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Bharat Mata ka Vir Jawan Opens Fire, Lobs Grenade at Own Officers Critically Injuring Them. Makes Several Fellow Bharat Mata k Sapoot Hostages

We should get rid of this soldiers and officers distinctions. It's a gulf created by colonial power to keep English officers superior to desi sipahi.
In all probability It's indian caste consciousness at display here ------- an upper caste ranker won't always gonna take orders from a Dalit commissioned officer selected on quota basis ------.
In all probability It's indian caste consciousness at display here ------- an upper caste ranker won't always gonna take orders from a Dalit commissioned officer selected on quota basis ------.
Quota in military selection?????!!!!! Is there reservation system in military also?

Who else raised this doubt? Who beat me in 'first to ask this question'?
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Rogue elements within the Indian security apparatus are jostling for leverage as India continues to war on 2 fronts.
Who was the officer behind fratricide ...
Major Bharat Balatkar . 🤔
Rogue elements within the Indian security apparatus are jostling for leverage as India continues to war on 2 fronts.
Accidental grenade blast which boomer veteran whatsapp groups were spreading as some hostage situation and fratricide.

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