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Bangladeshi Advice to Pakistan Military

Does not address my argument. The whole issue was being tackled polictically and yes there was injustice. But it gave no right for Bengali millitias to take the law into there own hands and start killing innocent people, including adbuction and rape of East Pakisani women.

Crimes against humanity under whatever pretext are unacceptable committed by whomever but when you deprive the majority off of its most basic constitutional right then you have dishonored the social contract and legally the other party is no longer under any obligation to submit to the order of the day emanating from those who sabotaged the Deal in the first instance.

This is where things go South coz of the use of brute force for enforcing one sided terms of the contract and this highhandedness exactly is the reason for almost all public uprisings. Mujeeb was put under house arrest and an operation initated against the East Pakistanis ------.
There are lots of similarities to what happened in 1971 to today however neither pti demanding independence nor there is a mukti bahani equivalent. But military mind set is same that is hurting the nation ..... They are forcing pti to become awami league and forcing pti workers to up the arms .. all of the generals since 2007 have money establish their retirement out side the county . Something went really wrong with Pakistan military establishment since 2007

They are no more looking after the people of Pakistan but everything else
Crimes against humanity under whatever pretext are unacceptable committed by whomever but when you deprive the majority off of its most basic constitutional right then you have dishonored the social contract and legally the other party is no longer under any obligation to submit to the order of the day emanating from those who sabotaged the Deal in the first instance.

This is where things go South coz of the use of brute force for enforcing one sided terms of the contract and this highhandedness exactly is the reason for almost all public uprisings. Mujeeb was put under house arrest and an operation initated against the East Pakistanis ------.

Exactly. Whatever unjust challenges were being made to East Pakistan, it gave no justification for Bengali millitias to take the law into their own hands and kill innocent West Pakistanis. Not to mention abduction and rape.

The army operation was a response to eliminate this terrorism, but in the process, a certain number of crimes were committed.

However, the actual crimes against humanity were initiated by the Bengali side and needs to be acknowledged.

The operation was NOT initiated against East Pakistanis, but against Bengali terrorist militias and their criminal acts.

Bengladesh needs to aplogise to the West Pakistani victims and their families.
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