ally".

Pakistan, which has the third largest donkey population in the world, will export the animal to China, opening the avenue to earn millions from the trade, according to a media report.

Donkeys are highly prized in China, especially for their hide which is used to manufacture traditional Chinese medicines. Gelatin made from donkey skin has been long considered to have medicinal properties in China, traditionally being thought to nourish the blood and enhance the immune system.

Pakistan has the world's third largest population of donkeys with more than 5 million animals, while China stands at number one.

A senior official at the livestock department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province said Chinese companies are interested in donkey farming in Pakistan and foreign companies are ready to invest USD 3 billion, the Geo News reported.

In a bid to boost the country's exports, the live stock department has announced that it will develop donkey farms the first of its kind in the country.

According to reports, at least two donkey farms are being set up in Dera Ismail Khan and Mansehra with foreign partnership.

During the first three years, the government plans to export as many as 80,000 donkeys to China, according to the report.

Be careful with your donkey population; here across the border the chinese have decimated donkeys.
Exporting food is a bad idea in the long run, if it causes prices to rise in Pakistan. Lack of food availability will cause hardship for the poor. So, a balance needs to be found.

The focus has to be on goods, services...

I hope we do not go back to the British colonial times where we were growing what British wanted. I worry a day when our farmers would start producing soybeans instead of wheat.
Pakistan has close to five million donkeys, according to surveys conducted by the Pakistan Livestock Census and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. However, there is a scarcity of the animal in China, which has witnessed its donkey population being halved since the 1990s.

This is mainly because the demand for ejiao, a traditional Chinese medicine made out of boiling and extracting donkey skin, has risen drastically in China. The popular “miracle elixir” is thought to enrich blood and cure many illnesses including low-immunity and impotence.
Food is our lifeline. Don't play with foods. We have our own huge population to feed. Go export machinaries, carpets, textile, chemicals whatever else. Don't indulge in dancing upside down everytime an export offer arrives without giving a second thought. This obsession with foreign currencies is blinding our common senses.

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